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Many of us are so busy that we skip breakfast daily. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. So, you need these easy yogurt breakfast recipes so as to eat breakfast daily.

But the millennial life and hustle make it quite impossible to eat breakfast. On a good day I only twice a day; lunch and dinner. Skipping breakfast negatively impact the body. It predisposes you to some health issues like stomach ulcers etc.

We all know a healthy mind and body is what we need to squash our goals. So, an easy way to ensure you don’t miss breakfast is to take yogurt meals. These are 4 easy yogurt meals you need for breakfast to start your day. With these meals, you will stay healthy and ready to tackle the day.

Yogurt and Granola Meal

One of the easiest yogurt breakfast recipes to put together in minutes is a yogurt bowl with granola. There are some things to you need to note before making this meal.

You can’t just use any type of yogurt from the market. However, any thick yogurt is perfect for this meal. You can shop a variety of yogurt from your local store, especially Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is quite expensive though.

So, I opt for several variations of Greek yogurt alternatives from Spar. I love shop from spar with its extra perk of getting reward points. Also, you can shop Refresh yogurt online. They are a small brand which delivers to your doorstep.

Refresh yogurt offers several yogurt flavors like cream, vanilla or strawberry. They also sell combo packs if you can store them.

To prepare this meal, pour some yogurt into a bowl. Add granola as toppings to your yogurt bowl for less than 2minute breast fast before work.

This meal is perfect for those who have to be at work very early. So, you can take something before rushing off.

You can make your granola from home or simply purchase it from your local supermarket. Also, you can shop for granola online in Nigeria from Supermart. I shop my granola with raisins and nuts from Jumia.

There are several variations of granola available in the market or your local. I read through the ingredient to make my choices. However, I already have my favorite granola with gum, nuts, and raisin. If you know another granola type you want to recommend, feel free to share it in the comment. Click here to buy granola from Jumia.

Yogurt and Fruit Toppings

Another quick yogurt breakfast recipes to try out is with fruits. I love try my hands on several fruits types for my yogurt bowl. You can choose to use fresh fruits chopped like pineapple, Apple, grapes or berries.

Also, you can opt for dry fruit options like coconut flakes or dried almond fruits. I love to mix both the dry and fresh fruits as toppings for my yogurt bowl.

Adding fruits to your yogurt is a great way to encourage your fruit intake. We all know that we are a trying time globally due to the pandemic. And we need vitamins to boost our immune system.

So, to increase your vitamin intake, have a yogurt bowl with fruits for breakfast. This will serve two purposes. Immune boost and breakfast.

To make this simple breakfast, get a bowl and spoon. Add some yogurt into the bowl as much as you want. However, I would recommend 1/3 of the bowl full.

Add your fruits to dress the yogurt. You can any type of fruit on top of the yogurt in any order of your choice. You can choose to add just dry fruits or fresh fruits or both. This meal is my go-to for a quick meal and immune boost.

Fruit Parfait

Parfaits are of the easiest and fun yogurt breakfast recipes to try out. I use to think making a parfait is expensive. This is because most big restaurants serve this as a dessert or breakfast meal.

However, after watching a lady’s vlog, I was sold. So, I made my parfait at home. Yogurt and fruits go along so well and this combo makes up a parfait.

There are several types of yogurt parfait. However, I prefer fruit parfait. This type of parfait is so yummy. Omg! I can’t help but take a quick nap after such hearty meal.

To make a yogurt parfait, you need thick yogurt, granola, and fruits ( fresh or dried). You can use a bowl or a cup, this solely depends on you.

For my fruit parfait, I prefer to use a glass cup. This makes it so appealing to dig in as soon as it is ready. What you’re basically going to do is to layer this ingredient.

Add yogurt as your first layer, followed by some granola and fruit to make the second layer. Add some more yogurt as the third layer. The fourth layer can just be fruits to top it off.

Yogurt+ Coconut flakes + blue berries

My love story for coconut will last long. I love coconut in every form. Coconut Raw or processed as flakes or the coconut from the beach. So, you know I would definitely love adding coconut to my yoghurt bowl.

Another of the 4 easy yogurt breakfast recipes you need for breakfast is coconut flakes topping, yogurt and blue berries.

I love blueberries because of their sour taste. However, it is super expensive here since we only import them. I bought blueberries at Spar for 2500 naira and some change. I treated as priceless as it is.

So, if you need another simple way to take yogurt, add blueberries and coconut flakes. It is so yummy. As always, the yogurt goes in first into the bowl before any other ingredient. With these 4 easy yogurt meal, you will have a hearty breakfast irrespective of how busy your mornings may be.

4 easy yogurt breakfast recipes you need on the go as a professional

As a fashion blogger, working from my bed is so tiring. So, I needed to create a work from home office setup to make it easier. Plus, I also need to create additional work from home essentials for photography too.

You need a home office to help boost your productivity. Because working from home comes with so many distractions. Here are some of my best productivity tips to help enjoy working from home. This will also help you work better and deliver on your results.

Setting up a home office doesn’t need to be super expensive. How do I set up a work office at home on a budget? Also, how can you maximize your small space to create a work from home office setup?

Below are what you need to create a work from home office setup on a budget. Also, if you’re a full-time freelancer or your job is mostly done at home, click here for work from home outfit ideas for women.

Work from home office setup essentials

Mobile phone

There is hardly anyone without a mobile device these days. So, one of the first things you need is a mobile phone with good camera quality. The camera quality of your mobile device will determine the quality of the pictures.

I once used an android mobile phone with bad camera quality. All the pictures always come out blurry or not great. (both indoor and outdoor shots). I also opted to edit the pictures to make them better. However, the quality remained the same notwithstanding.***sighs**.

So, to set up your home studio, get a mobile phone that takes quality shots. You can opt for an iPhone or Android with great pixels. For my pictures, I use Samsung A50, 2020 model. I love the outcome of my shots and videos on this mobile phone device.

Click here to buy Samsung A53

Natural Light

Natural light is one of the cheapest ways to get lighting for your photograph. For a great picture, you need light. However, getting a studio light and its other accessories is not cheap. So, for your home studio, opt for natural light. You don’t have to pay for it you know.

The room you want to use for the studio must have access to natural light that seeps in. So, you need a room with that at least two windows to allow light in. To take advantage of natural light, I take my pictures around noon to 4 pm. If I miss this time, I put off taking pictures till the next day.

Wall paper/ Background paper

The background of your pictures adds to the quality of it. You don’t want to take pictures at home with a messy background. I hate the color of my room wall painting. The color makes most of my at-home pictures turn out bad. So, I opted to cover up a section with a stylish background paper.

Since then, my content creation is going perfectly. So, for a good picture or video, get wallpaper for your room. Another affordable way is to simply paint your home studio room wall white. White makes every picture pop.

You can also opt for a vinyl white background paper or waterproof background paper. This you can use for product photography or use a background stand to hold it for portrait pictures.

You can get photography background paper from Amazon, Ali-express, or Jumia. I’ll link below an affordable background paper you can shop for your home studio.

Click here to buy background paper

Mobile phone Tripod

One of the challenges I faced as a content creator is taking pictures. I rarely have anyone to take pictures of me. However, to solve this problem, I opted for a mobile phone tripod stand.

I use to think that only cameras need a tripod stand. However, there are portable tripod stands you can use for your mobile phone device. If you’re your own photographer, opt for Tripods with Bluetooth remote control. This makes it easy to take shots using a remote instead of using your phone timer.

You can get tripod stands that are tall enough or short for desks. Mobile phone stands are affordable.

Click here to buy a mobile phone tripod stand

Photography Props

Another thing you need for your home studio to start running is photography props. Photo props add some style and creativity to your pictures. At home, you can add plants to your flat lays or to your wall background.

Also, you can opt for simple props like vintage games (board games), cards, crafty handbags (like rattan bags or statement bags), or hats. You can literally do anything as a prop for your photography even books. Get creative and have taking great pictures from the comfort of your home with props.

You can shop for photography props from the Lekki arts and craft market. Also, you can for props for your local market or online at Ali-express or Amazon.

Ring Light

Another most important work from home office setup essential for content creators is a ring light. Although, natural light is the cheapest option. However, for indoor pictures or videos, you need a ring light.

My ring light makes it easy for me to take clearer pictures indoors. Plus as a YouTuber, you need a ring light for video recording and for thumbnail pictures.

Kindly subscribe to my youtube channel for fashion try-on hauls, travel, and other lifestyle content.

Click here to buy similar 18inches ring light

Work desk and chair

An important work from home setup you need irrespective of the space you have is a work desk and chair. My productivity is now better since I have a desk and chair.

So, if you’re a freelancer or content creator, you need a work desk and chair to make your work easier. I recently got one of the best work from home desks and chairs from Jumia. It is so cool and aesthetically beautiful. The desk space is quite big.

You can fit in your desk plant, your laptop, planner, and a coffee mug.

Click here to buy a foldable home office desk and chair.

A planner or analog board

Another work from home office setup essential is a planner or analog board. Personally, I love to use planners to jot my blog post and vlog ideas.

I also use my planners to put my thought together before writing a blog post or doing a video. So, you need a planner in your home office to help you with your productivity.


Before I started using a laptop, I use my mobile phone for blogging and writing. You need not get a laptop for you to work from home.

However, a laptop gives you a wider screen to work with, Also, it makes your work easier to do. I use an HP laptop for my work. It has most of the features that you require to work from home. Also, it is easy to get software that is compatible with this type of laptop to make my work easier.

Internet Connection with High Speed

As a blogger, I need high-speed internet connectivity to publish my blog post and upload youtube videos, TikTok, or Instagram reels.

Mobile data is slower as compared to Wifi or Wi-Fi. You need a great internet connection for work from a home office.

Most of my colleagues in my day job work from home at least 3 times a week. A slow network is super frustrating to work with. I use MTN wifi for my internet connection. It is super fast.

Click here to buy similar MTN wifi for your home office setup.

Indoor plants or flowers

Another work from home office setup must have are indoor plants. Your home office needs some beautiful interior decoration touch-ups.

I love to add desk plants to my office. You can also opt for indoor plants you can place beside your desk or just anywhere in your home office.

As a fashion blogger, you need these nice plants to add as props for your pictures. Also, to make your home office aesthetically pleasing. So, if you need home office setup ideas on a budget, these essentials will come in handy.

How to create a work from home office setup on a budget

If you’re like most people, you may think that saving money and being financially healthy is all about cutting back on everything, making hard sacrifices, and being cheap about everything. But it’s really not. In reality, it’s all about conscious spending. So, I will sharing some tips on how to develop a guilt-free spending habit as you earn.

Getting your money under control and building wealth doesn’t mean you have to eat nothing but rice, dress only in burlap, and never go out with friends.

Getting your money under control and building wealth does mean finding where your money is leaking away on expenses that don’t really add to your life. Then you can take that money back, and turn it into a vehicle to make your life better than ever.

Conscious spending is a mindfulness-based approach to managing your money that will help you get your unconscious expenses in check, and focus instead on costs that are truly meaningful to you. It starts with understanding where you are today, and where your money is going now.

What is Mindful Spending?

Mindful spending is a process of looking at everywhere your money goes, figuring out where it’s really adding value to your life, and where it isn’t.

For instance, some people love cars. They enjoy researching cars, they love driving, taking care of their vehicles, and discussing them with others. For these people, it probably makes sense to spend more money on cars than the rest of us, provided they have the means to do so.

But if cars aren’t really a big part of your world, that can be a huge place for you to cut back on unconscious spending. You may feel a draw toward the most expensive car you can afford, even if cars don’t really matter all that much to you. But what if, instead of a high performance luxury SUV, you bought something simple, reliable, and comfortable that’s nothing flashy, but gets the job done? What else might you do with the money you saved?

This is the heart of mindful, conscious spending.

There is no right answer for what exactly you should or shouldn’t spend your money on. There is only you, carefully deciding which sorts of spending bring you value and fill you up with joy, and which ones don’t. The more of the latter that you can find and cut out, the more money you’ll free up for the former,

You have the money you need to start building a life that fills you with joy. You just have to find where it’s going, and where you want it to go instead. One way to track your spending is by using satin journal planner. I love this planner as it helps me track my spending and goals. Get 20% off your purchase using TRENDSENSTYLEZ.

Careful Saving Meets Guilt-Free Spending

So you want to spend freely on the things you love, but without the guilty spending hangover that always follows? We can do that. All it takes is to figure out where you can start saving.

You can make a budget that helps you build your financial future, AND leaves plenty of room for joy now. And it doesn’t take you sacrificing everything that makes your life fun and exciting. It’s all about finding unconscious expenses and making deliberate changes. Conscious spending and intentional saving are two sides of the same coin.

If you love clothing, shopping for new ideas and crafting new outfits, that’s great! You should allow yourself the room to spend, guilt-free on awesome new things for your wardrobe from time to time.

But in order to pull that off and still be financially healthy, you also need the conscious saving side. Look around, and find what’s costing you a lot of money that doesn’t make you nearly as happy as clothes do. Maybe it’s going out to eat, maybe it’s electronic gadgets, cars(like above), or a high grocery bill.

Again, this is about you deciding what is important to you, and what isn’t. The only wrong answer here is treating everything as equally important to you and not cutting back on anything.

That’s what financial freedom is. It’s making intentional choices upfront and giving yourself the freedom to live the life you want to live, without having to worry about money every step of the way.

How to develop Guilt-Free Spending Habits

Ready to get started? Here are a few tips you can use to start building guilt-free conscious spending habits, while saving more money for your future at the same time.

1. Track Your Budget

I’ve never been a big fan of the old-fashioned, rigid style of budgeting where you sit down at the beginning of the month, write down exactly what you’re going to spend on everything, and hold yourself to it. That’s not really how we work, and is really just setting ourselves up for failure.

But I still wouldn’t rule out budgeting entirely. The simple act of sitting down once a month and taking a look at what you’ve been spending recently can be eye-opening. For instance, say you really like buying smoothies, and you buy one here and there. Well, taking a look back at your budget may reveal that “here and there” is actually almost every day. Also, that you’re spending way more money on smoothies than you thought.

You don’t need a strict plan to hold yourself to for each little category, but knowing what you do spend is the first step to deciding if that’s what you want to keep spending, and whether or not you want to make changes.

2. Ask Yourself Questions

What we’re trying to do here is take unconscious spending, and turn it into something conscious and intentional. And how better to do that than by stepping back, observing, and trying to understand yourself a little better?

Try to catch yourself before you spend money on something, and ask yourself some questions like these:

Is this something I need, or something I want?

● How badly do I want it?

● Will this still make my life better an hour from now? A day? Ten years?

● What could this money go toward instead?

This type of questioning can help you figure out if the thing you’re about to buy is something that you need. Or if you’re just caught up on the high of spending and consuming. If it’s the latter, there’s probably something better you could do with that money.

3. Change the Story around Saving

Guilt-free spending doesn’t exist without mindful spending. And the problem with saving is that we’re hard-wired to think of it as taking something away from ourselves, as sacrifice. But you know by now that the opposite is true. A little reminder of that can go a long way.

If you realize you’re spending a ton of money on smoothies, you can decide that smoothies aren’t all that important to you. However, that still doesn’t make it that easy to cut back your spending on smoothies. There’s still part of you saying, “I like smoothies, and I still want one! You can’t take it away from me!”

Be sure to remind this part of yourself that you’re not just “taking away” that smoothie. You’re giving yourself something else, something much better, instead. Whether that’s more room in your budget for guilt-free clothes shopping or more savings toward your next awesome car. This a simple step closer to lifelong financial freedom, it’s a gift to yourself, not a sacrifice.

Once you start making these changes and observing your current habits. You can start telling yourself a new story about what spending and saving can be. So, you’ll find yourself cutting out unhelpful expenses and making plenty of room for guilt-free conscious spending in no time!

About the writer

Sam likes to tinker with big ideas and age-old wisdom and use that to develop new ways to help others build more joy, success, and fulfillment into their lives.

His blog is where he loves to share these ideas and start new conversations where we can all continue to grow, improve, and become the best possible versions of ourselves.

How to develop guilt-free spending habit

London is more than just historic landmarks like Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. There are more things to explore as you stray away from Central London towards areas with NE and NW postcodes known as North London. It is difficult to define which parts of London are considered North. However, as a rule of thumb, it’s generally the area north of the Thames. You can expect to see both class and culture when you let the Tube take you out of Zone 1. Here, you’ll see that London is more than just a capital city. From its busy markets to stunning billionaire mansions, trendy cafes to gorgeous outdoors reminiscent of the countryside. There is always something to see. Here is a round-up list of the best Instagrammable places to visit in North London.

Also read Most Instagrammable places to visit on a budget.

Camden Town

The NW5 area may be considered a little shady, but don’t be discouraged by Camden Town’s reputation. It has been the centre of counter-culture for many years. Camden is synonymous to the early days of punk and rock. Music venues such as The Roundhouse have been the location for Pink Floyd and The Doors gigs throughout the years.

Camden Market is also another must-visit spot. It’s a bustling market where you can purchase everything from punk clothing, accessories, and memorabilia. But Camden is for you even if you’re not into rock or punk. Vintage shops and unique house exteriors can be found all over Camden. The town is littered with many photogenic spots for your Instagram.

God’s Own Junkyard

Here’s where all the cool kids go to hang, and all the Instagrammers go to take photos. God’s Own Junkyard is a space with multiple uses. It is an art space, café, and museum, with an explosion of modern art all over the walls. The place is illuminated by neon lights, and the signs displayed are also available for hire. It is always busy, though, so it can be difficult to get a seat and take a photo without any unwanted photobombs.

Kenwood House

The fact that both Kenwood House and Camden Town are situated in North London just shows the area’s range. While Camden teems with life and popular culture, Kenwood House screams high society.

Built in the 17th century, Kenwood House had many aristocrat owners before becoming the place of residence of the Earl of Mansfield. It is now open to the public to explore, and entry is free of charge. The estate’s 50 hectares is also free for people to enjoy picnics on the green with a view of the mansion.

Kenwood House, North London

Parkland walk

North London also offers long walks with a unique view. In addition to greeneries, the walk from Highgate to Finsbury Park trails the trajectory of the old railway. Along the way, you will pass abandoned station platforms worthy of a spot in your camera roll. It takes 40 to 45 minutes to reach Finsbury Park, which is another North London hub centered around a park of the same name. the area is filled with eateries, pubs, and local shops. For those looking for two of the best stadiums in the world then North London is home to both Tottenham Hotspur’s Stadium and Arsenal’s Emirates stadium. For those that want to see a game live, it is worth noting that Arsenal tickets are often more expensive than spur games.

Instead of walking, you can also run along the trail. Locals suggest running just before the sun goes down at Finsbury Park to enjoy a gorgeous wintry sunset at the end of your run.

Muswell Hill

One of North London’s commercial centres Muswell Hill is a quaint area lined with quirky independent shops. It’s perfect for doing a bit of shopping that also supports local businesses. If you aren’t traveling to shop, Muswell Hill is also a good area to go for a walk.

There are plenty of cafes and restaurants to choose from if you’re looking to meet up with friends or simply sit with a good book. The nearby area of Crouch End offers the same kind of vibe.

Best Instagrammable places to visit in North London

Are you ready to get off on the right foot for the new year? Make 2021 the year that you step out in style. This is by picking up some of the latest shoe trends 2023 and old favorites. Especially if you find women’s Birkenstocks on sale or men’s retro sneakers for a classic look. So, If you are not sure which shoes you should add to your footwear wardrobe, check out these must-have trends to update any outfit. These are the shoe trends we’ll be trying in 2021

Out of the House

Remember when sports slides were popular? They essentially are an athletic version of a house shoe or slipper, and they became standard footwear over the last few decades, in the same way, that flip flops did. This year, slippers are not passing themselves off as anything other than what they are: cozy, comfortable, and nowadays, haute fashion. Make sure your pair has a non-skid sole if you wear it in public. Clogs are another strong option for those who may not feel comfortable embracing the slippers-in-public trend.

Out of the Barn

Ankle boots are stepping aside to give riding boots a little attention. These knee-high timeless boots may feature smooth leather or lace-up details. If English riding boots are too formal for your taste, stick closer to (down) home with cowboy boots for women. Either way, these boots pair just as well with dresses as they do with jeans. If you are not ready to part with your beloved booties, go for a pair with lug soles to take them into the new year

Out of the Office

Just because you are at work does not mean you have to check your style at the door. The footwear trends for business casual include Mary Janes and loafers, either with a short kitten heel or as women’s flat shoes.

These shoe trends 2023 are perfect for work and as transition shoes. Both options have stuck around because they have survived fads over the decades. This year, however, you may want a newer version with a square toe or ruched element for a fresh approach. The same is true for the beloved ballet slipper, which is always in season, just with slight changes from year to year

Out of the Box

Sometimes it is not the shape of the shoe, but rather the details that determine its appeal. A case in point is these little extras that can be seen adorning shoes from the catwalk to the shoe store. For instance, thin ankle straps on flats and heels add a touch of whimsy to even the most serious shoe. These are the latest shoe trends 2023 to shop for.

Pastel colors are also competing for attention, especially after the drab grays, blacks, and browns of winter that leave consumers desperate for a bit of color. The biggest deal this year is chained, whether as barely-there strappy sandals or dressy thongs, as an embellishment on riding boots, or as a bit of flair on flats or loafers.

Also read: Shoe styles you can wear all year long

As you can see, 2021 is bringing some major changes to fashionable footwear. While some of these trends may still be considered haute couture, others are making their way to your favorite shoe outlets. Check out what is new, and you are sure to put your best foot forward with any of these looks in the new year.

Shoe Trends 2023

Below I will be linking some of my favorite shoe trends to shop for in 2023 from Chicme Fashion. I highly recommend this brand to shop for the best sneakers for women on a budget.

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Click here to buy it

Shoe Trends 2023 We’ll Be Wearing

Bogobiri house is one of the finest and most affordable boutique hotels you need to know about. It is also known as the ancient birthplace of Uthman Dan Fodio. I read about this place from a blogger’s post. However, I put off seeing this place because I presumed that it is just a hotel. Bogobiri House Lagos is more than a boutique hotel as they offer other unique experiences. So, if you are not lodging, you can still visit this place. I love the artsy outlook and bamboo craft of the Bogobiri house. If so if you’re an art lover, definitely visit this place. Below are things you need to know and fun activities you can do at Bogobiri House, Ikoyi.

Bogobiri House Lagos, Location and entry fee.

Bogobiri house is located at 9, Maitama Sule street, Ikoyi. From Obalende, you can take a bus going to Awolowo road and stop at the nearest bus stop (Grillo), which is a short distance from Maitama Sule. Also, you can opt to take a bike for 300 naira to Bogobiri house at Maitama Sule street.

I prefer to use bikes because the driver will drop you just in front of the building. Bogobiri house architecture and artsy look stand out in this estate.

How much is the entry fee to Bogobiri house Ikoyi?

Just like said earlier, Bogobiri house is a boutique hotel. However, you can visit it for free any time of the day. If you’d prefer to Lodge, click here to book your stay at Bogobiri house for under $70 per night. Compare prices via trivago already linked for the cheapest prices. The prices are available on the website.

Bogobiri house offers other services to their lodgers which include free wifi services, airport pick-up, and paid vacation services. So, If you’re looking for an affordable honeymoon destination, opt for Bogobiri house Lagos.

Fun things to do at Bogobiri House Ikoyi

There are a lot of fun activities and things you can do at Bogobiri. Below are some of the places to explore and things to do.

Visit the Art Gallery

Bogobiri House Ikoyi is a home for art lovers. This you can tell from the design and decorations. I love the colorful gate, stone wall with the name inscribed, sculptures, and crafts. This you will see as you explore this place.

However, you can visit the Nimbus Art gallery to see the paintings and sculptures. They have so many lovely paintings displayed at this gallery. So, you can explore the paintings freely at the gallery. Although, the gallery is currently undergoing renovations. The renovation work ongoing is quite fast and will be concluded in no time.

Bamboo Bar and Restaurant

The first place that most tourists to Bogobiri’s house enter are the Bamboo bar and restaurant. On my previous visit, I never knew that this place is a restaurant/bar. The roof and bar are made of bamboo giving an African touch. You can enter the bar freely to sit. The staff is very cordial so you need not worry about being hassled to buy anything.

You can order intercontinental and local dishes or drinks. I enjoyed a hearty meal from the Orishirishi Kitchen. This kitchen offers a variety of dishes like breakfast meals for as low as 2,750 naira (dried fish stew with boiled yam. You can also opt for seafood for 6000 naira and above.

I opted for a local African dish ( Banga soup and semo) for 2500 naira (plus beef, goat meat, or fish). Although, the semo was quite small. So, if you have a large appetite, you can request for more semo. I really enjoyed my meal as the Banga soup was tasty.

If you prefer intercontinental dishes, you can also opt for them. You will be given the menu to make your choice of meals. So, you can choose the meal of your choice based on your pocket of course. Also, you buy their drinks too. I took Chapman for just 1500 naira at the bar.

There are expensive or cheap drinks at the bar. The menu will also be provided for you. I wish I could try out their Italian red wine though. However, the attendant could not guarantee that it was non-alcoholic wine. So, if you drink alcohol, you will have so many drink options to try out at Bogobiri House Lagos.

Orishirishi Kitchen and Stone bar

Bogobiri House Lagos has an Orishirishi kitchen that makes the most delicious African dishes you can think of. The interior decoration of the kitchen is lovely. You can order and eat your meals at Orishirishi kitchen directly. Also, you can check out the stone bar beside the kitchen.

At this kitchen, Bogobiri host some of its events. There is also a band that guest artists use for their performances in the kitchen. So, you can enjoy a hearty meal and get entertained at the same time.

Orishirishi kitchen also has a rich cookbook. There you can learn how to prepare Nigerian delicacies for your family. If you want to learn dishes aside from your tribe, definitely buy this cookbook for your use. The comprehensive cookbook cost 25,000 naira. You can also shop each delicacy you want to try out on the Orishirishi page on their website for as low as 1000 naira (preorder). The price is worth it as the book is packed full of so many dishes to try out.

Shop the Gift Shop

Anytime I explore a new place, I love to shop for souvenirs for myself and my family. Bogobiri House Lagos also has a gift shop at its reception in the Bamboo bar and restaurant. You can shop for Ankara bags, raffia bags, craft cups, beaded jewelry, and the Orishirishi cookbook.

Also, you can check out the art and craft stores close to the gallery. They have an assortment of African fabrics, custom-made handbags, jewelry, and leather fashion products. I love their Adire ready-made wear a lot. I sell adire fabrics too but the Adire dresses are made of silk. However, the price depends on your ability to haggle prices. I bought my dress for 2500 naira.

You can pay for items at the Bogobiri house with your card or cash. However, the sellers at the arts and craft store only accept cash or transfer. If you’re looking for another place to shop for more options of Nigerian arts and crafts, visit the lekki arts and craft market.

BRT Roof Top

Another part of Bogobiri house you need to explore is the BRT rooftop. The entrance is painted with the color yellow typical of Lagos buses. I love the rooftop. It has some paintings, historical pictures, and sculptures and the best part for me is the furniture. All the chairs are unique and artsy.

On the rooftop, a lot of events also take place. One of such is the live music fest on Saturdays’. It starts from 7 pm till dawn. You can enjoy a live performance from artists all night. The live music fest is free to attend every Saturday. Other events that place at Bogobiri house include the open mic on Thursdays, Freedom hall, and Tuesday Taruwa- Spoken word.

Book a stay

Bogobiri House Lagos has lovely rooms you can book for yourself. They offer planned activities for their guest for extra fees. Also, as stated earlier, they offer free wifi, chauffeur services, etc. So, if you’re just coming into the country and need a place, book bogobiri house.

As content creators, you can visit this place to take good pictures. Also, if need a secluded place to work, you visit the bogobiri house. If you need a romantic getaway or a brief holiday, opt for this house. Staying over at Bogobiri lodge is top of my bucket list vacation spot. I will definitely share my experience on the blog.

Also, you check out my sister’s channel for a tour of Bogobiri’s house.

Bogobiri House Lagos: Fun things to do and know

Lagos life is so demanding each day due to its endless traffic. ( a short trip within Lagos may take longer due to the unending traffic). However, there are so many recreational options to help you de-stress in Lagos. One of the best places to unwind and breathe is the beach. So, I decided to unwind at Oniru Beach Lagos for the holiday with my siblings.

Lagos has so many beaches due to its closeness to the Atlantic. Check out my top 15 best beaches in Lagos to visit on a budget, you’d be sold. Oniru Beach is a private beach owned by the Oniru Palace. Also, there is a beach clubhouse (Moist beach club) you can visit for its rich sea foods and cuisines.

My experience at Moist Beach was not a pleasant one. I reach out via their contact to know what I need to visit their club and have a good time. The staff was very helpful over the phone. However, I was denied entry on my visit because I have to buy an expensive bottle of wine to gain entry. WTF!. Long and short of this story, you need to buy a drink to access this lounge. Like wow.

Oniru Beach Lagos, All you need to know

Here are some things to know and do at Oniru private beach, Lagos. Here I will be sharing some fun things to do at Oniru Beach Lagos, street foods to try, and the gate fee. Also, note that you have to pay to access any of the facilities at Oniru Beach.

The beach benches, loungers, and cabanas are all available for a fee. Most of the facilities are owned by restaurants and bars.

How to get to Oniru Private Beach

Oniru Beach is located at 1, Ligali Ayorinde Street, close to Landmark, water corporation drive, and V.I. From the mainland, you take BRT to Obalende bus stop, then a bus for 200 naira to water corporation drive.

Also, you can take a bus going to Lekki and stop at Oniru bus stop along with the sand fill bus stop, then take a bus for 100 naira to Oniru beach. However, from a sandfill bus stop, if you don’t mind a little walk, you can trek to the beach.

On my visit, my siblings and I chose to walk to the beach from Sand fill. It was quite interesting though because she was gisting and we saw some lovely places in the estate too.

Oniru Beach Lagos is located close to the popular Good Beach Lagos. I love this beach, click here to watch my vlog on the Good Beach Lagos.

Oniru Beach Lagos Gate fee

Oniru Beach Lagos is open to anyone 24 hours daily. The peak period is during weekends and holidays. So, you can visit at any time of the day. Although, there is a curfew for 12:00 am in which you can no longer access this beach until morning.

The gate fee for entry to the beach is 1000 naira per person. However, my younger sibling was given access for free on holiday. So, I am unable to confirm if this applies every other day.

Fun things to do at Oniru Beach

If you want to enjoy this beach, I would recommend you visit during weekdays. On weekends, the beach becomes so crowded. Also, the vendors at the beach make it so unappealing to explore it.

There are so many chairs or tents for rent- so compact and close to the water. It is almost impossible to enjoy a stroll on the bank of the beach. However, there are more organized beach tents or cabanas available at this beach.

The tent cost from 10000naira to as high as 60000naira for a VIP tent. One of the bars with great cabanas I would recommend is G12. They offer cabanas for as low as 15000 naira to 60000 naira in their bar. Also, I love their customer service too.

However, if you’re on a budget, you can visit the beach with your own mat, or umbrella to have fun with your friends and family. I will be linking below where to shop for beach mats and umbrellas. Aside from the bars that offer drinks, their vendors sell barbecue chicken, beef, or drinks.

I would recommend you come with your food, snacks or drinks. The price for the berbecue beef & drinks are quite expensive though. My sister wanted to buy suya (berbecue beef) at the beach and lowest price is 500 naira. I couldn’t believe it, his reason was that it is beach suya. (I don’t get it)

There are so many fun activities you can do at Oniru Beach. Here are some of the things you can do for fun.

1. Horse riding

Horse riding is one of the fun activities you can do at Oniru Beach. You can take pictures with a horse for 500 naira and take a ride for 1000 naira. Actually, I feel it is outrageous to charge people for taking pictures with horses.

I’d rather pay to ride the horse and take pictures while I am at it. I wish the horse owners at the beach will review their prices. Usually, the cost for horse riding on most beaches in Lagos is 500 naira plus pictures e.g. Suntan beach.

2. Jet Skiing

I have always heard of jet skiing but I never knew it is activities that can be done in Nigeria. Jet skiing is a form of water sport for recreation using a bike-like machine called a jet ski. So, if you love to pump up your adrenaline, definitely try out Jet skiing at Oniru Beach.

3. Boat Ride

Another fun thing to do at Oniru Beach is to enjoy a boat ride. There are vendors that offer fun boat rides for tourists at the beach. The boat ride is always fun. So, if you’re looking for fun things to do at Oniru, opt for a fun boat ride.

4. Joyride amusement facilities

Oniru Beach is also perfect for a family hangout. There are amusement facilities for children and for adults that are young at heart to enjoy.

However, the facility for Joy Ride is not powered by electricity but is run by young men who pull nice stunts while prepping the machine. The cost to have a ride is 500 naira per person.

5. Picnic

Another fun thing to do at Oniru is to have a picnic with family or friends. You can do this by renting their chairs, cabanas, or simply goat your beach mat and umbrellas.

Also, you can go with your food and drinks to enjoy a relaxing day at the beach. You can play games like Ludo or Scrabble to engage yourself. To add more fun, go with your music player to entertain yourself at the beach.

The ambiance of Oniru Beach is quite busy and crowded. However, you can take great pictures for content creation or a pre-wedding shoot at the beach.

Beach clubs and beach close to Oniru beach

Oniru private beach is on the same row as the following beaches.

  • Landmark beach: Top beach in Lagos for fun seekers looking to enjoy luxury beach.
  • The good beach Lagos: This is a relatively new beach in Lagos. This beach is gaining popularity as one of the best places to enjoy good food and Lagos night life. So, if you’re a tourist in Lagos, I highly recommend you visit the good beach.
  • The Box beach
  • Moist beach Club

FAQ to know before visiting Oniru private beach Lagos

  1. Can I bring my food to Oniru beach Lagos? Oniru beach Lagos is one the Lagos beaches that allows you to bring in your food. You can also get food at the beach. It is relatively affordable too.
  2. What is the opening hours for Oniru beach Lagos? Oniru beach is opened from 10am to 12am daily. Ensure you get to the beach before the 12am curfew begins
  3. Is Oniru beach perfect for family hangout in Lagos? I highly recommend Oniru beach for a family handgout. Me and my siblings had blast on Christmas 2021 at this beach.

Oniru Beach Lagos: Fun things to do and know

There are so many recreational parks to explore in Lagos both on the mainland and Island. If you’re looking for free access to parks, definitely visit JJT & Ndubuisi Kanu Park. These parks are located in Ikeja, Lagos state. So, if you’re staying on the mainland, you can visit these parks for free. On the hand, if you’re on the island, you can opt for Muri Okunola Park Lagos. It was formerly known as Cloverleaf Park. There are so many things you can do at this park. So, if you plan to visit this park, here are some fun things to do.

Muri Okunola Park Chair

Where is Muri Okunola Park Located?

Muri Okunola Park is located at Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Law School bus stop, Victoria Island. It is just walking distance from Lagos Law School.

It will cost you 200 naira from Obalende to Muri Okunola Park. So, if you coming from the mainland, go to Obalende first before boarding another bus to this park.

On my visit from Oshodi, I took the BRT bus from the Oshodi terminal to Obalende. Since it was Christmas, the terminal in Lagos was decorated with lovely Christmas trees. I love all the variations of trees, especially the snow trees.

How much is the gate fee for Muri Okunola Park?

The park is free to access. So, all it will cost you is your transport fare. Also, it is open to anyone from 8 am to 8 pm daily. You can visit at any time of the year (even on public holidays). So, you need not worry about the park being crowded on holiday.

What can you do at Muri Okunola Park?

Muri Okunola Park has nice green carpet grass, palms, and lovely sculpture. One such art is the sculpture of the late Justice Muri Okunola. This is the first sculpture you will see. Also, it has an open banquet hall shed, chairs, mini bar, etc.

Also, the park has a toilet for use but I couldn’t differentiate that for males from females. Feel free to comment if you have visited this park and used the toilet. Below are things you can do at this park

1. Parties

Muri Okunola outdoor hall with its shed makes it a perfect place to have a party. You can host a cocktail party, wedding party, or an outdoor event at this park. So, if you need an affordable hall to party in and you don’t mind outdoors, definitely book this park.

To make a reservation, call +234 809 222 1407 or email

Disclaimer: This is not sponsored and I get no income for this. So, you can book away to support Lagos state income.

2. Picnic

The space and green carpet grass are so lovely. So, if you’re planning a picnic with family or friends, use this park. All you need is your picnic mat, wrapper, and a picnic umbrella. Click here to watch a fun picnic I had at JJT park.

Also, you can bring your own food and drinks to have fun with your loved ones. There is no charge for corkage. You can also patronize the minibar at the park for drinks. However, I would not recommend this because this park is on Victoria Island. ( Prices of basic things are times two the normal price in this area).

3. Photoshoot/ Content creation

The palms at Muri Okunola Park are so beautiful. You can take instagrammable pictures close to these trees. Also, if you’re a blogger or content creator, you also take pictures for content at this park.

If you’re looking to wed soon, definitely visit this park for pre-wedding shoots. The trees will make for a lovely backdrop for lovely pictures.

4. Study for your exams

I love the cool calmness of Muri Okunola Park. You can read for your examinations at this park. The quiet is almost like that of a library. Also, they offer free wifi just like JJT Park Lagos. So, you read and work on your research paper with ease. However, it is impossible to tell that they have Wifi because it is not stated anywhere in the park.

5. Workout sessions

Another thing you can do at this park is to go there for weekly work sessions with your friends. There is space to allow you and your friends to work out with ease. So, if working out is your thing, definitely visit the park to break a sweat and keep fit.

If you’re looking for other places to visit in Lagos for free, you can also read my post on the Lekki arts and craft market.

What to Wear to Muriokunola Park

Muriokunola Park is a fun recreational park. For my outfit of the day, I wore a simple casual outfit. A pair of jeans or shorts is perfect. Since the goal is to have fun and chill.

Also, I added an Ankara handbag I got from Lekki Arts and Crafts. This bag I got this with a travel-size Ankara bag which I have given out to a sibling. Have you visited the lekki arts and craft market? You should visit to shop for fashionable arts and crafts as well as handmade ankara accessories.

My sneakers are from Jumia Nigeria. A pair of sneakers or sandals are perfect. You shop everything on Jumia below.

Lets me know other fun hangout spots in Lagos you’d love me to visit below in the comments. Feel free to share. Ciao.

Muri Okunola Park Lagos: Fun things to do

With spring approaching, soon we will be looking for some super cheerful, cute accessories to take us out from chilly mornings to sun-filled afternoons. Whether you are sorting through your warm weather wardrobe or shopping for a few new items, here is a list of must-have accessories for spring:

Chunky anklets

Chunky anklets complete any outfit. It makes even the most simple of outfits such as jeans and a tee look trendier. Shop for a chunky gold chain or delicate diamond anklet that can rest comfortably and glamorously.

A clutch that can turn to a crossbody

We’ve seen all sizes of clutches throughout the years, and this style handbag is a must-have for everyone. But this spring it is all about the clutch that can turn into a crossbody. How you may ask? Most clutches nowadays come with a strap so you can wear it how you want. It offers plenty of versatility, making it so you’ll get even more even wear out of it compared to your standard clutch bags. You can find beautiful hand-made cross body handbags and clutch styles available on websites such as Mirta, an online shop that specializes in bags. It’s important to look at the colors too, this spring consider a forest green or a lilac for some pop!

Barely-there sandals

We already know that sandals are a spring essential, but barely-there sandals will pair with everything and look stylish throughout the seasons. Wear them with dresses, jeans or trousers and a blouse, shorts, and so much more. These 90 staple shoes are back in a big way and can accentuate your gorgeous legs that are just dying to come out from hiding under heavy winter clothes!

Also read: Ultimate guide to shop for heels for your closet.

A handy cardigan

While the days get sunnier, we still need a stylish layer for the chilly mornings and evenings during the springtime. Luckily, a cardigan is a stylish accessory to have and also practical for the spring season. Have a couple go-to cardigans in your collection with different levels of warmth and colors, especially neutrals that will pair with the rest of your wardrobe.

The minimalist beanie

A beanie is a simple yet essential accessory. It can offer a bit of edge to any outfit be both a practical and stylish touch. Opt for a monochromatic look or neutral and minimalist beanie to get the most wear out of this accessory for the springtime.

Some of these are pieces you can mix and match with other key trends like the patchwork, or schoolgirl trends. It gives you a greater ability to play with different pieces and find your own personal style and favorites. After all this time at home, 2021 may be the most stylish, glamourous year yet.

The List of Must-Have Accessories for Spring

The shoes you choose to wear most often say a lot about your character. They also determine the range of activities you can comfortably participate in. What are the best shoes for women that can serve you all year round?

For the practically-minded, the best choice in footwear comes down to the most versatile, best-looking shoes that can be worn all year. Obviously, your ideal selection depends on where you live. Where Timberland boots, for example, excel in temperate climates, they may not be ideal for extreme heat. Here are a few shoe styles that outdo the rest when it comes to year-round versatility:

Best shoes for women to buy right now

Shoes are one of the most important accessories you need in your closet. It is a major wardrobe must-have for every woman ( add man, of course).

You can dress up or down any outfit in your closet with shoes. For example, you can transition your work outfits from day to date night effortlessly by simply switching shoes. To do this easily, switch your flat work shoes for a pair of strappy heels and you’re good to go.

General Athletic Sneakers

For maximum foot comfort, performance, support, and ease of wear, a good pair of sneakers can’t be beaten. No matter what kind of lifestyle you lead, sneakers are almost guaranteed to do what you need them to. Increasingly, even office workers are turning to sneakers for their support during long work days.

To choose the sneakers for you, consider the athletic activities you are most likely to engage in. For hiking or basketball, choose a pair with the ample heel support you need. For running, look for lightweight shoes with good heel support. Puma sneakers offer a good selection of different options.

Hiking Boots

While hiking boots are usually associated with outdoor adventure, they can equally be used for work, recreation, or casual wear. In certain parts of the country, such as the Pacific Northwest, hiking boots have become a kind of standard, everyday shoe. Although extremely lightweight, durable boots that offer marginal advantages in waterproofing and reliability can cost a fortune, many affordable brands sell quality boots that are nearly comparable in performance. For versatility, Timberland is a safe, respectable option with a solid environmental track record.

Hybrid Boots

If hiking boots aren’t your style, hybrid boots can give you a relaxed or professional appearance without sacrificing outdoor functionality. While many popular hiking brands offer hybrid boots, other companies specialize in hybrid styles. The best boot for you depends on your intended use. If you are simply looking for a pair of shoes that you can walk to the office in, most brands will suit you perfectly well. If you want a single boot to take you from the office to the mountains, look to an experienced outdoor brand for the product you desire.


If you live in a warm climate, sandals can be surprisingly reliable for a wide variety of applications. Since sandals are easy to put on and extremely breathable, they actually offer some advantages over other types of shoes for light hiking and other outdoor activities. Remember, the ancient Romans went to war in their sandals, so you don’t need to worry whether you wear yours for too many purposes. For well-tested comfort, look for a Birkenstock sandals sale.

Whether you are putting together a minimalist wardrobe or simply want to cut down on clutter, purchasing a good pair of shoes for year-round use is an admirable goal. When looking for new shoes, always consider fit, function, and climate. If you plan to do your shopping online, remember that waiting a few days for an exchange is far superior to wearing an ill-fitting shoe.

10 Best Shoes for Women You Can Wear All Year Long

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