One of my favorite accessories to shop for is handbags. I am always on the lookout for the latest fashion trends for handbags to collect. Also, I love cute handbags that look and feel like a luxury.
For obvious reasons, I am unable to afford designer handbags. My favorite designer brands on my radar for handbags are Versace, especially the fendace collaboration, and Bottega. However, the price point is too high for me now.
Since I am unable to get real designer brands, I opted to shop for designer handbag dupes instead. Dupes are lookalike of designer brands. They give off a luxury vibe on a budget.
Another option is to shop brands like Petite Simone for handbags that straight up look like luxury. They gifted me two handbags that I love. Of course, I love them a lot and can’t wait to style them in several ways. Below is my review of the Petite Simone brand.

Click here to buy a similar hobo-style handbag
How to shop for Cute handbags from Petite Simone?
Petite Simone is a high-street fashion brand listed on Amazon. They offer classic yet chic handbags that will instantly elevate your looks.
Although the handbags they offer are budget friendly yet they are luxurious too. How fast is the shipping? The shipping of handbags from petite Simone is super fast. I received my order of these cute handbags within 3 working days at my US address.
Below is my review of these bags and why you should get them ASAP.

Click here to buy a similar clutch handbag
1. Mini clutch handbag
My favorite bag is the Mini clutch handbag. I love this bag a lot because of it of its ruched detail. This type of handbag detail is one of the handbags that are viral on TikTok.
So, if you’re looking for handbags that will dominate 2023, get this handbag ASAP. I went for the nude color. You can wear this handbag as a cute handbag for a valentines day date. This handbag is perfect irrespective of what you have planned for valentines.
If you have no idea of what to do on valentines day, check out our list of fun things to do on valentine‘s for inspiration. It perfect dinner date bag or brunch date handbag. You can also wear this handbag if you’ve planned a picnic at the park.
Also, you can style it with your work wear or as a chic handbag for travel. I love that the color is versatile. You can wear this nude ruched detail handbag with vibrant colors like Yellow, red, or purple to dress it up.
It is one of the best cute handbags you need to elevate your basics.

2. Hobo shoulder handbag
The second handbag from Petite Simone is also cute. It is made just a designer dupe replica. I love this handbag as it gives off luxury on a budget vibe.
I opted for a light green shoulder bag. It is a cute handbag to wear with your casual outfit. Also, the color is cute and perfect as a summer handbag.
If you need a cute handbag for summer, I would highly recommend this shoulder bag. Also, for versatility, you can wear it with any outfit in your closet. You can elevate your basics or casual outfits with this handbag.
I also love this handbag as it is perfect to style with my workwear. So, if you have a regular job, get this handbag for work.
It is quite roomy and fits the essentials. You can fit your mobile devices, notepads, lipstick, gum, or a few makeup essentials for face touch up, etc.
I am in love with these affordable handbag brands. So, I highly recommend them if you’re looking to shop for both classic and trendy handbags. Feel free to comment on which of these bags you’d love to have. Also, I will link other favorites from this brand for you to shop for.

Click here to buy a green mini clutch handbag