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Covid-19 Vaccination in Lagos: All you need to know

Finally WHO approves a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 infections. This is a ray hope compared to Last year. There were so many challenges that came with the pandemic. So many jobs lost and businesses struggling to stay afloat. However, with the vaccines , we can now go about our normal lives. Also, there is now hope to travel and do business safely. Although, vaccination does not mean you can’t be infected by the virus. However, if infected, it is less severe. There are so many speculation on whether or not to get vaccinated. You can choose to take the vaccine if you want. I have taken my first dose vaccination. So, if you want to get the Covid-19 vaccination in Lagos, here is all you need to know.

How to register for Covid-19 vaccination in Lagos

The first batch of dose of vaccination is currently ongoing in Lagos. However, not all individuals can have access yet. The individuals that can get the vaccines now are essential workers and their families. Also, the elderly can get the vaccine for now.

As you all know, I also have regular job so I registered as an essential workers on Lagos state forms. Most organizations liaise with Lagos state government to get their essential employees vaccinated. However, you can register for the covid vaccine here or visit NPHCDA’s portal.

Only registered individuals are attended to at the vaccination center. After registration, you will get a notification for the location, registration number and time. However, if you miss your scheduled date, you can still take your vaccine on a later date with your number.

Vaccination centers in Lagos state

There are several vaccination centers in Lagos state both on the island and mainland. However, I was assigned the center at Yaba, military hosiptal. I lost my way twice. Also, a tricycle driver who wanted to help dropped me off at a military barracks. Thank God I was polite and asked questions.

The queue at the center is so much. You need to leave home early to the vaccination center. It took about 2 hours before I got the vaccines. Plus many “elites” were using their connections to jump the queue.


Covid-19 vaccinations: All you need to know

There are so many stories of how people react to the vaccine. However, people react differently to the vaccines. There are a few tips you need to know before taking your first does.

  1. Ensure you eat breakfast before taking the vaccines. So many people agree to this fact. The vaccine is quite strong and just like a normal drug, it needs food. I ate about 4 times on the first of taking the vaccines. I even woke up at midnight to eat too.
  2. Wear a short sleeve outfit for easy access to your shoulder. It will quite stressful to pull up your long sleeve outfit to to take the vaccines

Other tips to know

At the center, you will be advised on how to take care of yourself after taking the vaccine. You can take paracetamol for the body aches or fever. Also, the vaccine is not suitable for pregnant or breast feeding mothers. So, if you’re an expecting mum, you can’t take the vaccine. Alcohol is to be avoided for at least 24 hours. So, if you need to take the vaccine, avoid alcohol.

It took about 2 days for me to feel better after the vaccination. However, on the second day, I was already able to do my regular task. So, if you’re worried about being sick for so long, it is for a short while. Please note that you may react differently from me. However, ensure you follow all the guidelines that you will be told at the center.

After the vaccination, you will be given the card. Also, a date for the second dose will be stated on the card. You will get a text confirming your vaccination the same day. So, if you’re still contemplating to take the vaccine, just do it. It is quite safe. If you’re planning yo travel it is advisable to take all your vaccines. You can also read my post on how to process your e-yellow card.

Magdalene Enimhienomo

I am fashion and lifestyle blogger. My blog is where I share style tips, place to visit on budget and reviews of my fashion haul. I am an introvert and creative writing is where I express myself more. For collaborations: [email protected]

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