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Best Holiday gift ideas for kids

The holidays are a few months to go. So, it is not too early to start shopping for holiday gifts for your kids. Although shopping for gifts for kids is not as easy as it may seem. Some of your kids may already have a long list on their Christmas wishlist. While other kids just want you to surprise them. What is the best gift you can give your child this holiday? So, if you’re stuck on what to get for your kid for this holiday season, look no further. Here are the best holiday gift ideas for your kids in 2021 by Christkindl LIVE.


Best Holiday gift ideas for kids

What can you possibly get for a kid these days? Most kids probably already have everything you can think of. So, getting a gift for kids whether your neighbor’s child or yours is quite tricky. And I feel you. I love to shop for Christmas gifts for my loved ones. However, I can tell you for free that I also struggle with choosing gifts for kids. So, to help you with the process of shopping for gifts for kids, I will be sharing the best holiday gift ideas for kids in 2021. It is a unique gift idea different from the conventional toys that are typical for kids’ Christmas presents. I love to get Christmas gifts for my younger siblings too.

Christkindl live is an online marketplace for shopping Christmas or holiday present for your loved ones. There is something for every child and budget. So, if you need a place to shop for Christmas gift ideas for your loved ones, check them out.

One of the best holiday gift ideas for kids that I would recommend is the christkindl matching nutcracker game. It is a fun and engaging game you can get for your kids this holiday. Why get your kids an online game for Christmas?

Playing is a very important part of a child’s development. There are several benefits of playing games for kids. One of the benefits it helps in boosting memory. Every parent desires a smart kid, surprisingly playing games often helps to boost a child’s memory. This game involves choosing and matching Christmas nutcrackers. So, If you need a fun game to help in your kids’ personal development, opt for the Christkindl Nutcrackers game.

Another benefit of playing games for kids is to improve your child’s decision-making. Decision-making is an important part of life. Yes, I struggle with decision-making even as an adult. This has stalled a lot of projects in my personal life and career. So, you can introduce your kids to making life choices by playing fun games like matching Christmas nutcrackers. In this way, they get to play as well as learn skills for their personal growth and development.

So, if you’re stumped on what to get for your kid this holiday season, give them Christkindl online game. In this way, you get your kid a Christmas present that is fun yet perfect for their personal development.

You can also check out the Christkindl marketplace for several options of Christmas gift ideas for stocking stuffers and for your family. Since it’s the holiday season, you can also check out my post on the 12 best staycation ideas for when you can’t travel.

Best Holiday Gift Ideas for kids in 2021


Your credit is very important to your financial health. So, you need to keep a good credit score at all times. How can you fix your credit score fast? Here I will share how to fix your credit score fast.

A bad credit score can hold you back from getting that mortgage or buying a new car. You can also read my post on what you need to know to buy a house during the pandemic. According to forbes, you need an average of 710 for have a good credit score.

However, life happens, your credit score may fall below that. This may be a result of so many unpaid loans, student loans , maxed out credit cards or loss of job. How do you repair your credit step by step? Don’t worry you can still repair your credit score. Here are 5 easy ways on how to fix your credit without hassle.

How to fix your credit score

You need a good credit score whether you want to opt for a mortgage or a salary Overdraft. How can I fix my credit score? The below steps will help you fix your credit by yourself.

Check your credit report often

What is the first step to fixing my credit? The first step is to review your credit report. Yes, you need to check this report to know what to fix. So many people do not pay attention to their credit score until they need it. I have instances where a lady had to fix her credit score to be part of a big corporation board. Why wait till then?

Ensure you know your credit score. Also, review this score often. This may you can fix error or improve this score when it drops. Don’t wait till you need to buy a house or need a huge loan for your business before you care about your credit score. Ask for your credit report and review it often.

how to fix your credit

Paydown on outstanding debts

Another of the 5 easy ways on how to fix your credit score is to pay down on outstanding debts. I know that this may not be easy. If you had the funds, you will not borrow and be in debt. However, you can improve your credit score by paying down on your debts.

One way, you can pay down is to try and raise funds. You can do this by getting a side job or selling off old things. The funds raised you can use to pay down on your outstanding debt. In this way you get to reduce your credit used and boost your credit score. You can also go on a tight budget to free up cash to allow you pay your debt. A sound debt management plan will also come in handy, learn more.

Pay your bills on time

Another easy way how to fix credit score is to ensure you pay your bills timeously. My finance is now easy to manage since I ensure that bills are paid on time. A famous youtuber recommended this method and I have been loving it.

As soon as I earn, I make a budget and pay up all my bill on time. In this way, you will be on time with your bills and avoid been chased by debt collectors. Plus, less financial stress on you. So, you can work with whatever is left after paying these bills for the month.

One mistake you can make is for your debt to get in the hands of collectors. This impacts negatively on your credit score. To avoid this, pay your bills timely and ensure your loan obligations are met.

How to fix my credit score

Avoid applying for loans you don’t need

Another great option on how to fix your credit is to avoid applying for your loans you don’t need. The age of social media and the need to please others may make you live above your means. Don’t borrow money to travel or hangout with your girls. This is a wrong reason to go into debt that may affect your credit score.

A colleague at work went into huge debt because he borrow a loan to go an international trip. Yes, the peer pressure force him to do this. However, he could avoid this by living within his means or saving towards such trip. So, if you need to fix your credit score, only borrow when you need it . Also, each time you borrow, lenders carry out a credit check on you. Ensure you borrow what you need and avoid loans when you don’t need it.

repair credit score fast

Pay off High interest debt quickly

Every loan comes with its own interest. One the reasons loans are sometimes difficult to manage is because of its interest. Some loans are softer with low interest while others are of high interest. So, a great option on how to fix your credit is to pay off high interest loans first.

The interest on a new loan is higher on the first few months. So, a good debt management plan is to pay down on new loans to reduce it tenor/ interest. In this way, you will improve your credit score and help you pay less on interest too. So, if you need to repair your credit score, try these 5 easy ways on how to fix your credit score without hassle.

5 easy ways on how to fix your credit fast


Research suggests that decluttering your home can make you happy, but is this really true? The trend in society has been to declutter and get rid of things in order to be happier. For many people, this is true; they feel relief after getting rid of items they no longer need or want. For others, even the thought of decluttering brings on anxiety. Decluttering is a word that can often make many people shudder. It’s sometimes seen as means to get rid of things. So, it may seem like you’re only making room for more clutter. But decluttering can actually be an uplifting experience! In this blog post, we’ll talk about how the process of decluttering your home might just make you happier.

5 reasons decluttering can make you happy

1. You get to rediscover things you own

We sometimes forget what we own because items may be hidden away in drawers or closets. I know I’ve definitely bought something that I already owned, after forgetting I already owned it.

After decluttering, you actually get to see all the things that are within your possession. This can make you feel empowered and maybe even spark an interest in something you haven’t thought about in years: hobbies, interests, etc. Also, you can read my post on 5 healthy lifestyle tips every woman should know. These tips will help in developing healthy lifestyle habits for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Whether it’s dusting off old books and sharing them with children or pulling out old clothes and giving them to friends or family members who need some new pieces for their wardrobe, decluttering can lead to many different opportunities.

2. It reduces stress & anxiety

Decluttering your home can actually reduce stress levels. It gives you a sense of control and order, which is a feeling everyone needs in their life at times. By tackling areas in your house one at a time, you’ll work yourself up from smaller projects to larger ones.

Reducing the amount of clutter in your home can improve your mental health and reduces the anxiety that could come from looking at piles of “to-dos” or mountains of unwashed dishes. The feeling that comes with decluttering is empowering and can boost self-esteem as well.

Can decluttering really make you happy

3. You have more money for experiences

When we declutter, we often realize how little stuff we actually need, and a lot of people even do a ‘no spend challenge’ so that they can reduce the number of things they bring into their homes.

By doing this, you have more money for memorable experiences, such as traveling to exciting destinations or having more outings with friends.

4. Easier to focus on priorities

With less clutter in your home, it’s easier to focus on your priorities. Also, the things that matter the most to you.

Many people who have gone through the decluttering process in their homes find that they have more time to do the things they love, whether that’s spending time with your family, focusing on your studies, learning a new hobby, or ticking things off their bucket list!

5. You only end up with things you love

The decluttering process involves going through all of your belongings. Think about the things are you actually love and need in your home. Everything else goes.

By getting rid of the clutter, you are only left with the things you truly love and every time you enter your house, you’ll feel a sense of happiness and pride.

Final thoughts on whether decluttering can really make you happy

When it comes to decluttering, the best thing you can do is decide for yourself what makes you happy. Listen to your heart and act accordingly. 

Can declutter change your life? Yes. It’s a proven fact that people who have less on their to-do list are happier. That being said, decluttering doesn’t always mean you need to get rid of everything. It’s about getting organized and finding those hidden gems in your home. So you can spend more time on the things that matter most.


About the writer

Ellie is a travel blogger over at Ticking The List where she documents her epic Bucket List through her blog and shows others how to create their own bucket list. Ticking The List is all about dreaming that dream and making your life exactly what you want it to be.

Can Decluttering Really Make You Happy?

Lagos is the busiest city in Nigeria. As a working professional in Lagos, I spend hours stuck in endless traffic. So, it is unlikely for me to cook when I get home. The fastest way to eat in Lagos is to get take-out from Buka. Almost every street corner in Lagos has Buka. ( Also known as Mama put). These meals are close to home made meal. Unlike the fast food restaurants around Lagos. I recently heard about a fancy buka in Yaba called White house. And of course, I could not wait to try it. White house Buka is an upgrade from street site mama put you need to check out. So, if you’re looking for cheap places to eat in Lagos, opt for this buka. Here is all you need to know about White House, Yaba.


How to Locate White House Buka?

White house buka started off just every normal street side buka. However, the brand has been able to upgrade buka from street side to proper restaurant. The difference is that you get cheap foods as compared to other restuarants.

It is super easy to Locate white house buka. It is located at 9 chapel street Yaba. You can walk from Ozone cinema to white house buka. On my visit, I strolled from Sabo Yaba bus stop to white house buka.

White House Buka Review: Cheap places to eat in Lagos

I was just curious to know this place since my colleagues will not let hear the end of it. As the famous Olaiya amala place, white house was next. So, I had to try out this cheap place to eat and hangout in Lagos for myself.

The customer service was quite great. The staff were quite helpful to me. You can order a variety of local dishes from white house buka. I met a few people there on my visit.

I ordered semo. However, their semo is very small. So, I got two. Also, I got Edikaikong soup to go with my semo. You can choose to pay with cash or debit card. I chose to pay with card instead. lol. I always keep cash handy.

Can you get take out from white house buka? Of course yes. You can choose to buy take out or eat in this buka. I chose to get take out because I was pressed for time.

The food was quite tasty. However, I wish the soup has more smaller meat pieces or fish typical of Edikaikong. Also, the meat not neatly cleaned. ( I tasted a small stone in it). Asides that the food was okay for the price. Will visit again? sure. This is one of the cheap places eat in Lagos or hang out. So, if you need a cheap place to eat in Lagos or go on an affordable date, opt for white house Buka. Also, you can read my post on other place to hangout and my review of Farm city Lounge Lekki.

Cheap places to eat in Lagos|| White House Buka

Going on a road in Nigeria now is not really advisable. The insecurity in the country is something to take into account. However, it is quite fun to go on road trips. The highlight of my road trip to Osun state is my stay at Nike Guest house. Road trips allow you to touch a lot of places while traveling. Also, with the recent foodstuff hike, i bought cheap foodstuff on my trip. If you live in Lagos, I am sure you can relate. Here is how to spend 2 days in Osun state. And if you need a place to stay, Nike Guest house is your best bet.

Natural History Museum, Ile Ife

Before our first night at Nike guest house, we stopped over at the Natural history museum, Ife. Natural history museum Ile Ife is the only history museum in Nigeria. It is in Obafemi Awolowo University. So, if you need a place to see on your road trip to Osun state, go to the natural history museum.

The entry fee is 200naira per person for tourists. However, I went in a group to explore this museum. We had a tour guide walk us through the museum. The national history museum has so an assortment of preserved animals and plants. Some of them are locally sourced like glass sands ( used for making glass for windows and doors ) and internationally.

The animals are preserved depending on their body size. The smaller animals like fishes and small reptiles are preserved in solutions. However, larger animals are injected to dry their body fluid. I saw a lot of animals inclusive of wild ones like Lions, baboons, lion cubs, a python, etc.

The natural history museum also houses the Ooni of Ife ( First Ooni of Ife) Roll Royce. This car is quite massive. This goes to show that civilization has been in Nigeria way back. So, on your road trip, start with the natural history museum in Ile Ife, Osun state.

Nike Guest House Osogbo

Nike art center and Batik center

After a tour of the Natural history museum, we took off to the Nike art center and workshop. How can locate the Nike art gallery from Oshogo Guest house? It is a few meters drive from our stay. Nike workshop is located at Ofatedo Oshogbo. This place is a training center for artisans that wants to learn how to make a living from Adire fabrics. We also had a tour guide for this workshop.

I never knew that Adire fabrics are of two types. So, it was a learning opportunity for me. The two types ate Adire tye-dye common amongst the Egbas and Adire Batik.

Adire Batik is a higher-grade Adire textile. The unique print is made with lovely colors sourced locally and from Germany. So, the cost of this Adire Batik is quite expensive, unlike the tye-dye type. The patterns are demarcated using candle wax instead of tying it into sections. I will definitely upload a vlog of this process of making Adire Batik textile.

From there, we went to the Nike art center. It is the smaller Nike art gallery located in Oshogbo. You can also click here to read my post on Nike Art gallery Lagos. Nike art center in Oshogbo is very pretty with unique architecture. It is a story building. You can shop for Adire Batik textile (10,000naira), tops (3000naira), or dresses for males and females. Also, you can get a lovely postcard for about 100naira.

Just like the gallery in Lagos, there are so many paintings, raffia crafts, and furniture. So, I need to shop for crafty items for your fashion or home needs, visit Nike art Center, Oshogbo.

Nike Guest House, Ofatedo, Oshogbo

After a long day, we retired to the Nike guest house. I am so in love with this place. Their service is super great. However, most of the rooms need renovations. My room was perfect.

I love the concept of the room. My room has two big beds that can fit at least 2 people. Also, it has a bathroom and toilet demarcated by curtains. Each room has access to the shared lounge area, sitting room, and dining room.

The room goes for 7000naira per night. Also, you can book your room for your visit. (no need to pre-book). We ate dinner upstairs which was a buffet. I could stand to eat rice again that night but thankfully there were other options. So, I settled for Semo and egusi soup.

We all ate at the large dining table.

In the morning, we ate breakfast in the garden (Also a buffet). It was quite refreshing and fun. I ate toasted bread and an omelet. There are several options too. I only wish we got liquid milk instead of powder sachet. You can also watch my vlog of Nike guest house, Oshogbo so you can be convinced to add to your bucket list to Osun state.

P.S. I am unable to give the prices for the food because I went with a travel group. Keep your peeled for my roundup list of travel groups to go on tours with.

Osun-Oshogbo Grove, Oshogbo

The next day, we took off to Osun-Oshogbo grove. This place is known as a UNESCO world heritage site. Although, this place used to be the place of worship for Osun worshippers. It is now a world tourist center.

We had a tour guide take us around the grove. This place is quite beautiful. My only issue with this place is that some worshippers still pay homage to their gods in this place.

I enjoyed the walk on the suspended bridge of the river. Although, it is quite shaky and you could feel it vibrating as you walk on. Also, there are so many monkeys in this grove. For your peace, get some bananas to give them.

P.S. Be careful with your mobile devices while you’re at the grove, the monkeys may assume it is food. lol.

Nike Guest House Osun state

Erin Ijesha waterfall

I have been to Erin Ijesha waterfalls located in the Erin community. So, I didn’t plan to go for a bath in the waterfall. I can never get used to climbing or hiking to the waterfall. This place is fun but the climbing is scary.

However, if you get to the waterfalls, you will enjoy this place. You can read my post on Erin Ijesha waterfalls for all you need to know about this place. I shared some Instagram-worthy Erin Ijesha pictures and a detailed guide on how to get to Erin Ijesha waterfalls from Ibadan. Also, if you need a place to stay on your visit to Osun state, definitely lodge at Nike Guest house Ofatedo, Oshogbo. I had fun with the team @funaticsadventures on this trip. Follow them on Instagram to get updates on the next hangout.

Nike Guest House Oshogbo || My Guide to enjoying 2 days in Osun state

14 Best street Food in Lagos

Lagos is a fun place for recreation. Also, there are so many street food to try out. We all know that Lagos state is a multi-ethnic state. Even the indigenous Lagosian are hard to tell amongst the tribes. So, you would expect different types of street food in this city. I have been living in Lagos for a while now. These are the best street food in Lagos you need to try out. Some of these street foods you probably are familiar with. Others may be alien to you. However, if you do find yourself in Lagos, don’t hesitate to try out these street food. All these foods are cheap and are mostly road side meals. Here are my 14 best street food in Lagos to try out on your visit. You can also read my post on Farm city Lekki Lounge review.

Peppered puff puff

These are not just normal puff puff. I know how to make puff puff by myself at home. Thanks to my kid sister. However, this puff puff is small in size and its spicy.

It is common in Lagos island market. Idumota to be precise, the biggest market in Lagos. The first time I had a taste, I couldn’t get enough. So, if you find yourself in Idumota, try out peppered puff puff.

Roasted Plaintain

Roasted Plantain ( also known as Boli in Yoruba Dialect) is a street food you need to try out. You can choose to eat the Boli alone or with groundnut. Both ways are delicious. However, since plantain is a seasonal crop. This roasted plantain are seasonal too.

So, if you visit Lagos during the peak of Plantain season, enjoy Boli. If you love fries, you opt for plantain chips. This are also very delicious and common in Nigeria.


As stated earlier, Lagos is a multi-ethnic city. So, you can get most foods from other tribes in Lagos. Abacha is one of my best street food in Lagos. I always look forward to eating it whenever I am in Lagos island. Abacha is also known as Nigerian Salad.

So, if you’re Lagos, definitely try out Abacha. There are 2 types of Abacha you can get in Lagos. Both of them are made from Cassava. However, the Abacha that is just like Salad with its local sauce, vegetables and fish. You can get this Abacha with cow skin too. ( ponmo ). The other type of Abacha is also good. This type is sold with Coconut.

Abacha street food in Lagos

Roasted Yam

I love the roasted yam. It is my second best street food in Lagos to try out. This food is a local dish that I get to eat in the Village or my parents home. However, in Lagos, you can get on the streets.

You can get roasted yam with stew, ponmo or fish. Also, you can choose to buy it without stew too. Roasted yam serves me as a full meal on most days.


Suya is a very common street food in Lagos. This street is popular in other parts of Nigeria. It is mostly sold at Night in most places. However, you can get suya during the day in places like Oniru, or close to Bukka hut, Alagomeji.

I love to eat suya a lot. One of my suya spot you need to know is University of Suya, Allen avenue. This place offer variety of Suya like Gizzard, special suya, beef etc. My best is the steamed special suya. So, if you need to try out Suya from University of Suya, I would recommend you try out special suya.

Cocoyam Chips

One street food in Lagos I never get tired of is Cocoyam chips. This is also known as Coco ( more like an abbreviation). I can eat up to 5 packs of this chips. However, the packs are quite small. So, it is not surprising that I can eat so many.

I will definitely recommend you try out this coco yam chip. They are very delicious.

Yam Fries

Asides roasted yams, fried yams are another street food to try out in Lagos. There are several varieties. You can get it with hotdogs, gizza or chicken. ( peculiar in Lagos Island). Also, you can get it with friend fish too. I prefer the fried fish and chips options peculiar of the Northern women. This fries is very delicious. However, the fish are quite expensive. They mostly sell the full fish instead of pieces of fish.


Another of the 14 best street food in Lagos to try out is Shawarma. Me and this food have a love/hate relationship. However, it is a street food you need to try out for yourself.

Shawarma is mostly sold in the evening. You can get shawarma for as low as 500naira in some areas in Lagos. Other places may sell shawarma for about 1000naira. I will recommend you try out this street food. It is quite good too.


Small Chops

At work, one street food we love to celebrate with is small chops. Every birthdays or promotions, we look forward to small chops treat. Small chops is another of the 14 best street food in Lagos you need to try out.

Small chops has puff puff, samosa, spring rolls, & chicken. However, you can get small chops with extra things like shrimps or gizzards too. I love this street food a lot. You can choose to get any parts of the small chops more than the others. I try as much to reduce the puff puff and replace it with others like samosa or more gizzard.


Okpa is street in Lagos from our Ibo brethren. My first time trying this food was okay. However, I don’t like it as much. It is similar to moin-moin ( of the Yoruba).

I prefer moin-moin any day over okpa. However, you can try out this street food too. You may like it more than I do. To each his own.


Boiled Corn

Another seasonal street food in Lagos is corn. You can either eat corn roasted or boiled. I prefer to eat corn boiled. You can eat corn with pear or coconut.

However, I prefer to eat cooked corn with pear. For me, coconut goes best with roasted corn.

Boiled Groundnut

Groundnut is another street food in Lagos I love. It is also a seasonal street food in Lagos. You can get it for as low as 100naira. Most street hawkers in Lagos measure it with cups. However, you can get already tied from some sellers.


Moin-moin as kid is something I look forward to eat on weekends. The stress of washing the bean and making it I do not like as a kid. However, I quickly forget the stress when the meal is ready.

In Lagos, you can get moin-moin easily as a street food. On some Lazy days, I eat moin-moin with bread as dinner. You can also eat moin-moin with eko too. There are two types; moin-moin with egg or with fish. I prefer moin-moin with fish more. It quite tasty compared to that with fish.


Akara is another street in Lagos I love. My issue is that it gives me constipation when I eat it with bread. You can eat Akara alone, with bread or pap. I prefer to eat it with pap. This does not give me any digestive issue.

Some friends call akara and bread, Nigerian sandwich. Most sellers will add the akara in the bread when you buy it. Akara is not just common in Lagos but most parts of Nigeria. So, if you need a street food in Lagos for breakfast, opt for Akara and bread.

14 Best street food in Lagos you need to try out


One of the trends that I love is wearing dresses with sneakers. However, how can one tell what kind of dresses to wear with sneakers? Can you wear long or maxi dresses with sneakers? You can wear any of your dresses with sneakers. Whether bodycon, maxi dresses or mini dresses, they are a great option to wear with sneakers.

So, if you’ve yet to start styling your dresses with sneakers, girl you are missing! Here I will be sharing 7 ways how to wear dresses with sneakers right now. These ways are simple and effortless to style. Also, you can read my post on style hacks every woman needs to know for effortless styling.

How to wear dresses with Sneakers

What type of dresses goes with sneakers? Dresses with sneakers are now a thing as each year goes by. This year is no different. You wear any dress in your closet with sneakers. Here is how to style your dresses with sneakers for all occasions.

You can wear a dress with sneakers for a girl’s hangout, casual stroll, as an airport outfit idea, or as workwear for a weekend dress-down.

There are several sneakers to wear with dresses. You can opt for chunky heel sneakers or loafers. Whichever, sneakers you choose

Shirt dress + Sneakers

My best dress to wear with sneakers is a shirt dress. I love shirt dresses a lot. So, I get them in different styles. You can wear your button-down shirt dress or T-shirt dress with sneakers. Also, you can opt for a shoulder pad shirt dress with sneakers too.

A shirt dress and sneakers is perfect as workwear for women or as a casual outfit. So, if you need a simple way how wear dresses with sneakers, opt for a shirt dress and sneakers. Also, read other chic ways how to wear shirt dresses.

Summer dresses with sneakers

Bodycon dress + Sneakers

Another simple way to wear dresses with sneakers is with a bodycon dress. Bodycon dresses are my go-to dress as a petite lady. This is because it is super versatile and flattering.

You can wear your bodycon dress with sneakers. Add a shoulder bag for a more chic look. Also, since we are getting to the cooler months, you can throw a cardigan over the dress. Another option is to tie a cardigan on your waist for a more relaxed look.

How to wear dresses with sneakers

Maxi Dress + Sneakers

Maxi dresses are another outfit that goes well with sneakers. Although, styling Maxi’s with sneakers may seem a little above the ordinary. However, this style is doable.

You can style your maxi dress with sneakers for a casual outing. Also, can wear a scarf to the look for a more cozy look. For other stylish ways to wear scarves, click here.

Sequin dress + Sneakers

Another way to wear a dress with sneakers is styling a sequin dress and sneakers. Sequins are a stylish fashion piece to own.

You can either dress up sequins with heels or dress it down with sneakers. Add a tote bag for casual outings. You can also read my post on 5 ways to wear sequins during the day. I love sequins for weddings, parties, etc. However, from the post I shared, they are also perfect for day looks.

Slip dresses+ Jackets+ Sneakers

Another dress type that goes well with sneakers is slip dresses. You can bodycon slip dress or flared A-cut dress with sneakers for a day-out look. Also, you can add a tore bag or shoulder bag for a chic look.

I love slip dresses, especially bodycon slips for Petite and slim ladies like me. However, for a flared slip dress not so much. Add a denim jacket and bag to go with this look.

Dresses you can wear with sneakers

Best sneakers to wear with dresses

Ego shoes is one of the best places to shop for sneakers. I love their sneaker styles because of the chunky heels. This is so in style this year. Chunky dad shoes are super chic.

Also, it is super fun to wear dad sneakers with dresses. Below I will link some of my favorites from Ego shoes to shop and foam runners too.

Dresses that goes well with sneakers

Click here to buy pastel green sneakers

Best sneakers to wear with dresses

Click here to buy grey sneakers

Outfits with sneakers

Click here to buy Yeezy designer dupe sneakers

7 Cute ways to wear dresses with sneakers

A handbag is one of my best fashion accessories. There is a myth I heard in my recent travels that women’s clothes rarely have pockets. The idea is to make us buy more handbags. That is not true. Handbags are a very useful accessory to own. So, here are the best handbags for women to buy right now according to Tiktok influencers.

You can wear handbags to work, play, party, beach, etc. Since we are free to around more this year. These handbags for women range from the best tote handbags to designer dupes as well as mini bags you need.

Handbags are a must-have accessory to elevate your looks. You can dress your look with classic or trendy handbags for women. Handbags are my greatest obsession in fashion. I love all types of handbags. My Favorite is Tote handbags. This is because it is the most practical handbag to own.

Another of the best handbags for women is a beach bag. This will go well with your beach outfits. Although, you can wear your regular bags for the beach. However, a beach handbag is perfect for great Instagram pictures. You can also read my post on instagrammable places you can visit on a budget.

Tote Handbags for women

Are tote bags in style in 2022? Tote bags are practical handbags that are always trendy. Of course, you need tote bags in 2022. It is one of my best handbag trends this year.

Tote bags are perfect to wear to work or casual outings. I love tote bags because they can carry a lot of things. So, if you’re like me, shop for tote bags for your closet.

Handbags for women

Click here to buy a tote handbag

Raffia handbags

Another of the 5 best handbag trends in 2021 you need to shop for is raffia handbags. Raffia handbags are always on trend for summer. So, if you need beach bags, opt for raffia handbags.

You can style raffia handbags for the beach or as picnic bags. So, if you’re looking to shop beach bags in 2021, shop raffia bags. You can also wear raffia bags with your casual outing. There are several assortments of raffia bags you can buy.

Viral handbags for women

Click here to buy a designer handbag dupe beach bag

Chain link Handbags

A very popular handbag trend common among designer brands is the chain link handbags. Designers like Bottega Veneta made these types of bags since last year. These types of bags are still a hit this year.

I love the chain link handbags. However, I opted for a designer lookalike option. These are designer alternatives that are very affordable.

I love chain-link handbags. You can wear it to work or for a casual outing. Also, you can wear it as a handbag or a cross-body bag. I love the wear such bags as cross-body. It makes my hands free and reduces the risk of theft.

Best handbags for women

Click here to buy the Bottega Veneta Mini Jodie chain strap bag dupe

Mini shoulder bags

Another of the handbag trends in 2021 you need in your closet is a shoulder bag. Shoulder bags are so famous. It is like everybody and their grandma own one. Except for me lol. ( I gave us my shoulder bag).

Shoulder bags are super chic and classy. You can style them with casual clothes or work wear. Many popular influencers that I follow love shoulder bags. So, you see why you need one this year. Shoulder bags are super versatile and easy to style.

Can a crossbody bag be used as a shoulder bag? Or how do you turn a cross-body bag into a shoulder bag? Yes, you can wear your crossbody bags as shoulder bags. All you need to do is to reduce the straps. You can reduce the straps as much as you want to achieve a shoulder bag look. So, if you’re not looking to shop for shoulder bags, use this style hack for your crossbody bag. You can also read my post on other style hacks every woman should know in 2021.

Hottest handbags for women 2023

Click here to buy a shoulder handbag

Pouch handbags

The pouch handbag is another stylish bag inspired by Bottega. His bags are just the latest It girl bags to own. However, not everyone can afford designer bags. Although they can be a great investment and of course statement pieces.

I love this pouch bag. So, I would recommend this bag to anyone. Moreover, it is one of the best handbag trends in 2021.

latest handbags for women 2023

Click here to buy a Green pouch handbag

5 Best Handbags for women that are Tiktok viral to buy right now


Sequins are oldies but goodie outfits. As a child, I have always loved sequins. However, I always thought that sequins are for festivities, such as holiday party outfits, or night-out outfits. Maybe because they tend to glow during the night. Here are 3 cute sequin outfits to try now.

Can you wear sequins casually? of course yes. Sequins are perfect to wear during the day. They are also easy to style. So, to inspire you to wear sequin outfits casually, here are 5 ways how to wear them.

Sequins are all-season outfits. Although, it may seem like a lot during the day because it stands out. You will love to wear sequins with these easy styles.

How to wear sequin tops in 3 ways?

Sequin tops are versatile outfits for women to own. You can style it in different ways for casual outings, date nights, and picnics at the park. In this post, I will be sharing 3 ways to style sequin outfits casually.

Sequin top + Denim pants

Sequins irrespective of the color are perfect denim. You can wear sequin tops with Denim pants for a day out. This look you can dress up with heels and a clutch bag. Also, you can dress this look down with sandals and a tote bag.
You can sequin tops with denim shorts. You can wear it for a casual beach party outfit idea if you need what to wear to the beach. Also, you can wear this look for a pool party. Dress up this style with a pair of sandal heels or espadrilles.

Cute sequin outfits

Sequin top+ Skirts

Another fun way to wear sequin outfits is to wear the sequin top with skirts. You can wear sequin tops with a denim skirt for a casual outing. Also, you can wear a sequin top with a pencil skirt or a midi-length skirt. I love sequin tops styled with tulle skirts. Tulle skirts are a versatile fashion piece that I love and own. You can also read my post on other ways how to style tulle skirts.

Sequin tops + Sneakers + Skirts

Sequins are mostly worn in a dressy way. However, you can do more with your sequin top. You can wear your Sequin top, with a flared skirt and a pair of sneakers. This look you can wear this for casual outings or to hang out with friends.

Can I wear sequins to the airport? No dearie. Sequins just like jewelry will trigger the metal detectors at the airport. So, you should avoid wearing sequins as an airport outfit. You can also read my post on 5 airport wardrobe mistakes to avoid. Here I shared outfits you can wear to the airports and those not to wear.

Everything5pounds UK offers a selection of sequin tops. To shop a sequin top click here. They deliver worldwide. Also, note that items sell out fast on everything 5 pounds. You can shop sequin bags for texture contrast with your outfit.

How to wear sequins during the day

How to wear sequin dresses in 2 ways?

Asides from tops, you can also shop for cute sequin dresses. I don’t own any but I am on the lookout for it. How do you wear a sequin dress? It is quite easy to style sequin dresses. Here are 2 easy ways to style a sequin dress. You can accessorize your sequins dress with a pair of sandal heels, sneakers, wedges, or espadrilles.

Sequin dress + Sneakers

Sequins dresses are super easy to style. For a casual style, wear your sequin dress with a pair of sneakers. This style I love this and can’t wait to try it out. Sneakers are perfect for those of us who don’t like heels. So, if you need a comfortable way to dress up a sequin dress, add a pair of sneakers. You can also add a tote bag or small shoulder bag to the look.

Sequin dress and Jacket

Another easy-to-style sequin dress is with a Jacket. You can wear a sequin dress with a moto jacket ( Leather jacket) or with a blazer. For cooler seasons, I will recommend a leather jacket. However, you can opt to wear sequin dresses with blazers. This look is super chic and stylish too.

Cute Sequin dresses to shop ASAP

Stylish sequin outfits

Click here to buy a cowl neck sequin dress

Sequin outfit ideas

Click here to buy sequin mesh pumps

How to wear sequin dresses

Click here to buy a sequin jumper

How to wear sequins for work

Click here to buy a sequin top

How to wear sequins Casually: 3 Sequin outfits that are effortlessly chic


There are several reason you may need to go apartment hunting. You may have outgrown your current space. I recently moved into a new apartment because I need more space. As content creator, I need a home studio set for pictures or video content. I moved from a one-room apartment to a two-room apartment. Ever since, content creation has been hassle free for me due to the extra space. You can read my post on how to set up your home photography studio on a budget. Also, you may need to move to new apartment due to other reasons like relocation abroad or a new city city. The apartment process changes a lot. So, here I will be sharing 5 apartment hunting tips you need to before moving. These tips will come in handy to make settling down in new home easy and without much hassle.

Determine the type of apartment you want before moving

One of the 5 apartment hunting tips you need to consider before moving is to have an idea of the type of apartment you want. This is very important in the apartment hunting process. Do you need a one-room apartment or a studio apartment? How big do you need the apartment to be? This will help you on your search for a new apartment.

So, if you have settled one the type of apartment. You can start searching for a one room apartment of your choice. This you can do alone online or using an agent. Personally I prefer to do my apartment hunting process online. This is because it is quite easy and convenient. It will help me narrow down my search and speed up the house hunting process. You need to use a reliable apartment hunting online platforms to help you achieve this.

Also, online apartment hunting makes it seamless for relocation abroad. If you are looking to relocate abroad or a new city like Los Angeles, you can do your apartment hunting easily online. A friend who was moving abroad did her home hunting abroad while in her home country online. This makes it easy to settle into your new environment with ease.

Have a budget

How much money do you need to move into a new apartment? The Average cost to move into a one-room apartment in Los Angeles according to Zumper is $2,098. This is a 3% increase compared to last year. Having an idea of the cost of the apartment in your preferred location will help in setting up your budget. This is my most important tip in the apartment hunting process that you need to do.

You need a budget for the actual rent, moving truck, and other miscellaneous expenses. Have an overview of how much it cost you move. Also, you need a budget to guide you how much you’re willing to spend too. So, from your budget, you can decide to go for one-bedroom instead of two-bedroom. Also, you can opt to rent a home away from the buzz of the city. It is more expensive to rent in a major city than in a suburb.


Take note of extra expenses

Another tips you need to consider when apartment hunting is to check for the extra fees that comes with it. Rental apartments always comes with extra fees like caution fee, and other legal fees. You need to make provision for these extra fees.

Also, you need to consider the fees for Utilities fees like Electricity bills, water bill, waste management bill etc. Some areas neighborhood or apartment may charge higher than others. So, find out about this utility fees before you opt to get the apartment. Go for an apartment in which paying your utilities will be convenient for you.

Consider the time of the year

The time of the year of moving also determine the Apartment cost. However, you may have no choice as to whether if you need to move for work or relocate.

The busiest and the peak period of moving is the summer months. Although, rents are higher because it is peak season. However, it is easier to commute in summer than in cooler months like winter season. Also, houses close to the beach is obviously more expensive than those in other areas.

So, if you need to save on cost of apartment, move during winter months. However, if you need ease of commuting while moving, opt to move in summer.

Read and understand your lease agreement

One thing most people fail to do is reading through the tenancy agreement. There are so many information in this agreement. Also, if it pertinent for you to have idea of your rights as tenant as applicable to law.

In this agreement, you get to know all the do and don’t of the new apartment. Some apartment does not allow squatting or pets. So, you need to read this agreement to sure it is what you want before signing.

If you have a pet, look out for apartment that allows you to own a pet. Also, you need to consider the type of pets allowed too. So, that moving in to your apartment will not have any issues.

5 apartment hunting tips

5 apartment hunting tips you need know before moving