10 things to pack for road trip

10 Things to pack for a road trip(and not to forget)

Road trips are a fun adventure you need to try out at least once in your lifestyle. I love to go on road trips. This is because you get to explore a lot of places on your way to your destination. On my recent road trip, I bought cheap foodstuff. Yay!. So, if you are up for a road trip or planning one, you need to take these road trip essentials. Here are my top 10 things to pack for a road trip (and things not to forget). What should you not forget when packing for a road trip? Without a packing list for a road trip, you may forget to pack basic things like toiletries. Raise your hands if you forgot to pack your toothbrush on a trip. lol. So, here are what to pack for your road trip adventure.

Power banks or chargers

One of the most important things to pack for a road trip is your charger for your mobile devices. You need a card charger or your charger to boost your mobile device. There is nothing scarier than your loved ones unable to reach you on your trip.

So, on my road trips, I ensure that my mobile phone is always charged. Also, as a travel blogger, I use my phone to vlog and take pictures too. I love to capture great pictures for content creation for my blog and social media channels. However, I have once gone on a vacation with low power on my mobile device. I felt so frustrated because I couldn’t get a charger to boost my phone.

So, what you should not forget to pack for a road trip is a charger. Also, you can pack a power bank just in case. If you’re visiting Africa, you will relate to the importance of a power bank. Some parts have unstable electricity. So, a power bank comes in handy for you.


A pair of sunglasses is also a must-have for your road trip. Sunglasses are super stylish. You can wear sunglasses to dress up your outfit. Also, you need sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.

If you’re planning to go hiking, you need a pair of sunglasses to reduce the effect of the sunrays. Fashion eyewear offers stylish pairs of glasses you can choose from. They offer normal sunglasses as well as prescription sunglasses. I love this brand a lot. Although you can shop for a pair of sunglasses from them online. You don’t have to worry about fitting. You can try out the glasses on their website too.

So, if you need a pair of sunglasses for your road trip, click here to shop from a fashion eyewear brand.

10 things to pack for a road trip sun glasses


Another of the 10 things to pack for a road trip is a pair of sneakers. On my recent road trip, I went hiking some rocks to access a waterfall. It was a scary and adventurous experience. However, a pair of flip-flops will my climbing difficult.

So, for a trip that requires climbing, pack a pair of sneakers. You can wear sneakers with a dress or a pair of leggings. I love to wear sneakers and leggings on my hiking trips. It is super comfy and stylish too.

Everything5pounds offers lovely pairs of sneakers. You can shop for a pair of chunky heel sneakers for your closet. Click here to shop for sneakers from everything5pounds.

road trip essentials

Bucket hat

Asides from the fact that bucket hats are on-trend for about 2 years in a row. A bucket hat is a road trip essential for me. For days that I don’t feel like wearing sunglasses, bucket hats come in handy.

You can wear a bucket hat to dress up your outfit. Also, you can wear bucket hats simply for protection from the sunrays. Zaful offers some stylish options of bucket hats you need in your closet. Click here to shop Zaful bucket hats. Use my Zaful discount code: HJDW to get an extra 17% off your order.

Comfortable clothes

Comfort is key when going on a road trip. Traveling by road is super fun. However, you need to wear comfortable clothes while on a road trip.

You need clothes that fitted and are not too tight. Opt for comfy clothes like oversized shirts and denim pants. You can also pack comfy clothes like leggings, maxi dresses, etc. These types of outfits make you super comfortable on a road trip.

Head phones

Although it is a road trip essential, you can do without it. Headphones are great to keep you company on your trip. You can listen to music on your road trip to kill the boredom. Also, you can connect your headphones to your mobile device to enjoy movies on Netflix. However, you can do this if you’re not the driver.

So, if you’re going on a road trip, don’t forget to pack your headphones. This is useful to keep you entertained for your road trip.

Tote bags

Tote bags are one of the best things to bring on a road trip. They are a practical bag you need in your closet. I love to shop for medium to large size tote for my closet. This is because they can carry a lot of stuff for me. Plus as a lady, I love to carry as many things that I need for a trip.

Tote bags are also one of the bag trends you need in 2021. You can pack your make-up bag, mobile phone charger, games, planner, etc into a tote bag. Also, you can pack snacks for your road trip in your tote bag. On my recent road trip, many of the ladies I went on the trip with packed their bikinis for easy access in their tote bags. So, if you plan on visiting a beach on your road trip, pack a bikini set or bikini alternative in your tote bag. You can also read my post on the 5 best bag trends of 2021 you need to shop for your closet.

Back pack

A road trip essential I love is a backpack. I am a backpacker than a luggage lady for my trips. So, you will always catch me with my backpack on vacation or road trips.

I use my backpack for carrying my packing list for a road trip. My backpack can fit my clothes for a few days, toiletries, swimwear, shoes, nose mask/hand sanitizers ( to keep off the Rona), etc. Yesstyle offers stylish and durable options of backpacks you can shop for. Use my Yesstyle influencer discount: Stylez20 to get 5% off your order from Yesstyle.

Backpack set from Yes style

10 Things to pack for a road trip: Others

Other things you need for a road trip include pillows ( for a quick nap), mints or gum, some cash (miscellaneous spend), etc.

Magdalene Enimhienomo

I am fashion and lifestyle blogger. My blog is where I share style tips, place to visit on budget and reviews of my fashion haul. I am an introvert and creative writing is where I express myself more. For collaborations: [email protected]

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