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What do you pack on a trip to Africa? What are your travel essentials for a trip to Africa? Here I will cover what to pack for a trip to Africa for anyone visiting. These packing lists will help you enjoy the trip. Also, you can read the best travel tips you’d need and travel apps to make your trip seamless.

Leaving your region for another place isn’t always easy. As a result, you will often ask if you’re packing the right things for the trip. 

I always feel giddy and excited when I see people adding African countries to their vacation lists. So often, Africans are always leaving the continent for holidays. So, it’s exciting to see foreigners coming to our region. 

If you’re a foreigner looking to visit Africa, be sure that you will have a warm welcome. From experience, Africans are welcoming and would always strive to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. Also, check out the best places to visit in Africa and fun things to do while you plan your itinerary.

What to pack for a trip to Africa

What to pack for a trip on your visit to Africa

Packing for an Africa trip is easy. But there are some essentials that you must never forget. It helps to make your stay easier and more bearable. 

I’d like to share some things you must have when packing for a trip to Africa. 

I know you’re curious to know what they are. So, I wouldn’t keep you waiting. They are: 

Skincare product

Africa is a hot climate region, and your skin may not be used to such weather conditions. So, you should have your skincare products when packing for a trip to Africa. 

Even if you’re an African going to another African country, you should remember your skincare products. I always ensure that I have my sunscreen with me at all times.

Some of the fun activities to do in Africa are usually outdoor activities. From hiking to visiting the beach, kayaking, etc. All these would require being outside, and I’m not particularly eager to joke with my skin. So, my sunscreen would always come in handy. 

If you have other skincare products that you always use, ensure that you also take them along. 


As a tourist, I expect that you’d only sometimes be indoors. You would ideally be exploring various places and might only be indoors when it’s time to sleep. You need a backup plan to help power your devices. So, one of the most important of what to pack for a trip to Africa is a power bank.

Therefore, you should carry your power bank when packing for a trip to Africa. It is portable, and you can use it anywhere. Also, it may be that there isn’t constant electricity in the area you are visiting. And you would want to avoid a situation where your device’s battery is down. 

All you need to do is to ensure that you have a sling bag that can always contain this power bank. 

Light clothing

When visiting a new region, it is always best to consider the weather conditions. Therefore, I cannot advise anyone to take along heavy clothing when packing for a trip to Africa. 

Yes, the climate might be cold in places like Kenya. Still, it doesn’t mean that you should carry heavy clothing as it could sometimes get hot. 

It is best to pack light clothing when visiting Africa. For example, jeans, a polo, or a sleeveless dress. This is because the wealth here is quite hot. So, you need loose-fitting or basic clothes for your visit. Also, check out my blog post travel clothes for women to shop for your trip.

What to pack for a trip to south Africa

Click here to buy a maxi dress

Insect repellant

I love how much the world has advanced lately. We now have repellants that one can spray on the body without any adverse effects. These repellants help to keep away insects and ensure that nothing leaves a mark on your body. 

So, having one of these repellants on your trip to Africa is best. The region tends to have insects, and I know you wouldn’t want these bite marks on your body. 

The last time I traveled without my handy repellants, I had to deal with itches for most of my trip, making me uncomfortable. 


Oh, how much I love Africa! However, the scorching sun is something that I only sometimes enjoy. Sometimes I sit outside and try to soak in the sun. Other times, it burns so much and becomes unbearable. 

And it could get so hot that you’d begin to have a headache. So, it would be best if you also had painkillers when you pack for a trip to Africa. Asides from the headache you get from the sun, you can also experience body pains. It comes when you visit various places and experience fatigue. 

Would you rather the tiredness hold you down and prevent you from having fun? So, your list of what to pack for a trip to Africa is incomplete without painkillers.


It should be a no-brainer that you have to carry along a camera when visiting a new place. However, let this be your reminder if you have forgotten. 

How can you even think of visiting without your camera? You will regret it if you do, as there are many things to do in Africa and beautiful places to explore. You would want to capture memories, and your camera makes that possible. 

It is also best to have a memory card on your camera, so you do not run out of space. In addition, the memories will remind you of the time you visited Africa and make you want a return visit.  Below I will be linking the camera I use for blogging, Canon E550D. I love it because it is easy to use even for an amateur.

what to pack for traveling the world

Click here to buy Canon E550D

Accessories for your head: Scarves, hats, face caps

Again, let us remind you that there is a high tendency for the weather to get hot while you’re in Africa. So it may be hotter than what you’re used to in your region. 

Thus, it would be handy to have headgear when packing for a trip to Africa. It could be a face cap or hat. What matters is that it protects your head and protects you from the scorching sun. 

In addition, if you’re looking for something to help you out during a bad hair day, the headgear will protect you. I can’t even imagine traveling without headgear. So why should anyone do that?

What to pack for a trip

Click here to buy Fedora hats


It’s cool when people wear sunglasses. Sometimes, you’d notice that you took a super cool picture, but your eyes refused to cooperate in the picture. In such a case, your sunshade would cover the eyes, and your image would be perfect. 

You may say that I’m biased because I love sunglasses. However, it is common knowledge that one looks badass when wearing sunglasses. Also, you would want to protect your eyes from the hot African sun. 

If you do not have sunglasses, this should be your cue to get one. Your African traveling bag is only complete with sunglasses. 

What to pack for a trip to Kenya

Click here to buy sunglasses.


You can only sometimes depend on your accommodation facility for your toiletries. These are essential items you must have when traveling to any place, and Africa is no exception. You want to avoid a situation where you’d be stranded when you need toiletry. 

Your soap is something you should remember. There are high chances that you have a specific soap you use, and you might not get it in the region you’re visiting. Amongst essential toiletries, I suggest that you pack wet wipes when traveling. It makes stain removal easier and faster. 

You shouldn’t see toiletries as something hard to pack when traveling. 


See, your passport should be the first thing you pack when planning a trip to Africa. It is what admits you to new regions as the immigration authorities would need to sign and stamp on your passport. You can only leave your area for an international country if you have a passport. 

So, if you’re packing for a trip to Africa, you should have your passport. If it has expired, you should go and renew it. It is a vital document for anyone who engages in international travel. 

Africa is a fun place to visit with so many fun things to do. With this list of what to pack for a trip to Africa, your visit will be seamless. Below is a miscellaneous list of what to pack for a trip to Africa:

  1. Yellow Fever Vaccine card: Yellow fever is common in some parts of Africa. So, you need to protect yourself from contracting this ailment. So, a yellow fever vaccine card is a must when making a list of what to pack for a trip to Africa.
  2. Visa: You can travel to Visa-Free countries in Africa depending on your country while you may need a visa to visit too. Check with immigration.
  3. Another thing to add to your list of what to pack for a trip to Africa is a pair of sneakers. You may want to explore hiking on your visit, this will come in handy. Africa has so many fun mountains and hills you can visit. So, you’d definitely need hiking shoes.

Travel resources you need to travel to Africa.

  1. Travel insurance: Get your insurance ready from Insubuy
  2. Flight tickets: Book cheap flight tickets from

3. Book your stay in any hotel of your choice. Get the best deal with Trivago.

4. Opt for hotel alternatives by booking your stay in a hostel. Network and have a fun trip by booking a hostel using hostelworld.

5. Solo traveler? I have you covered. Plan your trip with the best tour group for a fun-filled time in Africa. Book your tour using GetYourGuide. You can get a tour for as low as $30.

Have a fun trip to Africa. Don’t forget to follow this list of what to pack for a trip to Africa. Feel free to comment below.

What To Pack For A Trip To Africa| 10 travel must have not to forget

Yes, I know you’d say I’ve come again. But did you know that there are ways you can travel the world for free? They may not be the ‘conventional’ ways, but indulging in them would get the dream done. 

Many people often aspire to travel anywhere in the world, but monetary constraint often holds them back. You can choose to save money for travel or simply seek opportunities to travel for free. As someone who likes exploring, there are times when I’ve had to put a planned trip on hold because of insufficient funds. After all, who wants to be stranded in a strange place? 

The strong desire to travel to many places got me wondering if there are ways one can travel anywhere in the world for free. I was doubtful at first and even pushed the thought to the back of my mind. But, travel anywhere in the world for free? How? Would I walk there? Wouldn’t I have to pay for my flight? How can I find cheap flight tickets for my trip?

But my curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to research and began to see some exciting things I would share with you. The more I checked, the more excited I got as I began to see that it was feasible to travel the world for free. 

How to travel the world for free

Below are some ways you can travel anywhere in the world for free. You get to enjoy free accommodation from hotel alternatives, free flights and even get paid while traveling the world.

Au Pair

One of the easiest ways to travel the world for free is via Au pair. Have you heard about the Au Pair system before? By being an Au Pair, you declare that you can provide the service of helping families take care of their children. Most countries today operate an Au Pair system where they help connect families with caretakers of their children. 

When you sign up on the Au Pair website of any country, you get to fill in your details. Then, people can search through profiles of potential Au Pairs, and you may be lucky to get picked. 

Typically, your host family takes care of you as an Au Pair. You get to stay with this family as you provide the Au Pair services, thus eliminating the stress of looking for accommodation or having to pay rent. 

For example, let’s say you are from Germany and you register on the Netherlands Au Pair website. When you get picked up by a host family, you can travel to the Netherlands for free as your host family bears the cost.

In the Netherlands, you get to help the family take care of their children and experience the country as a tourist. Luckily, you have a host family that lets you learn the country’s routine quickly and shows you how to go about everything. 

Not only do you get to visit the country for free, but you also get to enjoy yourself as you explore.  

travel the world for free as an au pair


I’m sure you must have heard people talking about volunteering before. Interestingly, I’ve seen that being a volunteer is a way to travel the world for free. 

To become a global volunteer, you must get affiliated or attached to an organization accepting international volunteers. This way, you can be sure that you can apply to become a volunteer in any part of the world that you desire. 

As a volunteer in any country, you are not paid for the work that you would be doing there. After all, you are a ‘volunteer.’ The idea is that you are offering the service because you are passionate about it and you want to make an impact.  

However, the body or organization you are signed under is in charge of your welfare as you are in a new place, and you do not have to spend your time. Now, you can travel anywhere in the world for free while making an impact. You can decide that you want to spend two months each in any country while you actively volunteer for a year. Therefore, you would be visiting about six countries in a year. 

But, I would advise that you are passionate about volunteering before getting into it. Your sole reason for volunteering shouldn’t be because you want to be able to travel anywhere for free. Click here for volunteer jobs you can opt for. Some are paid stipends while most are free work.

how to get paid to travel anywhere

Work exchange programs

Another way you can travel the world for free is through work exchange programs. The idea here is that you can offer your services to people in that country and get other offerings in return. Yes, it may seem similar to the Au Pair system. However, it is more attractive as it isn’t only limited to taking care of children. 

There are many websites available to help you with work exchange programs. All you need to do is check for a suitable one, sign up for it and enlist the skills or services you can provide.  

You are good at content creation, corporate communications, and branding. Someone who goes through such a website is in dire need of an individual who can provide such services for their brand and doesn’t mind covering your bills and sponsoring your trip to their physical location for you to help with their brand.

Now, you get to leave your home country, and you’re doing it for free. After the expiration of that contract, you might also get an offer from someone else. Then, when the requests keep coming in, you’d see that you’d be traveling anywhere in the world for free. 

So, you need to check within yourself and identify what you can do (the services you can provide) for people. 

House swaps

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that such a thing exists and that there were websites that make this happen. The idea here is for people to experience other places apart from their region for some time. 

So, you’re tired of staying in Nigeria and feel like you need a change of environment. However, you do not have much money to sort out accommodation if you decide to leave the country. Well, why not try house swaps? 

The idea here is to have individuals swap houses for some time. The same way you’re tired of staying in Nigeria could be the same way someone is tired of living in Ghana. Now, if both of you interact, you can decide to swap houses for some time.

So, the other individual comes to Nigeria and stays in your home for free while you also do the same in Ghana. It is a win-win situation as you do not need to pay for accommodation, and you also get to leave your immediate environment. 

I may try this soon, even though I cannot say when. And you can be sure I will be back with a gist to tell you how it went.  

travel the world for free

Help someone when moving

I can’t even lie; the first time I stumbled on this idea, I laughed uncontrollably as it was such a feasible surface idea. Yet, I wondered how it had not become widespread and popular. What am I even doing with this driver’s license that I have? 

I’m sure you are beginning to connect the dots as you read this…

One of the ways you can travel anywhere in the world for free is by helping someone when they are moving. For example, let’s say you’ve been in Nigeria all your life, and your close friend is moving to a West African country. You’ve never left Nigeria before, which may be a golden opportunity to visit another West African country. After all, you do not need a visa to visit these countries. 

So, you can offer to help your friend drive the moving truck to the new country. As you can see, it allows you to travel the world for free. After all, you will get a free ride as your friend pays for the fuel. The only thing is that you would be the one driving for long hours. However, it’s a small price to pay to visit a new country for free. 

I’m excited at this option for some reason and cannot wait to share it with everyone around me. Your driver’s license can come in handy in different practical ways. 

How to travel the world for free (Get paid to travel)

Do you know what time of the year it is? It’s that time of the year to partyyy! If you can’t tell already, I’m excited that the year will end. The December holiday season is upon us, and it is one of my favorite seasons. So, I will share the best holiday party outfits you need to shop for ASAP!

December means no work, and I get to spend more time with family and friends. Another thing I love about December is the office parties I get to attend. Aside from my office party, I also anticipate following my friends to their office parties. 

One thing about me is that I love to dress up. I always ensure to look good, which also applies when attending office parties. I often get people who ask me what they should wear when attending office parties. 

Of course, your office is throwing a party this December, and I want you to look gorgeous. So, I’ll share exquisite Christmas party outfit ideas perfect for your office party. 

Cute Holiday party outfits

Below are some of my best recommendations for Christmas party outfits that make you look chic for that office party. These outfits are easy to style. Also, you can transition them easily from work to Christmas party outfits effortlessly.


The thing about office parties is that you’re trying not to look overly official. However, you also do not want to seem too casual. After all, it is still an official party, and you’re back to these colleagues after the holiday. 

So, a jumpsuit is one of the perfect outfits to strike a balance. A jumpsuit is a perfect work outfit idea for women. I love how jumpsuits come in different styles lately. It leaves you looking sharp and chic. You can pair the jumpsuit with heels or sneakers, depending on your preference.

It’s also one of the easiest outfit ideas that you rock. 

Holiday party outfits

Click here to buy a Jumpsuit

Two-piece sets

Another of the best holiday party outfits is a two-piece set. Two pieces are the latest fashion rave, and you can rock them for an office party. It could be a two-piece trouser outfit or a skirt outfit. You show yourself as trendy whenever you wear such an outfit. 

If you love getting compliments for your outfits, I can assure you that you will get lots of them when you rock a two-piece. It leaves you looking like the star of the show. 

There are ready-made two-piece available outfits you can get. You can also sew one if you are particular about a specific style. 

If you’d rather sew, ensure your tailor starts now. Else, it would be a case of what I ordered versus what I got. 

work holiday party outfits

Click here to buy a top and suede skirt set.


Palazzo pants? Are pallazo pants still in style in 2022? 

You should rock palazzo if you’re stuck on what to wear for your office party. The fitting palazzo pants leave you looking outstanding. I also love pallazo pants are a great option travel clothes for women.

I love how these pants are not selective when it comes to tops. You can rock it with a sleeveless top or even a top with ruffles. It also doesn’t select footwear, as you can pair it with heels or sneakers. 

Trust me; you will be glad you picked this idea to rock for your office party. It is simple, classy, and gorgeous. You would have heads turning when you walk past them. 

Christmas party outfit ideas

Click here to buy Pallazo pants

Wrap dress

See, you might say I’m bringing back outfit ideas that aren’t trending anymore. But who made the rules? Who says that you cannot wear wrap dresses anymore? I know that it might seem like I’m biased, but these are one of my favorite dress types. 

A wrap dress is a perfect bridge between being casual and corporate. I love wrap dresses as one of the best holiday party outfits to wear for work parties. It leaves you looking elegant and puts you in the perfect mood.

However, with my small bust, I always have to wear a bandeau tube for a modest look. I hate adjusting my outfits because my boob may be spilling out. Yet, I love wrap dresses for work or parties.

Trust me; there’s no way you wouldn’t be in the mood to take pictures when you rock a wrap dress. You’d take lots of pictures until your camera gets tired of you. 

work christmas party outfits

Click here to buy a wrap dress

Maxi dresses

Maxi dresses are also another great option for holiday party outfits, especially when you want to look like the rich aunty of the office. These dresses are comfortable and effortless to wear. I love that the dresses are also not selective regarding footwear. You can even get away with wearing slippers when you wear maxi dresses

These dresses are breathable and can dance all you want when wearing them. Some people limit the wearing of maxi dresses. But allow me to tell you that you can also rock them to office parties. Yes, maxi dresses are not limited to church worship alone. 

Christmas party outfits

Click here to buy a maxi dress

Tulle skirt

Another cute holiday party outfits to wear for a work party is a tulle skirt. These skirts are also perfect for rocking an office party. And you can rock these skirts with any top you desire. I love how it leaves me looking pretty whenever I can rock them. Also, I can use any footwear I want when rocking this skirt, including flat shoes. 

These skirts are also perfect for dancing. I imagine the cute swirls I can do when I rock this skirt. What better way to party than with such a skirt? So, If you need one of the best holiday party outfits, wear a tulle skirt.

Crochet Outfits

Crochet tops, skirts, etc. Whatever it may be, you can rock it to your office party as long as it is crochet. 

There are many cute crochet outfits. I cannot say which you should pick when attending your office party. I have an array of them in my wardrobe, and I can choose any I desire. You need to start topping your collection if you do not have a crochet outfit. 

Some of my friends are into crocheting, and I ensure always to patronize their business. It would be best if you also did the same. 

best christmas party outfit ideas

Click here to buy a crochet dress

Silk dress

Oh, how I love the feel of silk dresses on my body! I always feel on top of the world when I wear them. So, believe me when I say these are one of the best party outfit ideas you can rock for your office party. These dresses would always leave a woman looking elegant. 

It makes you feel more feminine, and your steps have an extra strut as you’re walking. You can also decide to be extra and do hair flips randomly. Don’t forget to change from heels to slippers when the dancing extends on the dance floor. 

Casual holiday party outfits

Click here to buy a Silk dress

Velvet Clothing

You didn’t think of this, did you? It isn’t the regular type of material you’d find people wear commonly except on special occasions. So, who says your office party cannot be your special occasion? Go big or go home, right? 

It could be a velvet skirt, gown, or even pants. When paired right, it leaves you looking sexy and gorgeous. 

casual holiday party outfits

Click here to buy a Velvet dress

Pleated skirts

One of my favorite holiday party outfits is a pleated skirt. Pleated skirts are super chic. I love pleat skirts as a work or casual outfit.

For holiday parties, I would recommend you shop for a burgundy or wine-color-pleated skirt. You can wear pleat skirts with bodysuits, graphic t-shirts, cowl neck tops, etc. I have my eyes on burgundy pleated skirts for the coming holidays. So, if you need a perfect holiday outfit idea, wear a pleated skirt.

Cute holiday party outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pleated skirt

What to wear to company holiday party

Click here to buy a Lavender dress

Christmas holiday party outfit ideas

Click here to buy a mini dress

10 cute holiday party outfits perfect for your work parties

One of the major costs to factor in while traveling is hotel accommodation. Although, you can skip spending much on hotels by seeking hotel alternatives that are budget-friendly. This could be passing a night at a friend’s place or couch surfing.

I love to stay in hotels that are budget-friendly while exploring different places in Nigeria. So, here are my recommendation for the best hotels in Nigeria to stay on a budget. You get to enjoy a feeling of luxury without breaking the bank.

One hotel that I stay on my visit to Ilorin while exploring the best thing to do in Ilorin is the Princess luxury hotel. I found it on a listing in Ilorin. You get to stay in a neat luxury room, enjoy buffer breakfast inclusively, and enjoy Friday nightlife at the club. of course, it made the list below.

However, some people have contacted me asking for budget-friendly hotel recommendations across Nigeria. See, I love it when people create fun for themselves. Taking a vacation doesn’t always mean that you must leave the country. Visiting another state or city also counts!

For those who think it’s already late to plan a vacation, let me tell you that it’s not. There is still time to plan the perfect vacation, even if it’s last minute. 

Best Hotels in Nigeria to stay

So lovely people, I’ll share some of the top budget-friendly hotels in Nigeria, cutting across different cities. 

Princess Luxury Hotel Ilorin

 Ilorin is one of the most underrated cities in Nigeria, but it still stands as a tourist home. If you’re looking to escape your everyday chaos, you can spend some time in Ilorin. 

This hotel is one of the top standard hotels in the city. But, the first time I learned about the hotel, I thought it would be pricey. So, imagine my shock when I saw the affordable prices. It is one of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in on a budget.

This hotel is giving!

It has everything you need in a hotel, including a swimming pool. I also love that you can cancel your bookings free anytime. Click here to book your stay at Princess Luxury hotel Ilorin.

Best hotels in Nigeria
Gym at Princess Luxury hotel

Liberty Guest House Obudu

Obudu cattle ranch is one of the top tourist attractions in Nigeria. Located in Cross River State, I see many people and families eager to spend time at this resort during the holiday. From its serenity to the weather condition and much more, including the cable cars, Obudu is a place you’d love to visit. 

However, lodging at the ranch can be expensive. So, you can opt for this budget-friendly hotel close to the resort. In addition, staying at this place allows you to interact better with the locals. Are you planning on attending the upcoming Calabar carnival? Liberty Guest house Obudu is a perfect place to stay while you enjoy the carnival. You get to visit the ranch and enjoy the carnival at the same time.

What is the date of the Calabar carnival? Calabar Carnival is a yearly event that takes place in December. It is a festive event that runs from December 1 to December 31st. So, if you need a fun festive event to attend, opt for the annual Calabar Carnival.

Although it is a budget-friendly hotel, its standards are still high. For example, all its rooms have ACs. 

His Grace Hotel Ibadan

Ibadan has fast become a favorite place for many people to spend their holiday. You’d often find Lagosians opting to visit Ibadan due to all that it has to offer. 

I also have many things to say about Ibadan like fun things to do in Ibadan as well the best food hotspot. I have many stories, from train rides to other fun adventures. And I can tell you that Ibadan is a fun place to explore. 

His Grace Hotel has to be one of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in on your visit to Ibadan city. It gives you the comfort you desire and allows you to access other areas of the city easily. 

Happy Planet Hotel Enugu

If I could relocate to any other city in Nigeria, Enugu would be one of my top choices. Back then, I had friends who wanted to do their NYSC in this city, saying it would be a wonderful experience. I only understood the hype of this city after I visited it. 

Enugu is one of the cleanest and most peaceful states I have visited. Happy Planet Hotel is located within GRA in Enugu. Happy place hotel is one of the best hotels in Enugu to stay on a budget. So, it is a no-brainer for it to be added to the list of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay. This hotel has delightful staff and is also easily accessible to various areas in the city. It’ll only take a few minutes to go from this hotel to ShopRite Enugu. 

Whispering Palms Badagry

For a resort, Whispering Palms Badagry is one of the top budget-friendly hotels in Nigeria. It is one the best hotels in Nigeria suitable for a honeymoon on a budget. When people think of resorts, it’s normal to believe they are expensive. After all, we are all used to getting exorbitant prices for most of these resorts. However, Whispering Palms differs as it offers affordable prices. 

If you’re looking to stay at this place, you’ll always have activities to do. It is a fantastic place to spend your holiday and enjoy yourself. You should also check out the slave trade museum at Whispering Palms.

Budget Friendly hotels in Nigeria

Seymour Hotel Nnewi

If you’re looking for a town that immerses you in the Igbo culture in an incredible way, Nnewi is the place for you. It is one of the underrated cities in the eastern part of Nigeria. 

The locals of this city are friendly, and it has an upbeat environment. One of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in Nnewi is Seymour hotel. Seymour hotel is at the heart of the town and gives you access to many locations, including Roban stores. Have you been to Nnewi if you have not heard of or visited Roban stores? 

Seymour hotel offers you comfort at the most affordable rates you can think of.

Kelsey Greene Villa Lagos

Kelsey Greene villa is one of the best hotels in Lagos strategically located close to the international airport. I can’t pinpoint it, but there’s something about this hotel that endears you to it. You’ll feel so comfortable when you’re in this place that you wouldn’t want to leave. 

It is located in Ikeja, which is accessible to the mall and other places. For a hotel in such a strategic location, one would think that this place would be expensive. However, the contrary is the case, as their prices are affordable compared to other hotels. 

It is a hotel that gives you all the feels you need, and you’d enjoy your stay there. Click here to book your stay at Kelsey Greene villa, Ikeja, Lagos.

District Hotel Uyo

Some people would argue that Uyo is the cleanest city in Nigeria. I want to avoid arguing about this as it isn’t the article’s aim. However, this hotel is one of the best hotels in Nigeria you’d get for a budget-friendly price. 

I encourage people to visit Uyo during the holiday as it is peaceful. You also get to enjoy local delicacies and other local entertainment. 

Not a shade to Lagosians, but you’ll not experience traffic in Uyo. If you ask around, many people would also recommend District Hotel. If you want to enjoy your stay in Uyo, you should lodge at this place. 

Atican Beach Resort Hotel

What do you think about staying in a resort for your holiday? I wouldn’t mind such baby girl treatment as I am sure to have the time of my life. 

Yes, some people would say that resorts are expensive. However, there are some affordable resorts, and the Atican beach resort is one. Atican beach is one of the most beautiful and best hotels in Nigeria to stay in Lagos.

I love that this place is beautiful and gives me good spots to take pictures. It also allows me to enjoy my quiet time and indulge in many other activities. It also allows you to mix with other people, and the food on the resort is alright. 

Gomays Plaza Hotel Calabar

There was a time when there was a lot of buzz around Calabar being the tourist destination of Nigeria. The city has announced that its annual Calabar Carnival is back this year. It has been on hold since covid in 2020. 

So, if you’re looking for a place to spend your holiday, consider visiting Calabar. Gomays Plaza is one of the hotels with budget-friendly prices and still gives you quality and standard services. In addition, it is strategically located near nightlife and food areas. 

When people think of Calabar, the Obudu resort comes to mind. However, it is best to remember that Obudu is about an 8 hours drive from Calabar. Therefore, when you’re in Calabar, you should visit places like the Christmas village and Marina Resort. 

Ocean View Villa Tarkwa Bay

Again, I am here to debunk the thought that all resorts are expensive and out to wreck your pocket. If you keep having this mindset, you will deprive yourself of the fun you could have enjoyed by visiting these places. 

Ocean view villa is a budget-friendly hotel in Nigeria that is obsessed with its customers. Their goal isn’t only about your money, but they are out to ensure you are comfortable. So when you lodge at this place, you will believe that they have your best interest at heart and out to ensure that you get value for your money. 

The ocean view is one of the top luxury hotels in Nigeria to stay on a budget. It is recommended if you’re in a group as the cost per head is cheaper. You get to enjoy the beach view as well as spend time at Tarkwa Bay beach for free.

Rolling Kings Hotel Badagry

Those who have been to this place would concur that the fun is unlimited. It is best to keep an open mind when visiting this area. It is close to many bars and restaurants, and you can enjoy exploring these places. The hotel staff are also friendly and always on standby to help you with any issues.

Rolling kings hotel is by no doubt one of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in Badagry. I had a terrible experience in the previous hotel I booked online, so I switched to this hotel. It was worth it.

The hotel is also beautiful and has a swimming pool. However, with all the hotel offers, it is shocking to see its prices are fair and affordable. Well, I am not complaining, and I highly recommend it!

Best hotels in Badagry Lagos

Jade’s Court Lagos

From the name of this place, you can already tell that it is a fancy place to stay. Yes, names can be deceiving, as some places with posh names do not live up to expectations. However, the difference is the case at Jade’s court, as it lives up to whatever expectation you might have. 

I’ve been to this place several times, and it’s always a pleasant experience. There are games to play as a visitor in this place, and you also interact with others. Jade’s court is a home away from home for all lodgers. 

Affordable hotels in Lagos Nigeria

Landmark Resort Hotel

There is no need to look for any other hotel to stay in when you visit the landmark beach. This resort hotel is an excellent option, and it comes at a fair price for a resort. So, if you need one of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in Lagos, definitely go for Landmark hotel. It allows people to partake in lots of fun activities. I always tell people to do a sleepover whenever they go to Landmark resort. Do you plan to explore all the fun in a day? 

There is a calming effect whenever you stay at this hotel. It allows you to be free, calm, and have peace of mind. You will surely have a pleasant stay here, including friendly and receptive staff. 

Hartford Hotel Port Harcourt

Bole and fish is the first thing that comes to mind whenever I think about Port Harcourt. No matter how much I’ve eaten, my tummy always has space for PH bole and fish. 

The buzzing city of Port Harcourt always has me excited. As someone who has spent most of her life in Lagos, Port Harcourt is similar to Lagos, and I love its local delicacies. I also enjoy the nightlife in Port Harcourt. If you’re not careful, you can finish all your money while in Port Harcourt due to its exciting lined-up activities. 

Hartford hotel is one of the best hotels in Nigeria to stay in on your visit to Port Harcourt. It is strategically located close to the fun things in Port Harcourt.

Therefore, this hotel helps you save money as it is one of the budget-friendly hotels in Nigeria. 

15 Best hotels in Nigeria that are budget-friendly

The festive season is around the corner and it wouldn’t be surprising if you’re already planning your next trip. It could be going to another region within your country or even leaving the country. Whatever the case, what matters is that you have the best travel accessories to make your trip seamless.

While on your trip, forgetting to pack some essential travel accessories may be a disaster. These accessories would always come in handy in one way or the other. So, I will be sharing the best travel accessories I always add to my travel packing list.

Best travel accessories

You may be wondering about these travel accessories and I’d talk about them in this article.

If you’ve always wondered what the best travel accessories a woman would need on any trip, I’ll be listing them below in no particular order:

Lip Balm

You don’t want to be caught talking to people with chapped lips, do you? Presentation matters a lot especially as a traveler and you can change a lot when you use a lip balm. 

It’s one of the first things you’d see in my bag, and I’d say every woman should have a lip balm when traveling.

Aside from the fact that it helps with your overall looks and presentation, it also helps to boost your confidence. Yes, I may not need to bother about heavy makeup when I travel as long as I have my lip balm. When arranging your travel accessories for your next trip, ensure to throw a lip balm or two into your bag.

unique travel accessories

Click here to buy lip balm


 Are you one of those who cannot do without their headsets? I’m unapologetically someone you’d always see with a headset, even if I’m only sitting in my garden. Blasting music on my headset helps calm me down and puts me in a better and more vibrant spirit. 

So, I cannot imagine traveling without my sets and I cannot encourage anyone to do such. There are times when you may need to have alone time or block out certain noises, and you’d surely need the headset.

If you do not have one, I can assure you that it’s one of the best investments you’d make. Asides from my headset another of the best travel accessories you’d need is a book. I love to read books while traveling.

Best travel accessories

Click here to buy a headset for travel


There are some things I can apply to stress me while on a trip, but never a bad hair day. Bad hair day? I’d simply whip out my scarf and I’m good to go.  One of the best travel accessories you need is a scarf.

Of course, I cannot be caught looking unfresh when I step out, especially if I decide to vacation outside the country. Therefore, a scarf comes in handy to help arrange my hair. 

There are also times when I may need to protect my head from the scorching sun and my scarf becomes useful at that moment. For those who may not know, a scarf is one of the latest fashion trends for women, and every woman should own one. You can my post on how to wear scarves to get much use from this wardrobe must-have for women.

best travel accessories for long flights

Click here to buy a scarf

Comfy Blanket

A woman would need different travel accessories when going on a trip and a comfy blanket is one of the best travel accessories there is. Now, I’m not saying that there wouldn’t be comfortable blankets when you get to your accommodation.

However, you’d need a portable comfy blanket to carry around. You can use this blanket on the plane when the cold gets too much or even when you hang out on the beach. 

I always have fun buying new comfy blankets as I get to play around with colors. Today you’d see me with a sky-blue blanket and it could be a pink blanket tomorrow. Start exploring your blanket choices today! It is one of the best travel accessories for women.

Useful travel accesories

Click here to buy a blanket for travel


If you’re like me, I’d take it that you are also obsessed with your skin and would want to stay glowing. 

Understanding that the weather condition differs in various places helps you know that you need to take preventive measures for your skin. Although I’d not mention the country, there was a time when I traveled somewhere and the hotness was more than I anticipated. It often seemed like the sun was burning my face and my sunscreen helped me that period.

The fact that you’re going on a trip doesn’t mean that you should be negligent about your skincare routine. Therefore, one of the best travel accessories for any woman is sunscreen.

luxury travel accessories

Click here to buy spf30 sunscreen


Off the top of my head, this is the first accessory I would mention when anyone asked me for travel accessories for women. Those who know me would say that sunglasses are one of my signature looks. I always feel weird when I step out of the house without my sunglasses. 

I always feel extra confident and cool whenever I rock a sunshade. You’d even notice that there would be an extra bounce in my steps, which is what I’d want when I’m visiting a new place. In addition, sunglass would also help to protect your eyes. See? You’re killing two birds with one stone!

travel accessories for women

Click here to buy Michael Kors sunglasses

Gadget Charger

Except you plan to cut communication with others while on your trip, you’d need to take your charger when planning a vacation. In fact, it should be one of the first things that should go into your bag when you’re packing. 

I cannot imagine being on a trip and having to deal with dead devices. How would I communicate with loved ones? How would I document the experience through pictures and videos? How would I know what’s happening on social media? Now you can see that a charger is one of the most important travel accessories you need to pack for your next trip. Trust me, life can be boring without your gadgets in a new location.

Power bank

It would be wrong for me to talk about gadget chargers and not mention a power bank. You cannot rule out the possibility of your device’s power going flat while you’re enjoying yourself. 

It could be while enjoying a picnic or taking a boat trip. You’d notice that you’re slowly becoming anxious because your gadgets are low. To avoid such from happening, you need to carry a power bank when going on a trip.

Besides, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. Having a power bank shows that you are equipped and prepared for the trip. Also, you need to pack an extra camera battery if you’d need to create content on your travel. You never know what you’d see and the exhilarating experiences you’ll have on your trip.

must have travel accessories

Click here to power bank


 How do you plan to pack stuff when you’re moving around? For example, you plan to go hiking or camping during your trip. You’d need a bag that can take your essentials as you move along and explore. Thus, I always advise that one should have a backpack when going on a trip. Even if you’re a remote worker, your backpack would comfortably take your laptop and other gadgets that you may need. 

I love that you can stuff many things inside a backpack and there’d still be space. Ever heard that you shouldn’t search the backpack of a woman? Well, you never know what you might find when you search for it!

cute travel accessories

Click here to buy a waterproof backpack


The thought of this alone gets me excited when I’m going on a new trip. As a camera owner, I always look forward to documenting my trips. So when planning a vacation, I know that my camera would have lots of new experiences. It is almost impossible for me to travel without a camera. 

Yes, I know that not everyone may own a camera. But if possible, I advise that you get one as it is one of the best travel accessories that you can take on any trip. The memories you record with your camera will stay with you for a long time.

best travel accessories for men

Click here to buy a Canon camera

Water Bottle

 As you’re preparing for your trip, hope you have a water bottle. I’m not a health expert, but I know that it’s good to stay hydrated at all times. Some travelers get carried away with fun and forget to drink water. This is your reminder that water is essential and you’d need a water bottle while on your trip. 

Imagine going hiking without a water bottle. Yes, I know that a horror movie just played out in your head by that image. Therefore, ensure to pack a water bottle to avoid stories that touch the heart.

travel essentials

Click here to buy a water bottle


People say that looking good is good business. However, I’d love to add that smelling good is good business. You’re wrong if you’re embarking on a trip with your perfumes. 

Now, I’m not saying that you must have an enormous perfume collection. However, you should have some bottles that you’d spray before stepping out at all times.

It leaves you smelling and may even get you the right attention.

Neck pillow

Sometimes, it could be that you’re planning a trip that’s taking you to another country and the trip could be for long hours. In this case, you may be using a flight and you’d need to get comfortable during the trip. Therefore, you’d need a neck pillow to help you relax better. 

Yes, you can fly without the neck pillow. However, the fact that it makes life better is why I recommend it as one of the best travel accessories for women.

what to pack for travel

Click here to buy a neck pillow

Sling bag

So, it could be that you’re not in the mood to take many things out. However, you need a place to hold your money, phones, and lip balm. It is where a sling bag comes in. You can easily put it on your body and get on with your activities for the day. I love that it is easy to carry around.

I can’t even live without my sling bag and don’t think there’s a reason why any woman shouldn’t have one.

Baby wipes

Do you know that face you make when you come across annoying stains that just seem like they won’t get off? Ugggh I know that feeling and it often gives me a headache. However, using baby wipes has proven to be helpful with such annoying stains.  

Sometimes it could be an accidental coffee spill. Baby wipes are helpful to clean such stains and also leave you hygienic. It is surely an essential travel accessory for women.


Wait! I’m not saying that you should pack your library when going on a trip. However, you should take along some books to ensure that you’re not bored. You can read to kill time while traveling and you can also keep yourself occupied with books in the evenings. I’m not here to suggest the type of books you should read as everyone has their preference. However, having books while embarking on a trip comes in handy.

Jewelry and Cosmetic Box

I always hear people complaining about losing their jewelry or some makeup items when they travel. Understandably, people tend to get disorganized while having fun. It is why you would need a jewelry or cosmetic box. 

Instead of keeping your jewelry and cosmetic items anyhow, you now have a dedicated and special place to keep them. Now, the chances of misplacing them are lesser.

useful travel accessories

Click here to buy a Jewelry box


Did you really think I was going to mention travel accessories for women without talking about swimsuits? If you thought so, it means you do not really know me.  

I love that there are different varieties when it comes to women’s swimsuits, allowing these women to express themselves however they desire.

If you’re traveling without a swimsuit, you are wrong. In fact, there should be a law that forbids women from going on a trip without a swimsuit. Shop some of the best swimsuits that will go viral in 2022.

stylish travel accessories

Click here to buy a bikini swimsuit set


Dear women, it is essential to pack your toiletries when traveling, especially when going to a new region. Since you’re not used to the place, it is best to have your things so you don’t stress looking for where to get them when you need them. 

Even If you forget about other women’s travel accessories, you shouldn’t forget your toiletries.

Your smile

Planning to go on a trip without your smile? C’mon! That’s the special ingredient that makes you stand out from the crowd. If you do not have it, then your vibe check count is low. 

You’re good to go when you wear your smile as it makes your trip more enjoyable.

20 best travel Accessories You’d Need To Pack On Your Next Trip

Have you ever been to JJT park Ikeja before? If you live in Lagos, Nigeria, you must have heard about this park even if you have never visited it. 

Where is JJT park Lagos located? In case you are wondering, JJT is an acronym for Johnson Jakande Tinubu, and it is a park located in Ikeja. Thus, making it one of the most fantastic places to relax on the mainland in Lagos state. It is a few walking distance to Ndubuisi Kanu park as well as the famous Shoprite mall. It was commissioned in 2017 and has since been one of the best places to have a picnic or alone time on the mainland. 

My friends and I got into a heated argument one day, arguing that there were no cool relaxation spots on the mainland. It made me realize that many people think that fun is only limited to the island in Lagos state. There are so many fun places like beaches, restaurants to hang out, and even parks like Muri Okunola park on the island. Knowing about JJT park made me have a solid argument when I told them there were also lovely relaxation spots on the mainland. 

The issue is that many people are unaware of this spot which is surprising because whenever I go to JJT park Ikeja during the weekend, it is always filled with people. I love the location of this place as it is in Ikeja, a strategic location on the mainland. In addition, there is a certain calm and serenity that you will enjoy when you visit this park. 

JJT park Lagos

JJT park Ikeja: Things you would love and gate fee

There are certain things about JJT park Ikeja that always have me going back there from time to time, and you would also love these things. One thing that I love about this park is that the gate fee for JJT park Ikeja is totally free to access just like most parks in Lagos.

Of all the parks in Lagos that I have visited, Jhalobia park and garden is the only paid-to-access. It is to be pre-booked and the gate fee is about 2000naira per person.

Some of them include the following: 

  • The Ambiance: JJT park Ikeja is located near the house of assembly in Lagos state and is usually quiet. Asides from the cars that may be passing, you wouldn’t experience any rowdiness or extreme noise whenever you visit this park. You would always find me with a book and mat whenever I’m going to JJT park, and I always tend to lose track of time when I’m there due to the serenity I enjoy. The park gets busy during the weekends, and you would occasionally find some people come there with thor speakers. However, the ambiance remains peaceful and bubbly. It also allows you to mingle with people and make friends. If you’re ever looking for a place to visit to calm your spirit, you should go to JJT park. I always leave there calmer than when I arrived, and I’m grateful we have such a spot on the mainland. 
  • The Space: I don’t know what you have in mind whenever you think of parks, especially Nigerian parks. However, this isn’t one of those tiny boxed parks you would find around. I would consider it a form of exercise if you could walk from one end of JJT park to the other. JJT is such a vast land with ample space to accommodate many people. So, no matter the number of people that visit this place in a day, there is always space to accommodate everyone. 

If you’re looking to take your family for a picnic, consider going to JJT park Ikeja, as they have enough space for children to play around. You will have no issues when you visit this place for those who are claustrophobic. In addition, I loved that I could always find a corner for myself without other people being in my business. 

  • Security: I found it interesting when I discovered that the security personnel at JJT were proactive. Yes, this park is without restrictions, as everyone is allowed to visit it. However, they also check people before entering and would not let you in if you carry anything considered dangerous. 

For example, I was once invited to a birthday celebration at JJT park, and the celebrant wasn’t allowed to take in breakable bottles. Instead, security urged us to look for plastic bottles to transfer the drinks. It was either that, or we left the breakable bottles at the gate and got it on our way out. Some people may find this extreme and uncomfortable. But it brought a sense of calm for me as I realized that it was a necessary security measure to ensure that people felt safe while at the park. In addition, you would also see security officials around since the park is near the state house of assembly. 

  • No entrance fee: When you think about some parks, you wonder how much it would cost to get into the park. After all, it is a culture for most parks to collect money from people before they let them in. They say that the money is used to maintain the park. But the difference is the case with JJT park, as it is a public park that is free to enter. Yet, you would always see that the place is clean. They have people who always clean up the area, ensuring that it looks appealing whenever you visit it. Finding clean public spaces is rare, but JJT park is an exception. 
  • Statue: One of the best ways to describe JJT park Ikeja to anyone is to tell them to look out for a park with statues close to the state house of assembly. It has some interesting statues that represent some significant figures in that state. You will be intrigued by these statues when you visit JJT park, especially if you’re visiting for the first time. In addition, they also make the perfect picture-taking spot in the park. You will find yourself trying to get an ideal location by the giant statues for pictures. The park also has an array of flags that could serve as an excellent picture spot. 
  • The food stand: What if I get hungry while at JJT park? It is one of the most typical questions I get from foodies like me. These people always want to be sure that their tummy is secured when they are at JJT park. Yes, you have no problem with food at this park, as there is an accessible food court. You can buy whatever you desire as they have an array of options. It comes in handy that there is a food stand within the park, as one doesn’t have to go far before one can get something to eat. 
fun things to do at JJT park

Things to note before visiting JJT park

So, you may be excited and planning to visit JJT park Ikeja soon. However, there are some things you should note.

  • There is no parking space: There is no provision for parking space at JJT park. So, it gets frustrating when you drive there. Typically, one may have to get a paid parking space at a nearby park and walk down to JJT park. It is one of the little inconveniences that come with visiting JJT park. 
  • Opening hours of JJT park Ikeja: You can always decide to visit JJT park any day you desire. But keep in mind that the park closes by 6.30 pm. So, you cannot stay beyond that time. 

Johnson Jakande Tinubu park (JJT park Ikeja): exciting things to do

One of the things I love doing for every trip is creating outfits for my trip. However, you don’t want to look frumpy at the airport. Also, there are some airport wardrobe mistakes you need to avoid so you’d be comfortable for your trip. Here are my 10 best airport outfit ideas you need right now.

The key for me is comfort. Also, I love to book affordable flights for my trip. So, if you want to save on your travel, here is how to find the cheapest flight tickets for your travel.

Now, one may be wondering, how can one dress to slay at the airport? After all, it’s a journey, and there is no need to go overboard with your dress. 

This logic is understandable, and I agree. However, I also believe that you do not need to go overboard before you can look good. Some outfits make unique cute airport ideas, and you should rock them when going on your next trip.

10 Cute Airport Outfit ideas for women

I’ll be sharing some cute airport outfit ideas for every woman to try. Trust me, when you rock these outfits, you’ll feel outer and inner happiness. 

In no particular order, these outfits are: 


For some reason, this is my default outfit when going on a trip. I love how comfortable I feel in joggers; it doesn’t require much effort. I also love that I look cute when I rock joggers. So when going to the airport, I wear my joggers with a cute tee and my crocs.

I could even go the extra mile and add sunshades, and I’m good to go. Some people may decide to wear slippers or sneakers on their joggers. Whichever one you prefer is still suitable. What matters is that you look cute and comfortable for the trip. 

what to wear to the airport

Click here to buy a pair of Joggers


Oh, did you think I wouldn’t add good ol’ jeans to the list of cute airport outfits for women? You got to love the versatility you enjoy when rocking Jeans. I love how wearing jeans makes it easy to pull off various looks. For example, I could pull off the official and corporate look by wearing a corporate shirt with my jeans and adding heels to it. Here are other ways to wear jeans for work.

Yes, I can wear such to the airport, especially if I would be getting into a meeting immediately when I land at my destination. Do not be scared to play around and explore ideas when rocking Jeans. That crop top at the back of your wardrobe? Wear it with your jeans the next time you’re headed to the airport!

Cute airport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pair of Jeans

Skater gown

When I’m in the mood to look girly, you can be sure to catch me wearing a skater gown. A certain feminine feeling overwhelms you when you rock a skater gown, and you even feel confident in it. I find this dress one of the most effortless clothing you can wear to an airport, and everyone would agree that a skater gown leaves you looking cute.

It is one of my best cute airport outfit ideas that are very comfortable. After all, who wouldn’t want to appreciate gorgeousness? Now, do not forget to add that extra spring to your steps and strut with confidence!

casula airport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a skater dress


Did anyone say legs day? Many beautiful women have amazing legs, and you are always ready to show off these legs. So, if you’re looking for a cute outfit idea to wear to the airport, you should wear those fantastic bum shorts you have.

You can rock your shorts with a casual tee or crop top, depending on your preference. Wearing this outfit with your sneakers leaves you looking breathtaking, and you will feel happy within yourself. If you’ve been in doubt about wearing shorts to the airport, let me tell you that this is your cue to rock them on your next trip. 

who what wear aiport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pair of shorts

Leather skirts

 Even before leather skirts became popular, I had always been a fan. There was a time I went on a frenzy and got leather skirts in different colors. I love how this skirt tends to fit women of all shapes and sizes and helps to bring out those fantastic curves.

If you do not own a leather skirt, you need to get one the next time you go shopping. When looking for your next cute airport outfit, I recommend you wear a leather skirt with boots and any cute top you choose. Do not forget to take pictures when you rock this outfit!

Leather skirts are cute transition outfits from fall to winter you need as a wardrobe must-have for women. So, it would be best if you had a leather skirt in your closet for the cooler season.

comfortable airport outfits

Click here to buy this leather skirt set


On days when I’m feeling lazy, you would find me rocking leggings to the airport. Leggings are one of the 10 best airport outfit ideas that are very comfortable to wear. I would typically search my wardrobe for an oversized shirt to wear on my leggings, add cute slippers, and I’m on my way to the airport.

Thinking about this now, I’ve worn this outfit several times, especially when I’m running late, as I do not want to miss my flight. Although this outfit may seem casual, it still leaves me looking cute, and I even get compliments from people. It is one of those comfortable and attractive airport outfit ideas I can recommend to any woman. 

chic airport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pair of leather leggings


 You may be wondering why someone would want to wear suit pants to the airport. After all, it isn’t like you’re going for a presentation or meeting the board of directors. However, what if I want to pull off the boss lady look while still looking cute?

What if I would be entering a corporate meeting when I land at my destination? With my suit pants, I would wear a round-necked tee and throw a fancy blazer on my shoulder. This outfit tends to command respect and even allows me some privilege at the airport. So, suit pants can also work as a cute airport outfit idea. 

airport outfit ideas 2022

Click here to buy a pair of blazer pants set

Cargo Pants

My list of cute airport outfit ideas for women wouldn’t be complete if I did not talk about cargo pants. It is one of my latest obsessions, and I recommend that you have one in your wardrobe. People are often confused about how to rock cargo pants and frequently ask what they can wear with cargo pants.

Well, let me tell you that you can wear almost anything with your cargo pants. It would be best if you had the right charisma and attitude to go with the outfit; then, you are good to go. If I’m looking for a comfortable outfit idea to rock to the airport, you can be sure this would be one of my top picks. 

comfy airport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pair of Cargo pants

Culottes Pants

Are culottes still in style in 2022? What types of tops can you wear with culottes? Culottes may not be on trend but it is classics you need in your closet.

It is a great option of the best airport outfit ideas you need. I love to wear culottes because it is a very comfortable travel outfit for women. My best way to wear culotte pants is with a bodysuit, and a pair of sandals and I am ready to go.

You can dress up your culottes with a pair of heels or dress it down with an oversized sweater and slides. This is also an easy fall outfit idea for women.

airport outfit ideas

Click here to buy a pair of culotte pants

Maxi dresses

Another of the 10 cute airport outfit ideas is a maxi dress. Maxi dresses are a comfortable outfit for travel. It is chic and easy to style.

Just like every dress, maxis are a must-have wardrobe essential for women. I rarely go on trips without adding maxi dresses to my packing list. It is also a travel essential you need to pack either for a road trip or when traveling on air.

Casual aiport outfit ideas

Click here to buy Maxi dresses

10 Cute Airport Outfit ideas for women perfect for your next trip

One of the best ways to live your best life is by earning passive income. This is using money to make more money that never runs dry. How can you make passive income online? There are several ways like blogging, investing and of course, commodity trading.

Trading commodities on the markets is a great way to make passive income. However, before you dive into this exciting world, it’s essential that you know what you’re getting yourself into. Even if you don’t plan on trading on the market yourself, understanding the basics and learning about trends can help you make more informed purchasing decisions in the long run.

How to make passive income: Commodities trading

This blog post will explain everything from basic terminology to commodity trading strategies and how to make passive income from them.

How to make passive income
credit:Michelle dot com/ unpslash

What is Commodity Trading?

Commodities are natural resources such as gold, oil, and food. They are traded on exchanges around the world. And, like other financial markets, they are driven by supply and demand. For example, fewer people are looking to buy gold, so the price will naturally increase. What causes this demand and supply in the current state of the economy?

As the economy grows, people tend to consume more resources. This means that the current supply is insufficient to satisfy the growing demand, which in turn causes the product price to increase.

How to Trade Commodities?

There are many different ways to invest in commodities. The two most common are CFDs and futures. CFDs are contracts that allow you to trade a commodity without owning any of the actual commodity. The value of the contract is derived from the current price of the commodity. If the contract is worth $100, the trade will make money if the price goes up and lose money if the price goes down. 

Futures are a form of investment in which you actually buy an agreement to purchase a future quantity of the commodity at a certain price. This means that you are essentially betting on the price of the commodity.

how to make passive income through investing

Should You Trade Commodities?

You might consider trading commodities if you’re looking for an investment strategy offering high returns with low risk. But make sure it’s a good fit for your financial situation before diving in. Some people find that investing in commodities trading can be a great way for them to make passive income for sustenance.

However, you should also be aware of the risks involved in trading commodities. The amount of capital required to trade is significant, and you’re trading on the open market with no guarantee of winning. There’s a high risk of losing all your money in a single trade.


Commodities are a great way to make passive income. But trading on the markets is risky and can be expensive. Before you start trading, understand the risks and costs involved. There are many different ways to invest in commodities. The two most common are CFDs and futures.

CFDs are contracts that allow you to trade a commodity without owning any of the actual commodity. The value of the contract is derived from the current price of the commodity. If the contract is worth $100, the trade will make money if the price goes up and lose money if the price goes down. 

Futures are a form of investment in which you actually buy an agreement to purchase a future quantity of the commodity at a certain price. This means that you are essentially betting on the price of the commodity. There are many risks involved with trading, but there are also benefits to investing in commodities.

How to make passive income from commodities trading: A free beginners guide

Solo travel vs group travel, which do you prefer? Which of these do you think is best for you?

If I get a dollar each time I get this question, I would probably be competing with the wealthiest man in the world currently. It isn’t out of place that people would ask for my preference since I’m a tourist. I love to pack for trips whether planned or last minute. Also, I can’t travel without my essentials on my travel packing list.

The joy that comes with traveling to different places cannot be explained. Now, I see you doing an eye roll while you read this. What’s the issue? After all, I wouldn’t be able to tell you tips or about the most beautiful places to visit in Africa if I were not traveling around. 

Now, back to the question at hand…

I’m always at a loss for words when I get asked to pick between solo travel and group travel. On one hand, I love the freedom that comes with traveling solo. But on the other hand, I love engaging in group travels as they can be cost-effective. After all, we get to split the bill, and the expenses are lesser when compared to solo travel. 

I have also shared a detailed post on how to plan the perfect vacation on a budget. Whether you’re looking to opt for either solo travel or group travel. Also, if you’re a last-minute traveler, you can read my post on how to plan a trip last minute without hassle. Is it better to travel alone or with a tour group?

Solo travel vs Group travel, which is right for you?

So, which would I pick?

Maybe this is the part where you would call me an Oliver Twist. However, I cannot pick between solo travel and group travel. The option I would go for depends on the travel mission. Why am I traveling? What do I want to do when I travel? What is the size of my pocket for this journey? 

These are questions I ask myself before I embark on any journey, and the answers let me know if I would go for solo travel or group travel. 

However, let us analyze both. 

I can confidently tell you that solo travel vs group travel has its pros and cons. So let’s talk about them…

Pros of Solo Travel 

On occasions where I’ve had to embark on solo travel, I did enjoy it to a great extent. Below are some pros of solo travel: 

  • Freedom: Nothing beats having your liberty in decision-making, especially as a tourist. As a solo traveler, you pick where you want to stay, hotels or hotel alternatives options, places to visit, things to do, etc. However, the contrary would have been the case if you had engaged in group travel as you would have had to consider others and their preferences.  

While being a solo traveler, I do not have to deal with the nagging of anyone who feels I’m making a wrong decision. And, of course, no one wants anyone to act as their mummy or daddy while on a trip as a tourist. So, solo traveling makes this possible. 

  • You get to interact with more people: Interestingly, I’ve seen that people would instead approach you when you are alone than when you are in a group. I still do not get the logic behind this, but I’ve seen it happen many times. One of the best ways to network as a solo traveler is to opt to stay in hostels.

Hostel world is a great place to find an affordable hostel around the world to stay. Click here to book a stay at any hostel in Europe, Asia, or Africa.

One of the things I look out for when I travel to a new place is connecting with the locals. And I’ve realized that I do more of this when I travel solo. I get to mix and mingle with more people than I would have done if I was traveling in a group. When you go on group travels, you tend to stick to only your circle, and it can limit the fun you would have.  

  • It helps you build confidence: Engaging in solo travel vs group travel takes lots of guts. You are alone in a new place, and it could be that you have never visited that place before. 

I once had a friend back then in school who would not go anywhere without an escort. She was so shy about walking on the road alone. But when she had to engage in solo traveling, she had no choice but to mingle on her own, and it helped her build her confidence. If she had traveled in a group, she would have still found a way to drag the group along when going anywhere.  

Solo travel vs Group travel

Cons of Solo Travel 

They say that anything that has an advantage also has disadvantages. Hence, we need to look at the pros and cons of Solo travel vs group travel. Below are some cons of solo travel are: 

  • It is expensive: This is not to discourage you from traveling solo, but let me tell you that solo travel can be pretty expensive. You are responsible for all your expenses when going on a solo trip, as you would not be splitting the bills with anyone. I always ensure that my bank account is ready and prepared before engaging in solo travel. 

Had it been a group trip, you know that everyone would split the expenses equally, and you do not have to worry so much. But you need a good amount of money if you plan to travel solo. Thus, I am always on the hunt for creative ways to make money while traveling the world when I engage in solo trips. 

  • It gets lonely: You are sure to feel lonely when you are in a new place without anyone familiar, especially if you spend more than a few days there. Yes, you might engage in various activities. However, there are times when that overwhelming feeling creeps up on you, and you would wish you were with people who could partake in such activities with you also. 

There is a certain freedom that comes with solo travel, but it can also get lonely. Therefore, it is not surprising to see some people pick group travel as their favorite traveling option. 

  • You become a target: I’m sure you must have heard people say that it isn’t safe to travel alone, and I agree with them. While we might want to overlook some things, we cannot deny that a solo traveler is a target, especially a female solo traveler. I advise people to avoid patterns when in a new place. 

For example, you shouldn’t have a routine that anyone can pick up on when you are in a new place. No one should know you for doing a particular activity at a specific time. Instead, switch things up and don’t stay in a certain place for too long if you have not made friends with the locals.   

Now that we have talked about solo travel. We can’t compare Solo travel vs group travel without touching on the pros and cons of group travel.

Now, over to group travel. 

Let’s take a look at the group travel option. 

Pros of group travel 

For those who have group travel as their preferred traveling option, let’s see what they enjoy…

  • It is cheaper: It is considerably cheaper to travel in a group than to travel solo. When booking tours in a group, you can be sure to get discounts, and everyone shares the money equally. Whatever expenses incurred during the trip aren’t yours alone to bear. Many people say that the fear of bearing all the expenses is one reason that stops them from traveling and exploring places. Therefore, they are always looking for opportunities that allow them to travel in groups. Now, you do not need to have a heavy bank account before you can visit your favorite places if you plan to do group travels. 
  • There is a sense of safety and security: Recall how I mentioned that solo travelers are usually targets of perpetrators of hostile acts. Well, this rarely happens when you engage in group traveling. It would be harder for someone to rob a group of people but more straightforward for them to target a solo traveler. 

People say there is safety in numbers, which plays out in group travels. When you are part of a group in a new place, you do not need to be paranoid as you are sure that you have familiar people around you, and things will be smoother. Thus, traveling in a group gives a sense of security. This is a deciding factor for choosing between Solo travel vs group travel.

  • It is less stressful: Oh, the burden of planning a journey alone! The stress of picking the best accommodation option, thinking of things to do when you arrive in the city, trying to figure out the culture, etc. If you have ever traveled solo before, I’m sure you can relate to all these, and it’s one of the reasons why people are hesitant to travel. 

However, you do not need to deal with such stress when traveling in a group as everyone would share the responsibilities equally. Everyone would have a specific thing to attend to, and the workload would be lesser than when you have to plan a solo trip. 

One great way to travel in a group is via group tours. The best group tour I would recommend for your trip anywhere in the world is GetYourGuide. They plan the best tours taking the stress off you on your trip. Also, you get to network and make new friends on your vacation. Click here to book the GetYourGuide tour group for your next trip.

Solo travel vs group travel tips

Cons of Group Travel

Are there disadvantages to group travel? Yes! Some of them are: 

  • You do not have autonomous decisions: There are limitations to what you can do when traveling in a group. You cannot wake up one morning and say you want to go to a water park and think that everyone would support your decision. Before indulging in any activity, you must run it by the group and ensure everyone agrees. 

The lack of freedom in decision-making is a downside of group traveling. In addition, you would mostly have to work with the schedule of the group, and it can be annoying. However, it would be best if you tried to enjoy it and make the most fun out of it.  

  • Lesser interactions: If you love to explore and interact with lots of people when you travel, you can be sure that there will be fewer interactions when you engage in group travel. First, you would have your group members on alert when you venture away from the group, and they begin to panic when they cannot find you. Of course, you wouldn’t want this to happen, so you tend to stick with the group. 

There is also the fact that people would shy away from approaching you when they notice that you are in a group, and it reduces your interaction rate. I know that this would not be an issue for introverts.  

  • Zero privacy: One minute, you are texting someone, thinking you’re having a private conversation on your phone; the next minute, a group member is laughing over your shoulder. Yes, it can be annoying to travel in a group as there is usually no privacy. People often complain that they do not get time for themselves when they engage in group trips as group members are often in their business. 

In addition, most group travels would have people sharing rooms, limiting your privacy. The best way to get over this is to remember that it isn’t a permanent situation, and you are there to have fun.  

Knowing the pros and cons of solo travel vs group travel makes it easier for you to pick a preference. 

Irrespective of your decision between solo travel vs group travel, ensure to pack cute outfits when traveling!

Plan your trip anywhere in the world with these travel resources.

  1. Book your flight ticket using the Aviasales search engine.
  2. How to find the cheapest flight tickets anywhere in the world.
  3. Book your stay at any hotel in the world using Trivago.
  4. Opt for hotel alternatives for your accommodation by booking a hostel using Hostel world.
  5. Prefer to book an Airbnb. Here are my best tips for booking Airbnb as a first-timer.
  6. Get travel insurance for your health and against uncertainties using Insubuy for US-based travelers.
  7. Book a tour if you choose to opt for group travel via GetYourGuide.
  8. Book the best airport transfers to your final destination via GetTransfer.

Feel free to comment on why you’d prefer solo travel vs group travel. Have you gone on solo travel vs group travel, share your experiences below.

Solo travel Vs Group travel, Which is the best for you?

Have you been to La Campagne Tropicana Resort? Even if you haven’t been here, you must have heard about it due to its buzz. And I can tell you that its buzz is worth the hype. 

Sometimes, you need to take a break, relax, and enjoy yourself. Problem no dey ever finish. So, it would be best if you found a way of staying sane amid the chaos. 

One of my favorite ways of relaxing is by spending time at the beach. Some of my favorite beaches in Lagos include Laguna beach Lagos, Atican beach resort, Point of no return Gberefu island beach, and Landmark beach among others. From the clear blue waters to the feel of the sand, the air, and the various fun activities, the beach is one of my top places. 

It’s one thing to visit a beach, and it’s another thing to spend time at a beach that leaves you with pleasant memories. La Campagne Tropicana beach resort is on my list of top beaches in Lagos. 

At La Campagne Tropicana beach resort, there is always something to do. I also love that it is a private setting which assures me of my security to a great extent, and it isn’t all that noisy. 

Now, let’s explore everything you need to know about La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort.

La campagne tropicana resprt

Where is La campagne Tropicana resort located?

La Campagne is one of the beaches in Lagos state, Nigeria. It is located along the lekki-epe expressway, and one can say that it is quite a distance. It is on the same route as Eleko beach Lagos, another of my favorite Lagos beach.

However, that is one reason why I love visiting it. La Campagne Tropicana resort is one of my top choices when I’m looking for a getaway. This way, I won’t be tempted to slide back to work or pop into town for anything. 

Once I’m at this place, I become submerged in its serenity and beauty. The goal is to have an enjoyable time, and I ensure I get nothing short of that. 

La Campagne tropicana gate fee

One wouldn’t be wrong to say that La Campagne Tropicana Resort is one of the most expensive beaches in Lagos. However, you are sure to get value for the money spent at this beach. I also have a round list of budget-friendly beaches in Lagos you can explore too.

The gate fee for this beach is 6,000 naira. 

You may also be curious about how much to budget when visiting this beach. Although I cannot state an exact figure, I would say that you should have sufficient money if you want to have a good time. 

Things at the beach are not the cheapest, but the quality speaks for itself, and you would enjoy your time. 

La campagne tropicana gate fee

Can I bring my food or drinks to La champagne Tropicana?

Yes, you can take your food to La champagne. The food at the resort is not cheap. However, if you meet the breakfast that is served between 7 am to 8 am, you get free food.

Taking your food in costs 2200naira per head corkage fee. So, you can buy your food and pay this fee at La Campagne Tropicana resort.

However, beaches like Oniru beach and Tarkwa bay beach allow you to bring your food in without corkage fees attached.

What should I wear when going to La Campagne? 

This is one of the funniest questions I get from people who want to visit this beach. What else would you want to wear to a beach if not your beach wear? 

You can wear anything you desire, ranging from shorts to short summer dresses, etc. What matters is that you are comfortable. 

It is also vital that you do not forget to pack your swimwear while visiting La Campagne Tropicana resort beach as you would want to engage in some water activities. It would be best if you weren’t scared to explore swimwear options and pick what best suits you. Go wild and be sexy! No one’s judging at this place. 

What are the facilities at La Campagne Beach Resort?

Some of the facilities you can enjoy at this place include: 

  • Accommodation: There is a provision for those who want to sleep over or spend some days at this beach. The prices of the rooms range from 80,000 naira to 220,000 naira. These rooms are designed to be comfortable and suit your needs. A night in any of the rooms would leave you craving to remain forever. 
  • Fitness and health center: If you’re a fitness freak, you’re covered when you visit La Campagne beach. They have a fully-equipped fitness center that gives you that boost and energy you’ve been craving. There’s also a health center for your wellness, as your well-being is their topmost concern.
  • Restaurant: It wouldn’t be a complete list if I did not mention the restaurant at La Campagne Tropicana Resort. I’m typically one who is hard to impress with food. However, I give kudos to this restaurant as they have delicious meals that would have you clearing your plates and wanting more. I also love that they have options. 
things to do at La campagne Tropicana Lagos

Fun things to do at La Campagne Tropicana resort?

When people ask me if they would have fun visiting La Campagne, I say it’s a fun place and more. The fun you would have depends on your energy level as they have various activities. 

Some people would say you can’t enjoy La Campagne Tropicana Resort on a day’s trip, and I agree. It would help if you spent some days on this beach to experience all it has to offer fully. 

Some of the fun things to do at La Campagne Beach Resort include: 

  • Beach Soccer: First, allow me to tell you that you do not need to know how to play soccer before participating in beach soccer. I can say it’s more fun when you’re a newbie at soccer. You will surely lose track of time while playing beach soccer at this beach due to the fun you will be having. If you are visiting in a group, you can form a group/ team. But even on a solo trip, you can still have fun and join any team. 
  • Jet Skiing: Many people, including myself, might have never been skiing. However, I have it on my bucket list and hope to check it off soonest. But, I see the joy people experience when they go jet skiing at this beach. Some go on multiple trips and cannot stop talking about the experience. Some say that jet skiing helped them overcome their water phobia. I love that there is experienced personnel to help with the jet skiing process. 
  • Swinging: Call me a child or whatever, but one of the things that made me appreciate La Campagne Tropicana resort was the fact that they had a swing facility. You would find me on the swings with a novel enjoying the serenity. If you love quiet activities, I’m sure you can also relate to this as a fun activity. It got better when some of us decided to have competitions on the swings. See, I’m already daydreaming about La Campagne while writing about the swings. It was quite a beautiful experience visiting this beach.  
  • Water Volleyball: It’s one thing to play regular volleyball, and it’s another thing to play water volleyball. I don’t think writing about it would capture all the fun you can get as it’s best experienced. You can spend a whole day partaking in this activity, and it wouldn’t seem like time has gone. It’s one of those activities I always want to indulge in whenever I visit this beach. 
  • Horse Riding: Have you gone to a beach if you didn’t ride a horse? Any beach without horses fails to be classified as a standard beach. Once I visit any beach, you will always find me looking for horses to ride. So, you can engage in horse riding when you visit La Campagne Tropicana resort and create beautiful memories from the experience. 

You can also engage in kayaking, boat cruises, and more when you visit La Campagne Tropicana resort. So now, you can see that I wasn’t mincing words in saying that you would have fun and more at this beach. 

La Campagne Tropicana resort | 5 Fun things to do and entry fee