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Easy Natural hair styles and maintenance

As an African lady who is proud of the curly nature that comes with black hair, I avoid ponytail hairstyle. This hairstyle normally do not last for more than two weeks. (Most stylist pre-inform you so you know that you can’t wear it for so long- more like a disclaimer that comes with the hairstyle.). Aside the fact that it doesn’t last, it is fast and affordable to make. i.e. if the hair extension is not so pricey. Last Month, I made my hair from Demoire brand. She needed a model for hair and gets to keep it. (Who am I to pass off such offer) . Also her work is always epic from my last experience working with her. It was in collaboration with Ajike Makeover for a bridal look. I was floored with their work. So a yes was in line. I love the hair. Here is one of the easy natural hair styles and how to maintain it for one month.

Demoire brand is an hair stylist, wig maker and seller of the loveliest falsies. For her brand promotion, she used me as model and made a lovely ponytail on my hair. I was wowed as usual by her expertise as I was on an un-relaxed hair at the time. She was able to get whatever look she wanted with my hair. She also gave guidance on how to maintain it to last as at least two weeks. This is something you don’t get from most stylist. (How will they make more sales if your hair last long?. Chai.)

Easy Natural hair styles
Freshly made ponytail, Styled by Demoire

How I maintained my ponytail?

Surprising my ponytail hairstyle lasted over a month. This because of the directions of maintenance give by Demoire. (Well I did something slightly different). The method of I used for rocking my ponytail for a month are as follows

  • For night time or bed time, Wrap your ponytail hairstyle with a scarf to hold it. This helps the gel stay for fresh each day
  • Fill a spray bottle with water at the end of the week and sprinkle on hair. Then tied a scarf over for it for about 5 minutes. It gives the hair a refreshing look
  • Or you get a spray gel from your local store. I bought mine for about 600 naira at Oshodi Market. You can use a spray gel if don’t have an empty spray bottle. Repeat the process like step two
  • Cream the attached hair extensions often so as to maintain its glow

This simple hacks for maintaining ponytail will help you rock it for a longer period. Also Demoire brand is a go to for your hairstyles. She always brings out ones beauty with her skills and you can reach on Instagram through @De_moire. You can also read 5 easy style hacks every woman should know.

Easy sleek low bun ponytail natural hairstyles

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post and all opinions are mine.

Skincare routine for clear skin using Arami essentials

I know this may seem like its not related to this post. However, a fine face and beautiful hair is what makes us fashionable. You may wear the most stylish outfit there is. But if you have a rough, uneven or acne prone skin, this makes all your effort seem like a waste. So, here I shared a simple 2 minute skincare routine using Arami essentials.

Arami Essentials is an organic skincare product. So, you don’t need to worry about using too many chemicals for your skin. Click the YouTube video below to watch my Arami essentials review.

Magdalene Enimhienomo

I am fashion and lifestyle blogger. My blog is where I share style tips, place to visit on budget and reviews of my fashion haul. I am an introvert and creative writing is where I express myself more. For collaborations: [email protected]

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Afolake Senkoya

    Wow… this is nice. I usually run away from ponytails but this looks easy . Thank you for sharing!

  2. Niella

    The longest I’ve carried a ponytail was 1 week,
    And that’s it, I recently cut my hair so I may not be able to apply this technique, but I will save for future purposes, if I decide to grow my hair again.
    Thanks a lot for sharing

    1. enimhienomo

      I never thought it could last that long too. Thanks to Demoire who taught me this technique that I applied. She is really a rare gem

  3. Debs

    Interesting hack. Please is your hair natural? I really interested in wearing a pony tail for my natural hair but worried it won’t last.

    1. enimhienomo

      Hello debs, I am not on natural hair. But I made this ponytail when my hair was due for relaxing. It came out well too. Also you can do a ponytail with your natural hair too. Whenever you’re ready just reach out to @de_moire on instagram

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