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Have you been thinking of where to visit for your next trip? Probably, you’re already making plans with your friends on the trip for the summer. Never knew the importance of getting travel insurance until I had a bad experience.

Have you ever lost your luggage in transit? Also, have you been a victim of theft? Travel insurance’s importance cannot be overemphasized. Stop ditching travel insurance as you plan your trip. You never know, life has so many uncertainties.

This has been the situation between me and my friends for some weeks now. The talk of getting travel insurance keeps coming up as we make plans for the trip and I’ve been singing its importance in their ears. 

Understandably, the concept of travel insurance doesn’t have so much rave in our home country. However, it is really important to always think of getting travel insurance while planning your trip

Budget friendly travel insurance

Why do you need travel insurance?

Wondering why you need travel insurance? Here are some reasons:


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Lost bags

Have you ever been in a situation where an airline lost your bags? While I’ve never had this experience, I’m been in many situations where the airline forgot my bags or took the bags to another location. 

You can imagine how frustrated I must have felt in such situations. One minute, I’m excited about my trip, the next minute I can’t find my bags and everything goes south. I am stranded and begin to spend extra money on clothing and other essentials that were in my bag. 

I was a victim of this situation twice before I learned about getting travel insurance. With travel insurance, you do not need to feel so much loss when your bags are lost or forgotten. This insurance will cover the amount you need to spend on getting new essentials and would also cover the loss you’ve incurred from the lost, forgotten, or misplaced bags. 

Of course, no one hopes for airlines to misplace or forget their bags. However, these are some unforeseen circumstances that could happen when traveling. Hence, you need to have travel insurance. 

Need to get travel insurance? I highly recommend EKTA travel insurance for all your travels both local and international.

EKTA insurances offer 24/7 multilingual customer services. Also, you can easily book it online. Your travel insurance will be delivered to you in minutes. Very swift and seamless. Below are other reasons to get EKTA insurance.

  • Works all over the World
  • Insurance covers COVID -19
  • Client support 24/7
  • No hidden clauses in the contract
  • 10 years of experience in the insurance industry
  • No hidden restrictions on medical services

Flight delays

If I’m to do a headcount, I’m sure you know someone who has been a victim of flight delays, or you may have even been a victim. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had my flights delayed and how I’ve had to spend long hours at the airport, especially when it concerns local flights.

I’ve also had people talk about flight delays with international travel. One of my friends was excited to share how her travel insurance came in handy the day she had a flight delay. For her, her insurance covered the amount she spent on food while she had to wait for her flight. 

These flight delays may also lead to you missing a connecting flight. In such a case, travel insurance would also come in handy as you it gets to cover all new expenses that you would incur. 

Trust me, you’ll be in a sour mood if you have to go through such an experience without travel insurance. 

Medical emergencies

It was interesting to know that travel insurance can also cover medical emergencies while in a new country. Whenever I travel, I’m also praying not to have any reason to visit the hospital or have a medical emergency. Being that I’m in a new city, the environment is unfamiliar, and I know that I would spend more on medicals. 

I remember when one of my friends traveled and fainted while on a tour. She had taken something that didn’t sit well with her body system and had to be rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, she had travel insurance and it covered her medical bills. 

When I saw the amount she had to pay, I was thankful she had travel insurance as it would have taken a hit on her bank account at the moment. Medical emergencies can spring out from the blues. Therefore, you need to be prepared to combat it if it happens. 

Hotel extension

It’s easy to say that you’ve planned your trips; you’re leaving on a specific date and you’re sure to be back on a certain date. But from experience, I can tell you that situations can arise that would need you to extend your hotel stay. 

It could be that you’re feeling unwell and a medical expert has said you shouldn’t move when you intend to travel. You’re advised to rest for some days before you embark on your journey. Of course, you would need to extend your hotel stay. 

Another reason could be that your flight was delayed or canceled and you need a place to sleep pending when your flight would move or the issue would be sorted. So, you need to extend your hotel stay. 

These are unplanned scenarios and you did not fit them into your travel budget. You would start panicking if you do not have travel insurance. But those with travel insurance would be more relaxed as they know that they are covered. 

To get the best deals on hotels for your travel, book it on

Flight cancellation

Flight cancellations are more common than you can imagine with thoughtful reasons. Often, a flight gets canceled due to weather conditions. When the airline sees that the weather isn’t friendly, they will cancel the flight instead of risking the lives of passengers. In such a case, we can all agree that the right thing to do was to cancel the flight. 

However, it doesn’t mean that the passengers wouldn’t be negatively affected in one way or the other. When your flight is canceled, you’ll need to look for where to stay, buy food, moving personal itinerary, etc. Your pocket would have to pay for all these if you do not have travel insurance. 

Some airlines may be nice enough to do something on their part. However, it would be best to have flight insurance that bears most of the burden or you wouldn’t like the receiving end. 

I highly recommend booking your flight with You can competitive flight deals on Also, how get the cheapest flight tickets for your travels?

Passport loss

The trauma that comes with losing your passport is one that can be so draining. It is even worse when you lose your passport in a foreign country. When this happens, you will encounter delays and it can put a huge dent in your pockets. 

Now, if you have travel insurance, it can assist you with the cost of getting a new passport. This way, you do not need to deal with the stress and trauma of getting a new passport from your pocket in a foreign country. 

For your peace of mind, you need to have travel insurance while planning your trip. 

Always Ditching Travel insurance? These 5 reasons will convince you otherwise

Do you love hiking? Hiking is not my favorite thing to do, yet I find myself exploring places to hike in Nigeria. Trust me, these are some of the best places to hike in Nigeria. If I may, some of the most beautiful places in Nigeria to explore on a budget.

Hiking is one of my favorite outdoor activities. It is one of the rare times when I willingly exert energy as I get to have fun in the process. If you need fun outdoor activities to do in Africa, add hiking to the list.

Some people would say that hiking is for those who love a good adventure. I’d say hiking is for everyone as the experience is very spectacular. If you need an alternative to hiking in Nigeria, check out the canopy walk at LCC, Lagos. Also fun yet scary for some of us that have a phobia of heights.

One of the funniest misconceptions I often hear is that there are no good hiking spots in Nigeria. On the contrary, there are so many good places to hike in Nigeria. The reason why you think that these places do not exist is because you haven’t experienced or uncovered them yet. Not to worry, I’ll be talking about these places in this article. 

Best places to hike in Nigeria

Some of the best places to hike in Nigeria are:

1. Shere Hills

I was in my younger years when I first heard about Shere Hills. Back then, I was fascinated by the idea of visiting Jos, touring the city, and exploring the mountains. It was even more interesting to me finding out that this place is the third highest point in Nigeria. 

As I grew, I got to know more about hiking, and I discovered that one of my childhood fantasy destination spots is a good place for hiking. Hiking is amongst the top activities people do when they visit Shere Hills, and they enjoy the best views. 

I also love that you can learn a lot when you visit Sheren Hills like knowing more about rock formation and even seeing it playing out. If you ever need an escape spot within Nigeria, I would recommend that you visit Jos and ensure to go hiking on Shere Hills. 

2. Olumirin Waterfalls

I must tell you that you must not be in a hurry when visiting this place. It is always best to dedicate your whole day and time to exploring the area if you decide to hike at this location. This waterfall in Nigeria is popularly known as the Erin Ijesha waterfall.

You can find the Olumirin Waterfalls in Erin Ijesha, Osun state. The waterfall has about seven stages, and it takes time to complete all of them. The first time I heard of this place, I was determined to climb through all the stages of the waterfall. 

Some said it would be impossible and tried to discourage me. After all, most people give up when they get to the third stage. However, I was extra determined and managed to get some of my friends on the same frequency. 

Yes, we were able to climb through all the stages of the waterfall, and we got a pleasant surprise when we got to the top. I’ll not tell you what we saw at the top as we do not want to ruin the surprise. It is best if you go there and experience it. 


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3. Kilang Hill

Have you ever visited Gombe State?

Although I haven’t been there, it is on my bucket list of places I need to visit in Nigeria. When I first became obsessed with outdoor activities like hiking, I began researching the best places to hike in Nigeria and saw that Kilang Hill was one of them. 

It is the highest peak in Gombe state, and I love the versatility of the area. The locals are also very receptive and it is easy to pick up some of the local languages when you visit this place. 

I am excited at the thought of hiking to the peak of Kilang Hill, and you should be too!

4. Idanre Hills

It would be wrong to talk about the best places to hike in Nigeria without mentioning Idanre Hills. Some people may even argue that it should be on the top of the list.

The hiking trails at this place stand out and they promise lots of fun and excitement. It is a place to experience as a group and even individually. Each of these hiking trails leads you to something different. I love to see it as a treasure hunt and the thought of what could be waiting on the other side leaves me excited. After all, it makes up the hiking experience. 

The next time you think of hiking, you should pack your bags and head to Ondo State to hike the Idanre Hills. 

5. Kamuku National Park

Located in Kaduna, we also have the Kamuku National Park as one of the best places to hike in Nigeria. I am not saying this just for the sake of writing. Instead, I have done my research, and there are many good reviews about this place. 

I love the freedom aura that surrounds you while hiking on the hiking trails at the Kamuku National Park. I also love that there are different options. This way, hiking doesn’t seem boring and you would enjoy the experience. 

I recommend that you tell a friend to tell a friend about this place so that you all can have fun. 

6. Arinta Waterfall

Oyo state also marks the register when it comes to the best places to hike in Nigeria, as you can find Arinta waterfall in this state. 

I can tell you that this waterfall is a sight for sore eyes. Once you behold it, you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off it. In fact, you can’t shake off the urge to bring out your camera and take pictures. It makes a perfect backdrop for your pictures and I know that you will love what you get. 

The hiking experience here is superb and you will thoroughly enjoy the experience. From its dense forest to rocky terrain and lush vegetation, you will be telling others about your enjoyable experience when you’re done. 

7. Obudu Mountain

I’m sure you must have heard many sweet things about Obudu Mountain as it is one of the top destination sites in Nigeria. While I am not here to tell you what to expect from the Obudu Mountain Resort, I can assure you that your expectations would be met when it concerns hiking experiences. 

The calmness and cool weather at the resort are something that can make you decide not to leave the area anymore. You get to enjoy the hiking experience as there are hiking trails to follow. You may also be lucky to find others who would want to engage in hiking within the same time frame as you. 

My advice is to ensure that you have the most fun at this place. 

8. Chappal Waddi

Do you know that this is the highest point in Nigeria and the tallest mountain in West Africa?

You may not have known this before, but I’m sharing it now for you to know. The location of this place is Taraba State. 

I don’t know the definition of fun in your dictionary, but for me, it is climbing to the peak of the highest point in Nigeria. 

It is best to keep in mind that hiking in this area isn’t so safe as it is steep and needs much endurance. However, your determination is what would keep you going. 

9. Olumo rock

Another fun hiking experience I can’t leave on this list is Olumo Rock. This recreational center is rich in history yet a fun place to be. You will have to climb about 200 steps to have access to the rocks.

Boy, it was stressful. I had to catch my breath before climbing to the rock itself. The tour guides are ready to share their history. Also, they showed us the places that were the rooms in the rock. I can’t imagine sleeping under a rock and feeling safe. Watch the Olumo rock on my channel, you’d want to visit.

Another fun hiking spot is the free Access Sobi Hill in Ilorin Kwara state. Have you been to Kwara State? Check out these fun things to do on your visit.

Whenever I explore the country, I am always on the look for budget-friendly hotels in Nigeria. Here I pass some days to give me time to explore as much about a city before moving on to the next.

Comment below on other hiking spots in Nigeria. Feel free to share and like below.

Best places to hike in Nigeria as an adventurer

Bracelets are one of my favorite fashion pieces of jewelry to dress up my outfits. You can elevate a basic outfit with a bracelet or any other fashion jewelry. What do you think of unique couples bracelets? I am so in love with these unique couples bracelets from Totwoo.

How can you make your distance relationship work? How can you keep in touch with your family overseas? One of the best ways to stay connected with your loved one is by using smart bracelets. In this post, I will share why you need these unique couples bracelets.

Why do you need Unique couples bracelets?

As a distance relationship couple there are so many ways to keep in touch. You can keep in touch online on Meta, Facetime, or other video chatting platforms. However, nothing beats touch and the feeling that you’re been thought of.

That is one of the main reasons I love this couple’s bracelet from Totwoo. My partner and I have been using this unique couple’s bracelet to stay in touch.

Although we are in the same city, this helps us stay connected while I go about my day at work and him doing his thing at home.

But life happens, you may want to move to a new city for work. This will take you far from your loved ones. These unique couples bracelets are just right for you.

It is perfect not just for couples but for you and your loved ones. This could be your best friend, your mother, or your child. if you need a great mothers Day gift idea, I highly recommend these unique couples bracelets from Totwoo. It is very luxurious and goes well with your formal as well as casual outfits.

How Does Totwoo Work?

Totwoo couples bracelets are very easy to sign up on. All you need to do is to sign up for the App on Playstore or app store. I use a Samsung device, so I downloaded the app from the App Store.

Add your phone and connect your bracelet. You can chat via the app with your loved ones. Also, I love the vibrations that mimic the touch feel. So, whenever your boo misses, they can send you a beep that vibrates to let you know you’re missed.

How cool is that? I am loving it. Plus it a perfect jewelry to style my outfits effortlessly.

Totwoo bracelets

Why do I like these bracelets? Trust me because it is a smart luxury bracelet with unique features. Also, it is easy to use and hydrophobic. So, you need not worry about losing its features to water.

There are several options available to shop. My couple’s bracelet is the sun and moon option. I love the gold and black options. However, you can choose the silver and black bracelets.

The sun bracelet is for men. Made in a color that he can easily style with his outfits. He can wear it for work or casual outings. It is a perfect finish for all his looks. On the other hand, the moon bracelet is for women.

I love the gold bracelet for women. Very unique and chic. You can wear the gold bracelet to elevate all your outfits effortlessly. So, if you need a smart bracelet that is stylish, I highly recommend Totwoo bracelets.

Other options of couple’s bracelets that are my favorites will be linked below for you. Get these unique couples bracelets and take your relationship to another level. Remember, with this bracelet, distance is not a limitation.

Comment below your favorite totwoo bracelets you’d be shopping for. Also, you can get this couple’s bracelets for your partner for mothers Day upcoming. It is a great option for Mother’s Day gift ideas to get for your spouse or mother. Ciao

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it.

Wear your love around with these unique couples bracelets

With summer fast approaching, many people are already planning their vacations, and you may be one of them. Check these best tips on how to plan your trip on a budget, if you love budget travel. Here are some of my favorite tropical vacation outfits, I highly recommend packing for your trip to Africa.

If you ask me, I would say I haven’t settled on where I would be spending my summer. But a tropical African vacation trip doesn’t sound like a bad idea. 

I can already imagine myself on a beach, soaking up the goodness of the sun while drinking a chilled but sweet local drink. I can also imagine the sun dancing over my skin and the extra glow it adds that would make my pictures look peng. 

The warmness plus humidity of the tropical season is something to experience, especially in Africa. If this sounds like something you would want to do, then stick around with this article!

While I’m not here to suggest places for a tropical vacation to Africa, I’ll share outfit ideas that you should pack for such a trip. These are clothes that I would wear as they suit the weather condition and add up to give you the right experience. 

Tropical vacation outfits

In no particular order, some outfit ideas for a tropical vacation to Africa are:

Below I will be linking my favorites from Zaful. I highly recommend this brand for travel clothes for women. Whether you’re traveling to Africa or going on summer vacation.

The two-piece set above is from Zaful. This was my birthday outfit for last year. I love the item I shopped from Zaful from outfits to bikini sets. Don’t sleep on items from Zaful while shopping for tropical vacation outfits.


I don’t think anyone can go wrong with a jumpsuit, especially as you can have them in different styles. You may choose to go with a puff-sleeved or sleeveless jumpsuit, depending on how you’re feeling. You can even decide to have detachable hands so that it looks different anytime you wear it. 

Although a jumpsuit is sure to cover you up, it gives space for air to get to your body. The material of the jumpsuit is also important. I would recommend going for cotton or silk materials as they do not absorb heat. 

You can also rock your jumpsuit with almost any football, depending on your activity for the day.  

Click here to buy it.

Woven shirt and skirt

Have you ever stayed and found yourself deeply staring at someone for no reason? It may be because of their outfit as you admire it so much and wish to get something similar. I once found myself in such a situation when I saw someone with a stylish woven shirt and skirt. 

I’m typically not a huge fan of skirts. However, everything about the outfit was giving, and I soon found myself on the lookout for woven shirts and skirts. 

The woven material always sits well on my skin during tropical vacations and also leaves me looking like a cool supermodel. I wouldn’t trade this look for anything.

Trouser and top

Sometimes, your mood may just want to go with something simple. It is why I always recommend that ladies should pack lots of simple tops when going on a tropical vacation. Remember, it is a vacation and not a presentation. So, do away with your shirts and all those serious-looking tops. 

Instead, go casual and pack some round-neck tops in your traveling box. I also know that you have some favorite jeans that are sure to enter the box. Therefore, you can easily throw on a top and trousers and be on your way. 

These tops are easy to wear and would not leave you feeling uncomfortable under the weather. For a tropical vacation to Africa, I highly recommend a pair of leggings. Leggings are super comfortable. So, I always add a pair of leggings as one of my best tropical vacation outfits.

I love to style leggings for a vacation to the tropics with a graphic t-shirt or plain white t-shirt. Another favorite way I love to wear my leggings is with light knit tops. This is because the tropic is typically warm, so you need to pack more warm clothing while packing for a trip to Africa.

Click here to buy it


A playsuit is one outfit that should be amongst the first to enter your traveling bag when packing for a tropical vacation to Africa. It doesn’t cover up all your legs and gives room for flexibility. Playsuit is one of my best tropical vacation outfits to pack while exploring Africa.

There are many cool materials you can target when you want to sew or buy a playsuit. You can go for silk or crepe materials. 

I love how effortless it is to rock a playsuit and how you can use this outfit for almost any activity. I doubt there is any lady who wouldn’t have a playsuit. But if you don’t, it’s time to get one, now!

Click here to buy it

Beach gown

I’m sure this is amongst the first tropical vacation outfits that come to mind when you’re packing for a tropical vacation, especially when you plan to spend most of your time on the beach. So, it is only fitting that I have it on my list of outfit ideas for a tropical vacation to Africa. 

Simplicity is one of the numerous things that I love about wearing beach gowns. You would always see me twirling when I wear a beach gown and I love how it gives a feminine aura. 

Ensure that you take cute shots for memories when you rock your beach gown. 

Strapless gown

Talking about gowns, I cannot fail to mention strapless gowns. These come as special mentions, especially as I would want to consider the weather when on a tropical vacation. 

Understandably, not everyone may be comfortable wearing a strapless gown. But if you do not mind, then you shouldn’t hesitate to add it to your things when packing. 

These gowns are breezy and give you ease as you embark on the various activities you might have planned out for the trip. Now, all you need to do is to ensure that you have fun while rocking your strapless gowns and wear the biggest smile!

Click here to buy it

Wrap skirts and crop tops

I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself rocking a wrap skirt and crop top. I can see a smile slowly creeping onto your face. Of course, I know that you love the idea of such an outfit! Its simplicity is one of the reasons why I would recommend it as an outfit idea for a tropical vacation. 

With a crop top, you know that you aren’t ‘covering’ your upper body. Therefore, you are sure that your outfit is suitable for the weather. The wrap skirt makes your crop top pop more and gives you a certain level of finesse. So, I cannot do without packing a wrap skirt and crop top as part of my tropical vacation outfits.

Click here to buy it

Shorts and tops

Vacations give you the best opportunity to unwind, and you do not need to struggle with clothing during such occasions. Therefore, I recommend that you rock shorts and tops during your tropical vacation in Africa. 

These are easy and breathable outfits that make you comfortable in the humidity. Of course, you wouldn’t want a case where you’re uncomfortable because of what you’re wearing as that can eventually ruin your mood for the rest of the trip. 

You have the opportunity to pack different types of shorts, depending on your preference. What matters is that you’re comfortable when you rock them. 

I can’t wait for you to share stories of your experience during your tropical vacation to Africa! I’ll be here waiting to hear them!

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Feel free to comment on other cute tropical vacation outfits you love to pack for a trip to Africa. Don’t forget to share our content to reach more readers. Ciao.

Travel resources to book a tropical vacation

  1. Book a flight on a budget on

2. Book your hotel stay on Trivago for the best deals

3. Opt for hotel alternatives by booking your stay in a hostel using hostel world

4. Don’t be stranded in a new city without internet, sign up for Airalo

5. You need insurance for your travel, book it on EKTA

6. Traveling solo? don’t worry, book fun activities in Africa with GetYourGuide.

Tropical vacation outfits perfect for a trip to Africa

What’s your favorite handbag color? What are the best handbags color to shop for in 2023? Here are my favorite cute handbags that never go out of style year in and year out. I love to shop for accessories to elevate my outfits. My best accessory to shop for is a handbag.

As much as I love handbags, shoes are a must-have that make or break your outfits. Check out these cute shoes that you need to elevate your looks all year round. These shoe styles are wardrobe staples every lady needs.

It’s true that fashion is ever-changing and trends roll in and out every season. I’ve noticed there’s a timeless staple for just about everything. Little black dresses are in the corner of every woman’s closet, and there are few men on earth without a white button-down shirt. 

Handbags are no different. I know every woman has her style, some people are team tote bags, and others love office midis. Whatever bag you fancy, every lady should have these colors in her collection:

Best handbags color that goes with everything in your closet

Below are the best handbags color that I highly recommend every lady to own. This makes dressing up super easy. You can easily dress up or down any look with these best handbags color in your arsenal.

I will be linking some of my favorites for you to shop for from Ego Shoes Uk. This is one of my favorite handbag brands to shop for designer handbags dupe. Imagine shopping for your dream designer handbags dupe in different colors. So, get shopping before it sells out.


Black handbags are the LBDs in the world of bags. Not only are they great for monochromatic looks, they are also easy to mix and match with other colors. The same way I’d pair virtually any color shirt with black trousers is the same way I’d grab a black handbag for any outfit.

I also find them great for blending with any environment. Whether I’m at work, church, or enjoying a night out, I can be sure my trustee steed won’t draw any unnecessary attention my way.

The best part about black bags for me is the fact that it’s easy to maintain. Even when it’s gotten old, it wouldn’t show wear and tear as easily as lighter colors.

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy Gucci Horse bit Handbag dupe in black

Red: Bottega Veneta Jodie dupe Large

I’d say that I have a love-hate relationship with the color red. Sometimes I don’t mind it, other times I’m bothered by the color. When I was much younger, I didn’t like that this color was so loud and flashy. But I’m now beginning to appreciate the color especially as it relates to fashion.

When it comes to handbags, a red handbag is what you should rock when you’re looking to make a bold statement. It is sure to draw attention and also adds some flair to your outfit. Trust me, you can never be hidden or keep a low profile with a red handbag. It’s best to pair this bag with a neutral color outfit. 

Click here to buy it

Click here to bottega Andiamo dupe

Best handbag color: Brown

If you’d rather go for something warm and alluring, you should get and rock a brown handbag. Some people say brown handbags are for older women as it gives a mature aura. However, I’d say that anyone can rock a brown handbag. 

The versatility of a brown handbag gives it a special place in my heart as it can complement almost any outfit. I’m sure it wouldn’t be wrong to say that brown handbags are classical and they never go out of style. So, if you need the best handbags color to start out, shop for a brown handbag

Our mothers have been rocking brown handbags forever, and we are rocking the same in the present generation, and even generations to come will still rock brown handbags!

Click here to buy Bottega Sardine bag dupe

Yellow or Golden yellow: East west bag woven Bottega bag dupe

There’s a particular song ringing in my head as I write about yellow handbags. If sunshine and nature is the first thing that comes to you, I wouldn’t be surprised as it is what it depicts! Yellow handbags might not be so common, but they bring that sparkle to your dress sense and even help to improve your mood!

You should rock a yellow handbag if you’re gunning for a cheerful or playful look. Yellow is the official color of the summer and almost always depicts good tidings. Yes, yellow handbags may not complement every outfit. But you should totally utilize any suitable opportunity that presents itself to rock a yellow handbag. I highly recommend yellow bags as one of the best handbags color you need ASAP.

Click here to buy it


Green is almost like yellow as they are the colors of nature. A green handbag brings a certain vibrancy to both your outfit and your mood. Also green is one of my best handbags color that I love.

I love that green comes in different tones and shades. There is emerald green and forest green to mention just a few. 

So when it comes to a green handbag and versatility, it depends on the shade of green you are rocking. Forest green is a darker shade that complements bright outfits, while emerald green is bold and screen luxury. It goes best on darker outfits. 

Some people often shy away from rocking a green handbag. But I recommend adding one to your wardrobe right away!

Click here to buy it


Is this the part where I confess that purple is amongst my favorite colors? 

Purple is such a beautiful color and it’s even more cute when it comes to handbags. The handbag may be a dark purple shade or even a lighter shade like lilac. 

For the lighter shade like lilac, it comes with a feminine aura that boosts your confidence when you rock the handbag. If you’re aiming for a sophisticated look, you should totally go for this shade. 

The darker purple shade blends well with almost any outfit as it is easy to mistake it for black. One of my favorite handbags to date is a purple handbag. 

Hermes Kelly dupe: White

There are many words and adjectives that come to mind when describing the white color. Elegant, timeless, royal, and sophisticated are just a few of the numerous. 

I don’t know how it happens, but white handbags are always cute! In fact, I have never seen an ugly white handbag (I stand to be corrected and waiting to be proven wrong!).

I love that you can always rock a white handbag whenever you desire, and it is not selective of outfit style or color. The only downside that comes with rocking a white handbag is the fact that it is harder to maintain. 

You need to be intentional about keeping a white handbag clean. My best advice is that you rock a white handbag only for special occasions. 

Click here to buy it

Sometimes, you may want to rock a dark-colored handbag that isn’t black. In such cases, my safest option is going for my navy blue handbag. I love how well it elevates most of my outfits and gives me that subtle but commanding look. 

It is the best alternative to a black handbag and doesn’t need much effort in maintenance. Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t care for this bag. However, you can always rock it for any occasion, unlike white handbags. 


Maroon makes a refreshing and cute handbag color. If you’re looking for a unique and stylish handbag color, you should choose Maroon. It comes as a darker alternative to a red color and can also be used to make your outfits pop. 

Although this color might not go with every outfit, it leaves one looking elegant anytime you rock it. I always love that I can use a maroon handbag for both formal and informal occasions. 


Is there anyone who doesn’t love neutral colors? Grey is one of my best handbags color for women to shop for.

Rocking a grey handbag is a combination of subtle and sophisticated. It has a way of bringing attention as people would always want to have a second look. You may even get questions from people asking where you got your handbag. 

Just like other neutral colors, I love that this handbag is versatile. I don’t have to be overly conscious when picking an outfit if I desire to use a grey handbag. 

The handbag I am wearing is a lemon green handbag from Petite Simone on Amazon. Click here to check out their bag collections. You’d want them all.

Click here to buy Gucci Jackie Dupe bag

Comment below other Best handbag colors that never go out of style you have in your closet. Which of these handbag colors will you be shopping for your closet? Ciao

Best Handbags Color That NEVER Goes Out Of Style To Shop For

With summer fast approaching, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re already making plans to spend most of your free time at a beach or a pool. I’m in the same boat as you as I’m already shopping for new swimwear and need a change. After all, one has to look good while having fun!

I was trying to shop the other day, and without a doubt, I must say that the prices of things have been rather ridiculously high lately. However, I refuse to let it deter my beach and pool plans. So, I started checking for brands that sell budget-friendly swimwear

Luckily, I was able to find some budget-friendly swimwear brands and you can tell I was elated. When I compared the prices from these brands with others I had been seeing, I almost got carried away and wanted to buy all the swimwear available. Yes, you can tell that my cart was quite a bit. But can you blame me? A girl loves to get good deals and good deals I shall share with you. 

Knowing that many people have plans that involve swimwear, I’m here to give you a list of budget-friendly swimwear brands to shop for in 2023. This way, you get to have the best swimwear at the best prices.

Best swimwear brands

Below are my highly recommended swimwear brands you need to shop for. Most of these swimwear brands are my top best for 2023.

If you’re looking for budget-friendly brands to shop for women’s clothes, these brands are perfect. You can also check out my list of sites like Aliexpress to shop for cheap clothes for women.


I find it really exciting when brands go out of their way to infuse style into their products. It is what you get with Zaful swimwear. 

If you aim to look sexy and gorgeous when you’re dressed in your bikini, you should shop from Zaful. Their swimwear products are almost endless as they have swimwear in all styles suited for you. From bikinis to one-piece, to two-piece and even tankinis, you can find them on Zaful

When you first go on their website and see the variety of products, you’d think that they cost an arm and a leg. However, you’d be pleasantly shocked to see that Zaful has an array of affordable swimwear. 

Swimwear one-piece from Zaful


Are you trying to make a statement with your swimwear? If yes, you should shop from Zara!

I’ve come to realize that most brands that have become household favorites strive harder to maintain their reputation, and this is the case with Zara. Being that they’ve made a name for themselves, they cannot afford to deliver below par. 

While shopping for swimwear from Zara, you will notice that they come in colors you wouldn’t even expect. It is why I said these swimwear help you make a statement. Interestingly, the designs are simple but chic! You are sure to have heads turning when you wear Zara swimwear. 


Shein has been one of my favorite places to shop for almost forever. So, it was ideal for me to check their beachwear section while checking for budget-friendly swimwear, and trust me, I wasn’t disappointed. 

Shein swimsuits are one of those brands that have been saving my life when it comes to affordable items, and their swimwears are also super affordable. I also loved that they come in different styles, so it was easy for me to pick the ones I loved. Irrespective of your style, I’m sure there’s swimwear on Shein for you! 

I wouldn’t be surprised if your mouth stays open when you see the prices of the items on the website!

H & M

The fact that we are out to get affordable swimwear doesn’t mean we should downplay quality which is what I love most about H & M swimwear! Of the low prices that they sell these swimwear, one becomes skeptical about them. 

The first time I shopped for swimwear from them, I decided to get just one and test it out. I fell in love with the swimwear immediately after I got it. I was impressed with the quality and even began telling others about it. Today, I still have that swimwear. So, if you’re looking for affordable swimwear that would stay long-lasting, you should shop at H & M.  


My friend shared this brand with me when I was looking for a place to get budget-friendly swimwear. I fell in love with the brand from the first time I went on their website!

Everything about the swimwear called out to me and I knew I was in the right place. There is a certain femininity that comes with swimwear from this brand. You feel more confident and feminine in their swimwear.

I also love that they move with trends and their swimwear styles are the latest. This way, you are sure to fit in when you wear their swimwear.


From the name of this brand alone, I’m sure you already know that you would get swimwear for the best prices. Everything5pound also have budget-friendly swimwear, but they are also comfortable. Once you buy from them, you have peace of mind in whatever you purchased and can be sure that you’re getting value for your money. 

I also love that their swimwears come in different sizes. So, everyone is their target audience! If you love to shop for things like me, I’m sure your eyes may also deviate to other items on their website as everything comes at a budget-friendly price. 


I doubt there’s anyone who hasn’t heard about Asos, especially if you’re an active online shopper. Even if you’ve never bought something from them before, you must have heard of the brand. 

Luckily, I’m here to help with reviews about the brand, and I can tell you that Asos is a great place to buy things, especially swimwear! 

I didn’t have high expectations when I started checking for swimwear on the site. But I was happy to see that they have budget-friendly swimwear. I wouldn’t say that Asos comes first when it concerns fancy or stylish swimwear. However, their swimwear is highly affordable. 


I was already hooked on this brand and didn’t need any extra convincing from the first time I went on their website. Sometimes, I had to double-check the prices to be sure that I was seeing them correctly. I kept wondering how such beautiful swimwear could be sold at such low prices. 

Well, I didn’t waste time filling my cart and cop me some of those beauties! There is something for you in the swimwear section of the brand irrespective of your size! I also love that all their swimwears are gorgeous irrespective of size. So, they are out to make everyone happy!


Chicme should be your go-to brand if you love to stand out and look different. They are one of those brands that give you unique swimwears that you would want to treasure for a long time. One thing about them is that they pay attention to details and are not out to cause a tear in your pocket. 

I have a secret place in my wardrobe where I keep my Chicme swimwear because they are so unique and gorgeous! (Hope my friends are not reading this part). 

I know you’d be back with comments when you get swimwear from Chicme. 


You may say that I’m a little biased, but this is one of my favorite brands of all time. I love how they’ve been in existence for a while and have never failed to deliver quality every time. 

I love the mix of colors when it comes to their swimwear and how it brings out more of my feminine side. I always feel like a supermodel whenever I wear my prettylittlething swimsuit and I usually get lots of compliments. 

Of course, I know the question on your mind, and yes, the swimwears are budget-friendly! If you’re not conscious and careful, you’d get carried away with shopping due to the low prices. 

2023 is not the year to shop without getting value for your money! I’m out to source for the most affordable brands that deliver quality, and I’ll be dropping them as I get them. 

Start shopping for your swimwear now for the best prices from any of these budget-friendly swimwear brands. 

Cute Swimwear Brands to Shop

Below are some of my favorite swimwear brands to shop in 2023. These are nice swimwear brands that are perfect for all occasions.

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy a bandeau set

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Budget-friendly swimwear brands to Shop in 2023

Sunglasses is one of the best accessories for women you need RN. Although, I am not a sunglasses gal. But I can’t help but love these best sunglasses to shop for 2023.

How did I fall in love with sunglasses? You guys know that I am always checking the trends and what is in by watching the New York fashion week. And I must say the sunglasses for women are super chic.

What are the best sunglasses to shop for right now according to the fashion girls? One of my favorite sunglasses that I highly recommend is large-frame sun shades. Unlike the past trends for sunglasses, the bigger frames are perfect and fun.

I am so glad that the girls on tiktok and Instagram are over the small frame glasses. Lest I forget, I will be glad to get a follow on my Instagram: Enimhienomo. Anyhoo, big-frame glasses are super chic. Also, they are perfect for every outfit you can think of.

You can wear these best sunglasses with your denim outfits, maxi dresses, for work or play. It is the versatility for me. If you are feeling adventurous, you can go for a colorful frame in place of neutrals. Colors like blue, red, and yellow are some of my favorites. Yet, I can’t get myself to wear them.

I am not really confident in colorful frame glasses. Although, I love the color. You can check out my easy color-blocking outfit ideas on my channel. There I shared some fun colors you can easily color without looking like you’re doing too much.

Anyhoo, in this post, I will be linking some of my favorite brands to shop for the best sunglasses for summer. Most of these brands deliver worldwide, so you need not stress about where to buy the best sunglasses near you.

My best brand to shop for the best sunglasses under $20 is Chicme Fashion. This brand is my go for casual style outfits, work wears for women, sneakers ( If you’re a sneakerhead me), and of course sunglasses.

Another favorite sunglasses for women that I am loving right now are those with ombre tints or very light shades of black. In this post, I am wearing my pants which I got from chicme fashion. It is a pant set.

I love the subtle prints. You know that favorite outfit you can’t stop wearing? That is how much I love this pant set. I styled it with my corset top from Zaful. This is another of my favorite brand to shop for swimwear and travel clothes for women. Click here to shop my favorite Corset outfits on Zaful

Whenever I have a vacation planned or a short trip, my go-to spot is Zaful. So, if you’re budget-friendly vacation outfit ideas, look no further than Zaful. Also, they are quite affordable too. Check my list of budget-friendly fashion brands that I shop for frequently. You’d be hooked.

Best sunglasses to shop in 2023

In this post, I will be linking my favorite and best sunglasses to shop for from Chicme. If you’ve never shopped on Chicme what are you waiting for? I have only had hits in my shopping on Chicme. My only miss was shopping for a maxi dress. This dress was too big for me in a size 6. That’s understandable since I am a small six.

Don’t sleep on these sunglasses before the girls sell them out Asap.

Click here to shop it

Click here to shop it

Click here to buy a channel dupe sunglasses

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy Green sunglasses

Click here to buy it

Best sunglasses that the girls are loving in 2023

Hey guys! Your favorite Ajala is here again! This time, my legs took me to the Good Beach Lagos, and I’m giddy to share my experience with you. I had to visit because of the rave about this beach. And of course, I was sold.

Although we’ve just ended the first quarter of the year, it feels like the year has been on for a long time. Some weekends ago, my friends and I decided that we deserved some relaxation time and we decided to spend a day at The Good Beach. 

The good beach is on the same route as Landmark Beach and Oniru Beach. Both of these beaches I have been to, yet I prefer Landmark and the good beach over Oniru Beach. My reason is the aesthetic of Oniru Beach. It seems more like a local beach built with profit-making in mind without recourse to aesthetics and beauty.

Like I said in my post on Oniru Beach, I really wish they could move the vendors very far from the beach bank. There is barely enough space to enjoy a walk on the beach.

The first time I heard of this place, I thought that the name was hilarious. The Good Beach? Okayyy let’s see what it has! 

I didn’t have super high expectations when going to this beach as I saw it as yet another Lagos beach. However, I wanted to have fun and hoped that I wouldn’t be disappointed.

Thankfully, I wasn’t and had a good time with my friends. For those who haven’t been to The Good Beach Lagos, below are some things you need to know about the place. 

Things to do at The Good Beach

So, I went to this place with an open mind. But getting there, I began to rethink and realized that a day might not be enough for us to finish all the activities. I loved that this beach gave us options when it came to things to do. 

Some of the activities to do at The Good Beach are: 

Go swimming:

Typically, I wouldn’t think of going swimming at a beach, especially one in Lagos. However, the water kept calling my name at The Good Beach as it looked very clean. Although I wasn’t up to swimming that day, I made a mental note that I’ll be back to the beach just to swim. 

The beach has different pool areas, allowing you to pick and choose your preference. The energy at the swimming area also comes alive as you can play different water games. 

I loved that I could easily spot the lifeguards in the pool area, showing that they are concerned about the safety of people who come to the beach.  

Eat at the restaurant:

You might say that I’m selective; you wouldn’t be the first to say it as my friends tell me all the time. I usually have my reservations about eating at restaurants on a beach but all reservations went out of the window when we dined at the restaurant at The Good Beach. I couldn’t hold myself back from ordering an extra plate when we ate there.

Their meals were appetizing and satisfying. Heads up, you need to hold enough cash as the meals are more pricey than you might outside the beach. But they have an A+ in deliciousness.  

Take pictures for the gram:

The ambiance at The Good Beach Lagos is one for the books! It would be hard to resist taking pictures while on this beach. I loved that they pay careful attention to their surroundings, keeping it extra clean. You begin to wonder how they are able to keep up, even with the number of people who visit the beach daily.  

Everyone on this beach was giving! My friends and I spent most of our time taking pictures for memories, and we ensured to explore every part of the picture. We almost ran out of storage due to the beautiful scenery at this beach. 

Watch a live event:

You can call us lucky as we got a chance to watch one of the live music shows on the beach. It was a magical experience as I didn’t feel like going home anymore. My friends could not hold in their laughter as I was initially reluctant about following them to the beach. 

I found out that you can catch live shows and events on the beach, but it depends on the day you are visiting. I was thankful that I went there on a perfect day for a live event.  It was one of my highlights of the trip to The Good Beach. 

Watch the sunrise/sunset:

I still have scores to settle with my friends as didn’t let me fully immerse myself in the experience when I was watching the sunset. However, allow me to tell you that it looked very beautiful. For a moment, I felt like I wasn’t in Lagos anymore. 

The view was so fascinating that I had to whip out my phone and take some pictures. Some people say that watching the sun rise in this place gives the same experience, and I will plan to do it one of these days. 

I think everyone deserves to watch the sun rise and set at The Good Beach Lagos.

What to pack when going to The Good Beach Lagos

What do you put in your bag when going to The Good Beach? Here are three important items you shouldn’t forget: Also, click here for beach outfit inspiration if you need what to wear to the beach. 

Beach attire: Do I even need to remind you about this? You should always dress appropriately when going to certain places, and the beach is not an expectation! If you plan to go to the beach, you must pack your beach attire. Ensure that you look cute and sexy as your pictures need to be peng and outstanding. 

Good vibes: Your preparation is incomplete if you plan on going to The Good Beach without good vibes! These two factors go hand-in-hand! The energy at the beach is always perfect, and mixing it with good vibes is the perfect synergy to enjoy the experience. Trust me, after one experience at the beach, you’d always want to make return trips. 

Sunshades: For some reason, the sun at the beach always seems like it is in a competition. So, you should not forget your sunshades when going to The Good Beach. In addition, your sunshade is the perfect accessory to complement your beach attire. For the culture, you should relax near the water with your sunshades and take some pictures.  

The Good Beach Gate fee

Of course, it would be absurd to think that entrance into this beach is free. You would pay 3,000 naira to enter this place from Monday to Thursday. However, due to the rush and high traffic at the beach during the weekends, the fee is 4,000 naira from Fridays to Sundays.  

I’m glad my friends made me visit The Good Beach. You should check it out and come share your experience with me!

FAQ about the Good Beach Lagos

  1. Can I bring my food to the good beach? The Good Beach Lagos doesn’t allow anyone to bring in their food. You can get food at the beach area or the good beach food village. The aesthetic of the food court is beautiful with unique raffia designs for the lounge chairs, the dining chairs, and the chandelier.
  2. How much is the gate fee for the good beach? Entry fee to the good beach Lagos is 3000naira per person if you book it online via their Instagram page or 3K for women, and 4K for guys. Although I still wonder why men are charged more for entry.
  3. Are there other fun things to do at the good beach? Yes, you can participate in the movie night by the pool, live concerts, and other amazing events. Follow @thegoodbeach on Instagram to stay abreast of upcoming events
  4. Is there free access to their facilities? The entry fee into the good beach gives you access to the pool, lounge chairs, beach benches, etc except the cabanas which are paid services.

Other fun things to do at the good beach enjoy a relaxing spa and massage session, jet ski ride, boat cruise, etc. You can also play games, and engage in beach soccer among other fun things.

Feel free to comment on other fun beaches in Lagos you’ve visited or that you want us to review. Ciao

The Good Beach Lagos: Experience luxury on a budget at this fun beach

Are you looking for the best things to do in Africa? Africa has so much to offer like some fun outdoor activities you can do.

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m loud about my love for Africa. One might think it’s because I’m African, but it goes beyond that fact. One of the reasons why Africa is dear to me is because I know that the continent has a lot to offer. 

If you set out to explore the different activities and things to do in Africa, it may take you years. I even doubt anyone can fully explore all that Africa has to offer. 

Come with me, let me tell you some of the things to do in Africa. Some of these activities I have done, and others I am yet to tick off my bucket list. Also, check out the most beautiful places in Africa to explore on a budget.

Amongst the numerous things to do in Africa, some of them are: 

1. See a waterfall

I tried to count the number of waterfalls in Africa and I lost track at a point. I am tempted to say that you can find a waterfall in any African country. Only in Nigeria, we have more than 10 waterfalls in Nigeria scattered all over the country.

Some of them I have visited like the Erin Ijesha waterfall, almost visited Owu waterfall in Kwara state, etc. There are so many other waters in Nigeria that are still on top of my bucket list. Imagine how many we have in Africa?

A waterfall is one of your best options if you’re looking for a relaxing activity to do in Africa. I’d recommend visiting Victoria Falls in Zambia. It is the largest waterfall in Africa and a sight to behold!

Marrakech Waterfall

2. Climb to the peak of a mountain 

Have you ever experienced the views of a place from the top of a mountain? If you have not, you need to as it is a surreal experience. 

Anytime I visit a new country, I always try to climb to the peak of their highest point and get the best views. 

3. Go horse riding

I remember the first time I engaged in horse riding and the horse threw me to the ground, but that’s a story for another day. I’ve always found horse riding to be thrilling as it brings a certain rush. My first experience of Horse riding was at Suntan Beach, Badagry. Horse riding is one of the best things to do in Africa.

You are sure to have fun when you engage in this activity, and it is one of the best things to do in Africa. You can always see horses on most of the beaches in Africa. 

4. Explore the safari

If you’re a lover of wildlife, you’ve gotten an activity to do while in Africa. Although this would not be on the top of my list, I know you would have a swell time exploring the safari and seeing different animals.

The best part of it is that you get to see animals that are peculiar to the African region. Safaris are very common in Africa. So, if you’re looking for fun outdoor activities to do in Africa, add Safaris to your list.

5. Go skydiving

Here’s an activity for the daring ones! If you like to live life on the edge and feel the adrenaline rush, you should go skydiving in Africa. 

It is one for the memory books and I’m sure you’d be ticking something off your bucket list. South Africa, Morocco, and Mauritius are African countries to visit if you want to go skydiving.

6. Visit the river, Nile

The river Nile holds so much history to it and is one of the places you should see in Africa. It stands as the longest river in Africa as it spans over 10 countries. 

You should take a camera along so you have picture memories for yourself and also to show people that you’ve visited this historic site.

7. Try local delicacies

Need I say more about this? Every African country has its unique delicacies! When visiting Africa, trying out various local delicacies should be on your list of things to do in Africa. 

Some people say that they don’t feel like leaving after trying the various local meals and drinks. If this happens to you as well, I wouldn’t be surprised.

8. Attend a festival

One of the best ways of integrating with the locals in any African town or community is by attending their local festivals. I’m always in awe at the activities that happen at these ceremonies and the fun level is always at its highest. 

Festivals like the New Yam Festival and Argungu Fishing Festival in Nigeria, Mombasa Carnival in Kenya, and Maitisong Festival in Botswana are a few of the many festivals you shouldn’t miss in Africa. 

9. Haggle prices at a local market

Even if you do not do much when you visit an African country, this is something you must do! The best part is that you would always see a local market. 

So, have fun by going into these markets and haggling prices with the vendors. You would even make friends in the process. 

10. Visit the pyramids

I know that the Pyramids of Giza come to mind as you’re reading this option. After all, Egypt has a reputation for Pyramids. In addition, the Nubian Pyramids in Sudan are also worth exploring. 

You never know, you might find something historic or magical when you visit these pyramids. Ensure that it is on your checklist of things to do in Africa on your visit. 

11. Walk with the lions

At a point in my life, I never knew that walking with lions was a leisurely activity. So, you can imagine my surprise, fear, and anticipation when I heard about it. 

During my stay in Senegal, I was able to tick this activity off my bucket list! Was I scared? Yes. Did I do it? Yes. 

You can walk with the lions in Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, etc. If I can do it, you can too!

12. Go wine tasting

It was fascinating to find out that people think there are no wine farms in Africa. What do you even mean? I found it laughable as South Africa alone has a good number of them. This is a great activity to engage in if you need things to do in South Africa.

Wine tasting is one of the things to do in Africa on your visit. Come and taste the goodness in African wines!

13. Go gorilla trekking

Although I haven’t done it, Gorilla trekking is among the best things to do in Africa. It shouldn’t be surprising that such activity exists. After all, it only makes sense as there is walking with the lions. 

You can go Gorilla trekking whenever you are in Rwanda. I’d be eagerly waiting to hear stories of your experience. 

14. Spend time at the spice island

Many things might come to mind when you hear of spice island. In Africa, Zanzibar is commonly known as the spice island. Aside from tourism, it is also popular for its spices. 

Zanzibar is one of the best places to stay when you’re in Africa as it has lots of touristy things to do. Yes, Tanzania is calling your name and you won’t regret it.  

15. Walk with Rhinos

I know you’d say that I’m here with another activity that centers around animals. But can you blame me? The thrill that comes with this activity is almost next to none. 

One of my favorite things about walking with rhinos is that you get to encounter endangered species that you can only find in Africa. You should visit Kenya and Zambia to engage in this activity. 

16. Play with penguins

Did you know that you can lose track of time when playing with penguins? It is such a relaxing thing to do. You get to zone out on other things happening and have your focus on the penguins. 

Yes, you can randomly see penguins on various beaches. But, you should visit Penguin Beach in South Africa. 

17. Visit Chefchaouen

Have you heard of Africa’s blue city? You can find this place in Morocco. It stands out as all the buildings in the city are blue!

It is one of the cities on my list of places to visit in Africa, and I always get giddy at the thought of spending time there. You should visit it, experience the place, and get to know why everything is blue. 

18.  See the pink lake

Pink isn’t the first color that would come to mind when you think of a lake. So, the pink lake in Senegal would be a sight to behold. Interestingly, people can even swim in it! Wouldn’t you want to experience this? 

You can bet that I wouldn’t stop talking about it when I engage in this activity. 

19. Go kayaking 

I love that you cannot be bored when you visit beaches and resorts in Africa. If there is a waterbody, you can be sure to see people who love Kayak. One of the best places to enjoy kayaking in Africa is La campagne Tropicana Beach in Lagos Nigeria.

The water is very beautiful and this activity is quite fun and relaxing.

It was during one of my trips that I learned how to Kayak and it was more fun than I imagined. You should do it too. 

20.  Go snorkeling

When I hear stories from friends about snorkeling, I can tell that it is an exciting activity. Although water activities are not always on the top of my list, I may be trying this activity one day. 

If you’re in Egypt, you shouldn’t be bored or complain about not knowing what to do. The country gives one of the best snorkeling experiences in Africa. 

21. Visit the seal colony in Namibia

You will be held by a high sense of fascination when you visit the seal colony. Here, you get to see how seals interact with each other, and just observe. 

This activity is one of the best things to do in Africa. However, keep in mind that visiting this place isn’t free as you would pay a fee. 

22. Explore the nightlife

It should be unthinkable to visit Africa without exploring its nightlife. When you step into an African club, you will be captivated by the high energy. The energy at these places has the power to keep you dancing from the beginning to the end. 

Shoutout to all African clubs, but special recognition to Nigerian and South African clubs. These clubs deliver the right mix of Afrobeat and amapiano. 

23. Go camping

You can go the extra mile in exploring Africa by staying outdoors for some days. The camping experience is usually enjoyable, especially when done in a group. 

It is something you should be on the lookout for in any African country as the locals may be organizing one during your visit. It is also a perfect way of bonding with the locals and making friends. 

24. Visit the beach

Visiting an African beach gives you a dive into African culture in a way that you get to see traditional items sold there. For example, the materials and jewelry you can find on these beaches have a touch of African in them. In no time, these artifacts would become sentimental to you. 

25. See the red sea

I’m sure you must have heard of this place. Well, this is your opportunity to check it out during your African visit. The red sea lies between Africa and Asia. The historic nature of this place and the scuba diving experience always attract tourists to it.

Orange Bar Island, Red Sea

26. Hike it out

It may seem like I always like to praise Africa. But this continent doesn’t lack activities to do. A fact to this would be the hiking trails you can find across various African countries. 

If you love to hike, find a hiking trail near you and hike it out. Trust me, you would enjoy the experience. Hiking is one of the best things to do in Africa. My first experience hiking was in Olumo Rock Abeokuta. This place is a fun place to visit. However, I have so much phobia of heights so I am always tensed whenever I hike mountains and rocks.

27. Bond with nature

One of the best things to do in Africa would be to bond with nature by visiting gardens and flower parks. Here, you get to see different flowers that you might have never seen before. You also get in-depth information on the various flowers, and even see the ones unique to Africa. 

This activity is one of the best as it is sure to leave a smile on your face

28. Tick Mount Kilimanjaro off your list

Wouldn’t you want to climb the tallest mountain in Africa? Visiting Africa and engaging in activities shouldn’t just be for doing sake. You should do things that are symbolic, and of them would be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. 

It comes with bragging rights as not everyone can say they have accomplished this feat.

29.  See an active volcano

Interestingly, there are some active volcanoes in Africa in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo. I don’t know about you, but I would love to see one. 

Now, note that I’m saying SEE. Whenever you decide to engage in this activity, ensure that you are in the company of a tour guide or local of that region. It’s an essential safety procedure.

30. Travel with an open mind and have fun

Africa is waiting for you. Come, explore, and have the best moments of your life! 

Travel resources for a trip to Africa

  1. Opt for affordable travel tours in Africa, Book it on GetYourGuide
  2. Earn cashback and book cheap flight tickets: Sign up on WayAway.
  3. Search for the best flight deals: Book it on

4. Book a hostel for your stay in South Africa on Hostelworld.

5. Book your travel insurance for health and emergencies on Insubuy.

6. For Budget-friendly hotels for your trip to South Africa, book it on Trivago.

7. For ease of moving around book your airport transfers from GetTransfers.

8. Shop my Amazon store front for my top travel essentials:

30 Best Things To Do in Africa on your visit

Are you planning a trip to South Africa soon? What are the best things to do in South Africa all season? Here I will give an insight into the things to do in South Africa that are budget-friendly and perfect for all seasons.

I remember going to South Africa and instantly falling in love with the people and their culture. Being in South Africa made me appreciate a lot of things, and I already knew that I would want to pay a return visit to the country. South Africa just like most places in Africa is really beautiful. There is so much to learn about their culture, people, and their foods.

Johannesburg is one of the urban cities in South Africa you need to explore. It has this burst of city energy and fun you’d love. You can check out these fun things to do in Johannesburg South Africa.

It was as if there was an endless list of activities to do in South Africa. Every day, you’d see me giving my friends updates on things I was up to. Soon, many of them were already planning their trips to South Africa. 

Below are some exciting things to do in South Africa.

1. Visit South Africa

It isn’t about what to do when you visit South Africa as you cannot do anything if you’re not in the country yet. So, this is your cue to add South Africa to your travel list. Dust your passport, pack your bags, and get all your travel essentials ready! 

I can assure you that South Africa has its arms open and is ready to welcome you. It’s the beginning step of an exciting experience. You can also check out my post on what to pack for a trip to Africa.

2. Learn the language

I’m not saying that I expect you to fully know how to speak and understand Zulu or Xhosa after your trip to South Africa. However, you should be able to say some of their lingoes. It helps you in getting along with the locals perfectly. 

Before my trip to South Africa, I indulged heavily in South African trends on Twitter. Soon, I was able to pick up on some of their slang words like ‘Haibo,’ which is still my favorite today. You’d randomly see me using it when exclaiming. 

Knowing bits of their language helped me feel like one of them while in the country. Plus, I highly recommend google translate as one of the best travel apps you need.

3. Explore Cape Town

You’d probably be landing in Cape Town when you get to South Africa. I don’t know if that would be your end destination while there or if you’d move to another city. However, ensure that you explore Cape Town before you leave. 

Cape Town has a lot to offer to tourists, and you’d be happy if you explore the town. I love the carefree nature that came with being there and watching the mannerisms of the people was quite fascinating. 

4. Visit an Island

Did you know that there are islands to explore in South Africa? 

I got to South Africa with an open mindset, ready to explore everything the country has to offer. But never did I imagine that the country has interesting islands to explore. 

Robben Island is one of the islands you must visit when you get to South Africa. The air of mystery surrounding this place got me very much excited. I got to know that the island housed Nelson Mandela for most of his imprisonment years. 

A lot of historical stories are attached to this island and you’d love to get to know them.

5. Go ziplining

If you’d love to engage in ziplining in South Africa, Ceres is the city to visit. I’d be lying to you if I say that I engaged in this activity as I chickened out at the dying minute. I would most likely do it on my next trip to South Africa. Although this activity is not my cup of tea yet, it is one of the best things to do in South Africa.

However, it was fascinating watching people zipline across the Koekedouw River and Skurweberg Mountain. I can assure you that it’s a safe experience as there are lots of guides there to help you.

6. Visit a national park

South Africa has lots of national parks where you get to see animals, look at intriguing flowers, appreciate nature, relax, meet new people, etc. The list of things to do at a national park are endless.

I wouldn’t want to recommend any specific national park as you should visit the one closest to where you are staying in the country. But, be assured that you would have a swell experience at any of the national parks you pick. Visiting a national park is one of the top things to do in South Africa.

7. Visit a museum

One thing about me is that I always love to learn about new things, including history. Once I get to a new country, I’m on the lookout for their museum so I get to know more about the regions and get tips on how to have the best experience. 

The museums in South Africa are one of the best I have visited as the experience wasn’t underwhelming. The tour guides were also super helpful. 

8. Explore Cango Caves

If you’re looking for something edgy to do in South Africa, then you should explore Cango Caves. I can’t exactly say that I’m an edgy person, but this experience was worth it. I highly recommend this activity as one of the fun things to do in South Africa for adventurers.

At this place, there is the standard tour and adventure tour. I’m not going to give spoilers, but I can tell you that I did both tours and loved them. Exploring the Cango Caves is one experience that stays green in my memory and I recommend it to anyone visiting South Africa.

9. Go shark cage diving

Prior to my South African trip, I never knew that there was an activity like shark cage diving. So, imagine my surprise when my tour guide recommended this activity. Although I was a little bit scared, I decided to indulge in it. 

Being close to a shark? That was my first experience! For this activity, you are in a cage, and sharks come to ‘check you out.’ The thrill that came with engaging in this activity was so surreal. My friends were shocked when they saw my snaps.

10. See Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

Some people would say that this is one of the most beautiful places in South Africa. I wouldn’t comment on it yet until you’ve taken a trip to SA and explored this place. 

But you can be sure that my camera enjoyed lots of views at this reserve. The waterfalls at this place were my top highlights as they were a sight for the eyes. The reserve also had a calm and relaxing aura. 

11. Have fun on the beach

It shouldn’t be heard that you visit South Africa without having fun on the beach. Who does that? Beaches are one of my favorite places to visit on any trip. So, I can’t do without time at the beach on my visit. A beach visit should be top of the fun things to do in South Africa on your visit.

Need options of what to wear to the beach, check out this post. There I have some fun beach outfits you need to enjoy your holiday.

The country has a good number of beaches. All you need to do is to pick your preference and have the time of your life. It is easy to lose track of time when you’re having fun on an SA beach. 

I got to meet and make lots of new friends and I would say that the experience was worth it. Although these beaches can be busy, you can also find quiet spots to relax. 

12. Go to Victoria & Alfred Waterfront

This was my go-to location for food and entertainment while in South Africa. I don’t know your ideal definition of fine dining. However, mine is having the best meals in a restaurant that overlooks the waterfront, which is what I get at this place. 

This place is home to many restaurants and even has cinemas as well. I dedicated a full day to eating at the restaurants, seeing movies at the cinema, and just feeding my eyes with the views at this place. 

13. Explore Table Mountain

Have you heard of table mountain? 

Hiking or climbing to the peak might be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a mountain. Trust me; it is also what I think. 

However, table mountain was a delightful surprise as it is a place that has many unique plants. I saw so many beautiful flowers that I have never seen before. I couldn’t stop taking pictures and making videos. 

It was such a refreshing experience visiting this place as it’s something different from other things to do in South Africa. 

Table Mountain view from a cable car

14. Eat from a local restaurant

I know I talked about fine dining earlier. But let’s deviate a bit and explore local restaurants. You get some of the best local meals for fair prices at these local restaurants. I love trying out the local delicacies. One of the fun things to do in South Africa is to eat at a local restaurant. To enjoy this, make friends with the locals for the best food recommendations.

If you want to immerse yourself in the local South African cuisines, you should eat from a local restaurant. I loved the variety in terms of food and drinks. The servers at these places are also warm and help with recommendations for you to have the best experience. 

15. Go wine tasting

Toward the end of my SA trip, someone took me to the Cape Winelands. I didn’t have high expectations when visiting this place as I had never been to a Wineland before. However, I can tell you that I enjoyed the time I spent there. 

I got to taste fresh wines and know more about their composition. I also got to feed my eyes with the beautiful scenery at this place. If you have the opportunity, ensure that you visit this place when in South Africa. 

16. Attend the Zulu festival 

I had always heard about the Zulu festivals before arriving in South Africa. So, you can imagine my joy and excitement when I got to know that I visited the country at the perfect time as the festival happened while I was there. 

From the people to the music, to the dances, traditional activities, etc, everything was on point. I was delighted to be in their midst, and it ranks as one of the best things I have experienced in my life. 

17. Go motorbiking

Motorbiking is another thing you can do while in South Africa as they have dedicated tracks for this activity. I love the badass way I looked when I was kitted up for this activity. 

Now, don’t ask me how it went as it was my first time engaging in it. However, I can assure you that you would have an enjoyable experience if it is something you would like to do.

18. Indulge in tandem paragliding

As much as I love to be adventurous, this was another activity I had cold feet about doing in South Africa. Not to say that there is anything wrong with doing it. But I had not put myself in that mind frame yet. It is on my list of things to do in South Africa during my next visit. 

My friends who engaged in it have nothing but the best words to describe their experience. Now, I regret not engaging in it then.

19. Go for a boat cruise

You can also go on a boat cruise while in South Africa. Luckily for me, my tour guide was organizing a group boat cruise then, and I was more than happy to be a part of it. Boat Cruise is one of the best things to do in South Africa.

The experience was fun as we had food, drinks, music, etc. Going for this boat cruise was one of my best ways to unwind and savor my vacation experience

20. Visit the Lion park

his place is as the name implies. You can say that it is a zoo dedicated to lions. Was I scared to visit it? Yes. Did I visit it? Yes. 

Life is about doing new things, and you can be sure that I want to make the most out of life. I wouldn’t say much until you come back to tell me about your experience at this park. 

21.  Bungee jump at Bloukran Bridge

Another of the exciting things to do in South Africa is Bungee Jumping. Many people have reservations about this activity as they want to be sure of their safety before engaging in it. I didn’t have the time to do it while in South Africa, but I’ve heard only positive reviews from people’s experiences. 

If you love a good adrenaline rush, this is the activity to do in South Africa. 

22. Party at a South African club

Trust me when I say that South Africans have energy for days. These people know how to party and you just can’t resist the amapiano beats! 

From the moment I stepped into the club to when I left, I was on my feet dancing! You can be sure that I’m readily available the next time someone invites me to a South African club. 

It was a swell experience that I would recommend to anyone. 

23. Shop at the local markets

I love South African clothes so much and couldn’t wait to get them at the local market. When I got to the local markets, my mouth was in awe at what they had to offer. I had to exercise lots of self-control to curb my shopping as I didn’t want to finish all my money. 

There is always something to get your attention at a South African market, and it is also a delightful experience conversing with the sellers and haggling about prices.

24. Learn how to make a South African Jewelry

I got one of my South African friends to teach me how to make their local jewelry like beads and earrings before I left the country. Although I didn’t finish learning it, I was enjoying the process. This is one of the fun things to do in South Africa on a budget.

It’s something I must complete learning on my next trip as I cannot wait to make and rock them!

25. Make memories

It isn’t about doing things in South Africa but making sure that you make memories out of them. These memories would remain in you and make the country dear to your heart!

Travel resources you need to travel to South Africa

  1. Book fun activities in South Africa on GetYourGuide. Some activities sell out really fast. So, book your spot now.
  2. Earn cashback and book cheap flight tickets: Sign up on WayAway.
  3. Search for the best flight deals: Book it on

4. Book a hostel for your stay in South Africa on Hostelworld.

5. Book your travel insurance for health and emergencies on Insubuy.

6. For Budget-friendly hotels for your trip to South Africa, book it on Trivago.

7. For ease of moving around book your airport transfers from GetTransfers.

25 Exciting Things To Do in South Africa on a Budget

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