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Fashion blogging: Lesson learnt+ Personal growth

Fashion blogging has evolved into a full-time job many people desire. However, they are unaware of the hard work that goes into growing a blog. So, they jump on the train clueless about this buzzing industry. In my few years as a fashion blogger, there are so many lessons that I have learned. Some, I still cringe when I think about them. Also, I have experienced growth in my blog as well. Count your blessings!. One of the biggest challenges I had was finding my voice and being unique in my way. It is so easy to want to be like another successful blogger. However, every blogger is unique in their way. So, I will be sharing some of the lessons I learned and of course growth.

Fashion blogging involves continuous learning

As a new blogger, I jumped on any train to learn things that will add value to my blog. I went as far as joining some time-wasting support group.

One of such group heads wanted me to change my blog style to follow the trend common among fashion bloggers. Thankfully, I didn’t yield because I knew clearly what I wanted.

I also paid to learn how to grow my blog. There are so many resources out there that promise you a fail-proof method to grow your blog. However, some of them are a waste of time and money.

Just like they say, you only see what you are looking for. So, I started reading a lot of articles written by other bloggers about their journey and growth. You never know how much useful information is available out there for free until you search for them.

I have been able to grow my brand, blog traffic, and other parameters for my blog. This is for free and by connecting with the right set of bloggers

fashion blogging

Have a clear niche

When I first started out as blogger, I never knew the importance of a blog niche. I started out just writing on several topics that resonate with me.

This made my blog look like a random website without a focus. A blog that doesn’t have a focus rarely stands out in the blogsphere.

The importance of having a niche cannot be over-emphasized. Fashion bloggers that have a unique niche are more successful than their peers. This is exemplary in the case of Jenny Ong, of Neon Blush.

She stood out as a fashion blogger because she had a focus. Her blog was focused on sharing how to style neutrals( mostly black and white hues). This made her very successful among the pool of bloggers out there.

So, as a fashion blogger, I have been able to niche down. I share style tips for trendy fashion pieces ( fast fashion) on a budget.

Quality pictures is key

Another lesson I learned as a fashion blogger is the importance of quality pictures. Quality pictures are a must for a fashion blogger. It is almost impossible to talk about fashion without great pictures.

I would not bother to open a fashion blog that has bad pictures. The pictures on blogs get my attention first before it’s actual content. So, as a blogger you need to learn how to take good pictures. Also, editing pictures is key.

I had struggled for some time trying to get great pictures for my content. I had to get a mobile phone with great camera quality. Also, I learned how to edit my picture to improve its quality.

Editing a picture is not a walk in the park. I am still learning how to edit my pictures for my blog. Now I am better at taking great pictures and editing them unlike when I first started.


Plan out your blog post

It is not so easy to write, take pictures, edit them, and switch outfits for a blog post. As a fashion blogger, I have a lot of skills up my sleeve that I got on this journey.

I am a writer, content creator, model, photographer, graphic designer, digital marketer, etc. All these skills are each job roles that are being done by individuals. However, as a fashion blogger, I have to learn and do them myself.

So, in order not to get overwhelmed running my blog. I plan out my content. I use a notepad that I carry around to write my blog post ideas and what I need to make such post.

All I have to is to refer to my notes to plan my blog post. For example, a blog post on a haul will involve shopping the clothes. Followed by styling the outfit, taking pictures, editing, and writing the post.

In as much as there is a lot that goes into fashion blogging. I love that I started this journey. So many have started and quit blogging. Yet, I am still on my blog journey because I am passionate about my blog. So, to draw inspiration in fashion blogging follow the journey of famous influencers like Johanna Cabral. The sky is the limit!.

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