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Travel to Nigeria

I tell many of my friends that there are lots of undiscovered gems outside Lagos! Well, I know that I can’t exactly say that McCarthy Beach and Resorts Abraka is undiscovered as it has gained a lot of popularity in the past year. However, the fact that it is outside Lagos makes it more exciting. 

This beach and resort is the perfect location for a getaway. In case you are wondering, it is located in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, and there is nothing not to love about it! I especially love how it combines luxury, adventure, and relaxation to give you the best unforgettable experience. Also check out my vlog on McCarthy beach.

McCarthy beach and resort Abraka

McCarthy Beach and Resorts Abraka

I would recommend visiting this place with a group of friends or with your family. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or someone looking to unwind, McCarthy Beach Resort has something special in store for you. Yes, there is something for everyone who visits this beach. 

Where to stay at Mc Carthy beach, Abraka, Delta state

There are numerous hotels close to Mc Carthy beach. However, I highly recommend you stay at Gordon’s Hotel and resort.

This is because it is the same as Mc Carthy beach hotel. A room costs about 25000naira per night. But you are to pay of 5000naira which is refunded to you after your stay.

There are so many options to opt for but we went with the cheapest option. Yet i had a great time. The room felt like luxury on a budget. I had terrible experience staying at Kim royal hotel Asaba. And I had written all hotels in Delta state as either bad managed hotels or too pricey. Gordon’s hotel and resort changed this assumption I had created.

So, If you need a place to stay in Abraka close to the beach, I highly recommend you stay at Gordon resort and hotels.

Where to stay in Delta State

Fun things to do and gate fee at Mc Carthy beach

The entry fee to Mc Carthy is 2000naira per adult and 1000naira per child. This is the access fee for a day pass. However, if you’re stay at their lodge, you have free pass during your stay to the beach.

I have been to so many Lagos beaches. But McCarthy beach is not really a beach. It is similar to the whispering palms resort Badadry. So, if you’ve visited whispering palms, it is very similar to McCarthy beach.

The sands are manmade and yet it gives the vibe of a beach as it built on river ethiope delta state. You are allowed to in the river. They sectioned the safe places for tourist and there is warning sign for the deep part of the river.

Can you bring your own food to McCarthy beach Abraka? Not too sure. However, as lodger you can either order from their restaurant or bring in your own food.

Some fun things to do at McCarthy Beach and Resorts are: 

Enjoy the views

The first thing I think about when visiting any beach is relaxing by the water and listening to the gentle sound of the waves. Have you ever slept off at the beach before? If yes, you will agree that there is a sense of calm that comes with it, and it will be one of the best sleep you’ve ever had. 

At McCarthy Beach, you get to enjoy soft sand, gentle waves, and a perfect atmosphere. I would recommend sunbathing here while reading a book or simply watching the sunset. I would also recommend going with a camera as the views are one of the best you can get. 

The resort provides comfortable loungers and umbrellas. So, you get to relax in style. 

McCarthy beach and resorts Abraka

Water Sports

After enjoying your alone time, you can decide to kick in the excitement and adventure by indulging in water sports. The best part of it all is that this resort offers a variety of water sports. From jet skiing to windsurfing or paddleboarding, you can try your hands at any activity you desire. 

The crystal-clear waters are ideal for snorkelling, allowing you to explore vibrant marine life just beneath the surface. For a unique experience, embark on a guided scuba diving tour and discover the underwater wonders of the area.

Now, don’t ask me about the water sports I did while there. Just be rest assured that I had loads of fun!

Boat Tours 

What do you think about getting a tour of this resort on a boat? Not only are you on tours, but you also get to have some fishing experience. 

While on the tour, you will enjoy panoramic views of the coastline. Now, these tours often include stops at secluded coves and opportunities for swimming and snorkelling. If you love fishing, you can join a fishing expedition and try your luck at catching some of the region’s finest fish. Not to worry, the resort provides all the necessary equipment and guidance, making it a fun activity for beginners and experts alike.

Beach Volleyball

Asides from water sports, you can also indulge in the friendly game of volleyball, especially if you’re there with friends and family. Even if you are at this resort alone, you can mingle and pair up with others. 

The resort’s well-maintained courts are perfect for a fun and energetic match. If volleyball isn’t your thing, try beach soccer or frisbee. These activities are a great way to stay active while enjoying the beautiful surroundings.


You can imagine my excitement when I discovered that the resort offers various hiking trails that take you through lush forests, along the coastline, and to stunning viewpoints. These walks are a fantastic way to learn about the local flora and fauna while soaking in the serene environment. If you love hiking, check this of best places to hike in Nigeria on a budget.

I also love that one can decide to take nature walks with a tour guide. It was one of the highlights of my stay at this resort.

Try out local cuisine

Taking a trip to McCarthy beach and resorts may be your first time in Delta state. So, I would recommend that you try out all the local meals you can find. Keep in mind that a good chunk of the local meals in this region feature fresh seafood. In addition, you could also immerse yourself in the cultural experiences by attending traditional dance performances or even visiting the nearby villages to learn about the local way of life. 

You should also visit craft stores to buy souvenirs that you can take back. If you’re lucky enough, you may find locals who are willing to teach you how to make the local crafts. 

Go to the spa

I would assume that you are at this resort to relax which is why you embarked on the trip down to Abraka. So, why not explore the spa that this resort has to offer. They offer a range of treatments from massages to facials. You can also engage in yoga sessions on the beach.

Evening entertainment

As the sun sets, the resort comes alive with evening entertainment. You can enjoy live music, beach bonfires, and themed parties. The resort’s vibrant nightlife ensures there’s never a dull moment. Trust me, you will have so much fun to the point that you would start considering extending your stay at the resort or not leaving at all. 

Importantly, don’t forget to enjoy a quiet drink under the stars before you leave this resort.

Go for a family trip

Mc carthty beach is a fun place to visit with your family. It has a children play ground and mini pool that is safe.

There is so much to be had as an adult with kids. You can opt to ride a quad bike, take part in a boat cruise or simply swim with your kids.

There are other activities can take part in. Some are paid like Jet skiing, Paint balling, riding a quad bike or swimming. You should definitely try paint balling or quad bike. My first experience of riding a bike was at Omu resort, Lagos. It was so much fun. And my paint balling experience was in Ibadan during my honey moon.

I can say that McCarthy beach and resort is a great place for honey moon in Nigeria on a budget. You and your spouse will have a great time. So, if your wedding is this summer, check out McCarthy beach hotels and resort.

Have you been to Abraka? Or have experienced McCarthy beach and resorts Abraka? feel free to comment below. Also let me know if you’ll be visiting soonest.

McCarthy Beach and Resorts Abraka: Fun Things To Do At The Beach 

One of the most asked questions about Nigeria is that of safety. Is it safe to travel to Nigeria right now? All the talk of insecurity, among others, how does it affect you as a tourist.

Nigeria is one of the best tourism destinations in Africa to explore. There are so many fun places to visit in Nigeria. And these places are totally safe for tourist from any part of the world.

Like it is in America, UK or other parts of Europe, every country has their own challenges. Which includes insecurity, gun violence, knife stabs, robbery and mugging. So, it is when I see media publication that makes it seem like we are running for our lives here.

Without a doubt, many people are always eager and excited to visit Africa, especially Nigeria. Without a doubt, Nigeria stands tall as the Giant of Africa and promises a lot to visitors. 

However, the media has not been so helpful in portraying Nigeria positively. This has made people question the safety of the country and they are skeptical about adding Nigeria to their list of travel destinations. 

The reality of things is that Nigeria is still a safe travel spot and you will enjoy yourself when you visit. From bustling cities to serene natural reserves, Nigeria offers a variety of experiences for adventurous travelers seeking to explore.

While concerns about safety may arise, with proper preparation and awareness, visiting Nigeria can be an enriching and memorable experience.

One of the most striking aspects of Nigeria is its cultural diversity. With over 250 ethnic groups, each with its own traditions, languages, and customs, the country has a lot of vibrant cultures.

Whether you’re exploring the bustling markets of Lagos, immersing yourself in the ancient Benin Kingdom’s history, or marveling at the natural beauty of Yankari National Park, you’ll encounter the warmth and hospitality of the Nigerian people wherever you go.

And have you met Nigerians? They are one of the warmest sets of people you will ever come across! They are always ready to welcome foreigners with open arms and will create an enabling atmosphere for you. Most times, people confess that they do not feel like going back home after visiting Nigeria. Yes, Nigerians make Nigeria a home away from home for foreigners! 

While Nigeria has its challenges like any other country, it’s important to approach travel with awareness and preparation. The Nigerian government has made significant efforts to improve security in recent years, particularly in tourist areas. However, like in any destination, it’s essential to stay informed about the current situation and take necessary precautions.

is it safe to travel to Nigeria

Is it safe to travel to Nigeria? Travel advisory for Nigeria

Before embarking on your journey to Nigeria, here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

Also check out my travel resources for seamless visit to Nigeria irrespective of your budget.

Research and Plan

Before visiting any new place, including Nigeria, you need to familiarize yourself with the regions you plan to visit and stay updated on any travel advisories issued by your home country’s government.

This includes researching local customs, traditions, and taboos to respect cultural norms. Having such information helps you stay compliant while there.

Health Precautions

I always advise my friends to ensure that they are up-to-date on routine vaccinations and consider additional vaccinations recommended for travel to Nigeria, such as yellow fever and typhoid. Take necessary precautions to prevent malaria, including using insect repellent and sleeping under mosquito nets.

Secure Your Accommodation

Book accommodations in reputable hotels or guesthouses with good security measures. It is best to avoid sharing sensitive information with strangers and be cautious when using ATMs or carrying large sums of money.

One of the best places to get accommodation deals is I highly recommend them as you get the best travel deals with verified listing. So, you’re sure of the hotels you get. Click here to book your stay on trivago.

Transportation Safety

While in Nigeria, use  licensed taxis or reputable transportation services, especially when traveling at night. You must also exercise caution when crossing busy streets and be mindful of traffic regulations.

Stay Connected

Keep your loved ones informed about your travel itinerary and maintain communication during your stay. Register with your embassy or consulate upon arrival to receive updates and assistance if needed.

Respect Local Customs

Dress modestly, particularly in religious or conservative areas, and seek permission before taking photographs of individuals or cultural sites. Respect local customs and traditions to foster positive interactions with the community.

Must-See Cities/ Destinations in Nigeria

Nigeria boasts a wealth of attractions that cater to a variety of interests. Whether you’re a history buff, nature enthusiast, or food lover, here are some must-see destinations to include in your itinerary:


Typically, you’re most likely to land in Lagos as a foreigner in Nigeria. This city gives you the opportunity to experience the vibrant energy of Nigeria’s largest city. It is known for its bustling markets, lively nightlife, and stunning beaches.

While in Lagos, ensure that you visit the National Museum to learn about Nigeria’s history and culture, or explore the art galleries and cultural centers in the city. One of my favorite things about Lagos would be the people. Make sure that you enjoy life to the fullest by hanging out at the lounges and beaches.

Is it safe to visit Nigeria right now

Laguna Beach Lagos


If you are not arriving in Lagos, then you’ll land in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The city is characterized by its impressive architecture, green spaces, and cultural landmarks.

You can explore the Nigerian National Mosque and the Nigerian National Christian Centre, which reflect the country’s religious diversity, or take a stroll through Millennium Park for a peaceful retreat from the urban bustle. While in Abuja, I enjoy drives on the extensive road network. Going on these drives is one of my favorite things about the city. 


When I’m going to escape from the hustle and bustle of regular life, I usually take a trip to Calabar. The calm I experience once I land in the city is next to none! While there, I immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage of Calabar.

The city is known for its annual Calabar Carnival and historical landmarks such as the Old Residency Museum and Mary Slessor Tomb. You can explore the waters of the Calabar River with a boat cruise or indulge in delicious local cuisine at the city’s restaurants and street food stalls.

Don’t leave Calabar without visiting the slave trade museum in Marina Resort! You can also go to other regions in the state and visit the popular Obudu Cattle Ranch

Nigeria travel resources

Obudu Cattle Ranch

Nigeria offers a lot of experiences waiting to be discovered by travelers. I’m inviting you now to Nigeria to embark on a journey of exploration and cultural immersion like no other. 

So pack your bags, venture into the heart of Africa, and prepare to be enchanted by the wonders of Nigeria. What are the misconceptions you’ve heard about Nigeria? Feel free to comment below. Ciao

Is it safe to travel to Nigeria Right now? Travel advisory

Nowadays, I would not mind spending all day on the beach if I could. Thankfully, Nigeria has so many beaches to explore. Here are the most popular beaches in Nigeria to visit on a budget.

The weather has been at the hottest lately, and all I want is to be surrounded by a body of water. Whenever I air out this thought, many people also share the same sentiment. 

However, whenever I talk about going to popular beaches in Nigeria, some people argue and say all the beaches are in Lagos. Are they really? Yes, Lagos has a lot of beaches, but Nigeria has lots of beaches in each region, and I know that it isn’t only in Lagos you would find a good beach. 

But, since many people seem not to be aware of beaches in other states, I will also be sharing them in this article. These are not just popular beaches, but beaches that you can visit on a budget. 

most popular beaches in Nigeria

Below are the must see beaches in Nigeria as a tourist. Whether in Nigeria for short stay or traveling for work, you need to see this beaches.

I love these beaches as they are luxurious yet on a budget. Let’s dive right in.

Tarkwa Bay Beach, Lagos 

Tarkwa Bay stands as one of the most popular beaches in Lagos as it has been around for a long time. This beach is in a remote location and can only be accessed by boat. However, it is popular for its water spots. 

I’ve been to this beach a lot and can tell you that it is one of the safer beaches for swimming in Lagos. Its remote location also makes it the perfect spot to unwind. It is a great place to visit as an individual, and also perfect for families. 

Popular beaches in Nigeria

Elegushi Beach, Lagos

I doubt there’s anyone living in Lagos that hasn’t heard of Elegushi beach. Yes, you might have not visited this place, but you have heard people talking about it. I would say it is the most popular beach in Lagos state. 

This beach is owned by the Elegushi royal family. Aside from its cultural history, it is also known for its vibrant nightlife, music concerts and food. There is never a dull time when at this beach.

Eleko Beach, Lagos 

If you’re looking for a quiet beach to visit in Lagos state, then Eleko beach is your answer. It is a quieter alternative compared to most of the beaches in Lagos. 

One thing I love about Eleko beach is the art dominance. When at this beach, you will see several small local art shops around. I am always leaving the beach with a new souvenir! It is the perfect spot for visitors interested in local art.  

Best beaches in Nigeria for tourists

Finima Beach, Rivers

This beach is situated in Bonny Island, Rivers state. Asides from the beach, there is also a nature park close to it. So, it is almost impossible to visit the beach without going to the nature park as well. 

It is known for its beauty and serene environment. Many people say that they do not want to leave when they visit it. It is a perfect location for nature lovers. 

Oniru Beach, Lagos 

Although it is a private beach, it is also one of the most popular beaches in Nigeria. I would say that this beach is a bit more elevated than others as the beach is part of the Oniru estate. It is a great networking spot as well. 

There are lots of modern facilities at this beach and you’ll have fun on the volleyball courts and lounges. Visiting this beach is always worthwhile.

Popular beaches in Nigeria that are budget friendly

Alpha Beach, Lagos

Personally, I haven’t visited Alpha beach. However, I hear a lot of good reviews about it, and it stands as one of the most popular beaches in Nigeria. I also hear that some people try surfing at this beach as it is known for its rougher waves. 

From the stories I hear, there are lots of activities to do at this beach, and it is always an adventurous experience. I will check it out soon! 

Atican Beach, Lagos

Those who have been to Atican beach would admit that it is a place to visit. If you ask for beaches that I would always visit without a second thought, you can be sure that Atican beach would make it to my list. 

There is something about the ambiance of this place that makes it comfortable and enjoyable. It also stands out for its cleanliness. I like that they have accommodation facilities. This way, I’m usually not in a rush whenever I go there. It is a suitable location for weekend getaways. 

Best beaches in Nigeria for couples

La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, Lagos

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re humming the lyrics of Asake’s Joha while reading this. Yes, I am also humming it while writing this part of the article. If you’ve never been to LA campagne Tropicana, what are you doing?

Even those who haven’t heard of this place or been to this beach before have definitely heard about it from Askae’s song. Indeed, it is one of the most popular beaches in Lagos. Not only is it a beach, it is an actual resort. 

If you’re looking for an all-inclusive beach experience, this is the place to visit. Trust me, it is an experience you have to undergo for yourself. At the end of your stay, you wouldn’t want to leave. 

Landmark Beach, Lagos

I like that this beach is in the heart of the city and I can easily go there when I want, unlike the ones in remote locations. It is located in the heart of Victoria Island and known for its clean sands. 

Landmark beach also offers a variety of watersports and beach games. Irrespective of when you visit this beach, it is always bubbling!

Ibeno Beach, Akwa Ibom

Ibeno beach is home for both young people and families. It is famous for its long sandy stretch and a great place for community sports. There is always a certain sense of vibrancy at this beach and you will get drag into one game or the other. 

You will also get to experience great beach parties at Ibeno beach. Due to its vast expanse, it is the go-to location for large group activities.

Bar Beach, Lagos

Back in the day, this was the most famous public beach in Lagos. For those who have lived in Lagos for a while, I’m sure you’ll be smiling while reading this as you can remember some of the stories associated with the beach. 

Today, it is now quieter, but still retains its charm. It is a great place for leisurely strolls along the shore. 

Coconut Beach, Badagry Lagos

Wondering why it is called coconut beach? It is because the beach is lined with coconut trees. Taking a trip to this beach would be visiting the historical town of Badagry. It is a great opportunity to explore the town while enjoying the quietness of this beach. 

The local market at this beach is one of its unique selling points. I love that I can buy unique local items at the market and still have the opportunity to haggle prices with the locals. It is a great way to connect with the locals and learn their local culture.

Patigi Beach, Kwara

There are lots of fish-related activities to do when you visit this beach. It is located in Kwara state, along the river Niger. If you love fishing or will love to learn, you have the opportunity to do so when you visit this beach. The locals would be more than happy to have you. 

The views at this beach are next to none! You might also be lucky to visit during any of the local festivals. Trust me, you will have a swell time. 

Iwopin Beach, Ogun

Did you know that there’s a beach in Ogun state? Now you know! If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of your regular life, this is the place to visit. 

Although it gives off rural vibes, that does not affect the fun you’ll have when you visit. This beach is a place to make lots of memories. 

Oguta Lake Resort, Imo

Have you been to Oguta lake? When you visit this place, it is impossible not to notice that the lake has two colors. There is the green and brown water, and they never mix! The story says that the rivers were two divorced people. 

One thing about me is that I enjoy hearing these interesting stories from the locals whenever I visit a place. While primarily a lake, the Oguta resort has a small beach and lots of recreational facilities. I know you will enjoy yourself the same way I did.

Otuogu Beach, Delta

Looking for a place to have a picnic or hang out with friends? This is the perfect place to visit. It is a popular spot for picnics and traditional fishing activities. This beach gives visitors a taste of the local life. 

From the food to the music, the people, and more, you may not want to leave when you visit this beach. 

Kuramo Beach, Lagos

Kuramo beach stands as one of the most popular beaches in Nigeria. It has an active presence and unique wave sounds. However, you need to be cautious while at this place due to its strong currents.

Halemson Beach, Lagos 

Sometimes, all you want to do is enjoy the presence of a water body without a lot of people. This is what this beach presents. It provides a private and secluded experience for those looking to unwind away from crowded spots. 

Now, the fact that this place is private and secluded doesn’t mean you’ll have less fun. In doubt? Visit it and find out! 

Whispering Palms, Badagry

The beauty of this beach is almost unmatched. Anytime I visit whispering palms, I always take out my camera as there is always something to capture. There is always a permanent smile plastered on my face whenever I’m in that environment. 

This place is more than just a beach. It is a location that includes a resort with numerous leisure activities. 

Akodo Beach, Lagos

Once you step into this place, you can tell that it is well-maintained. It instantly puts you in high spirits as your energy bar increases. It is a perfect place to hang out and have fun. As a plus, the beach tends to be a safe environment. So, you can let go of your worries. 

Suntan Beach, Badagry

If you’re looking for a hotspot known for its vibrant atmosphere and array of recreational activities, Suntan Beach is the place to be. With its lively ambiance and diverse offerings, Suntan Beach promises endless hours of fun and excitement for visitors of all ages.

Yes, it is not free to get into this beach. However, I love that after paying the entrance fee, you have access to the beach huts for free. 

Gberefu island Beach, Badagry

Also known as the point of no return, this beach is ideal for those interested in history and nature. It provides a serene environment for anyone to reflect and relax. In addition, this beach is also naturally beautiful and a sight to behold!

After you explore this beach, check out other fun things to do in Badagry Lagos as a tourist.

Oron Beach, Akwa Ibom

Although there isn’t a high influx of people to this beach due to its location, you can be sure to have peace and quiet while there. The beach offers serenity and is also near the Oron museum. You can also decide to enter the Oron beach market while there. 

Oron beach gives you the perfect opportunity to unwind that you deserve!

McCarthy Beach, Delta state

I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard about this beach people. It is a quieter alternative to some of the city’s busier beaches. It is a great sport for those looking to enjoy the seaside without too much fanfare. 

One thing about this place is that it is easy to lose track of time while there due to its wide range of activities. 

Ifoko Beach, Port Harcourt 

One thing that stands out about this beach is that it is within a welcoming community. The locals are friendly and will always want to give you a tour. 

The beach also has a natural charming beauty that appeals to anyone. When you visit this beach, you will never run out of activities to do. 

Redline Beach, Lagos

Redline beach resort is known for its laid-back atmosphere and budget-friendly entry, this beach is a great place for family outings or just a quiet day by the water. It is also a great place to meet and interact with others as it presents a healthy environment to nurture friendships

Brass Beach, Bayelsa

You will need to embark on a short boat ride to access this beach. However, once you get there, you will wear an unbeatable smile. 

The beach presents a quiet atmosphere for relaxing or fishing. You will also mingle and mix with the locals and have great conversations. 

Santa Cruz Beach, Lagos

Once you get to this beach, there’s a sense of safety and security that sits within you. This is because you can see the security features put in place. It makes this beach suitable for both families and solo individuals. 

There are lots of facilities and activities at this beach. What matters is that you have the energy to keep going. You’re sure to have a great time. 

Araromi Beach, Ondo 

If you’re looking for a beach with great views and the best picture spots, this is the place for you. Its calm waters gives it a more natural feel that translates to an untouchable beach experience for you. 

Although less commercialized, you will find an activity to do while at this beach. 

Lighthouse Beach, Lagos

Of course, you will see lots of photographers at this place as its views are always giving. It gives you the perfect backdrop at any time. 

In terms of entertainment, it also has a lot to offer. Visiting this beach will always be worth your time.

30 Most Popular Beaches in Nigeria to Visit on a Budget

As a Nigerian living in Nigeria, you will agree that one of our top challenges right now is finding a virtual dollar card that works. Need to shop international websites, here are my top best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria to ease international shopping.

With stringent dollar policies and scarcity, its almost impossible to shop international websites. Nowadays, it’s hard to pay for things on websites that require dollar payments like Aliexpress because our regular cards don’t work. 

This has been a downer for many, especially shopaholics. Some girlies even complain that they can’t slay again as they don’t have cards that work on their favorite shopping sites. My friends and I are also facing this challenge. 

One thing about me is that I do not fancy complaints. I’m such a solution driven person that I’m always out to find the remedy to any challenge. It is why I’ve gone to do my research and here to answer some of the best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria.

Curious to know them? 

Stick along with this article. 

Virtual dollar cards in Nigeria

Considerations when choosing a virtual dollar card

Before I go ahead to talk about some of the best virtual dollar cards for Nigeria, I’ll like to spotlight some unique factors to consider before choosing a virtual dollar card. 

For me, I love to go for a card with a platform that is easy to use. I always tell my friends to prioritize the user interface of the app and ease of funding and managing the card. We can’t be facing one challenge and get into more complications!

I also consider the security features as I don’t play with my money. I always check for the ability to freeze and unfreeze cards for instances where I my card may be compromised. Fraud protection measures and customer support responsiveness are also key for me. 

In choosing a virtual dollar card in Nigeria, be conscious of the fees and charges. Look out for monthly maintenance fees, top-up charges, and currency conversion fees. All these will help you know if you’re making the right choice. 

Furthermore, be aware of any daily, weekly, or monthly spending or top-up limits. The limits should be something you’re comfortable with. In addition, ensure that the card is accepted on the platforms where you intend to use it, such as Amazon, Google Play, AliExpress, Netflix, etc. 

Best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria

Best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria to shop international websites.

These virtual dollar card options are tested and tried. And ofcourse there are pros and cons to using them.

What better way to determine the best virtual dollar card that is right for you than sweet comparison and review. Have a gift card and don’t know how to redeem it, read our post on how to sell gift cards in Nigeria for extra cash.

Eversend Vs. Chipper Cash

When talking about virtual dollar cards in Nigeria, Eversend and Chipper Cash are some of the commonest options you will hear. When I first heard about them, I had to go do my research on how they operate and the fuzz about them. 

Eversend cards can be used on a variety of platforms including Amazon, AliExpress, Spotify, and many others, offering users extensive online shopping and subscription payment options.

Users can also save up to 13% on foreign exchange fees which is a significant advantage for those making frequent international transactions. One of their unique features is the fact that there is no limit to the number of cards a user can create on the platform.

So, you can create cards that your friends and family can use if you don’t want them using your card. Eversend also offers easy top-up options via mobile money, card or bank. 

Keep in mind that using Eversend comes with charges and maintenance fees. There is a $1 monthly maintenance fee. For those who do not frequently use the card, the fee could add up and become an inconvenience. Also, users need $2 to create a card, including the first month’s maintenance fee and a minimum top-up requirement. 

For Chipper Cash, they have one of the easiest platforms I’ve ever had to use. Setting up an account and getting my virtual card was a straightforward process.

They stand out for me in terms of convenience as it offers a seamless way to make online payments globally. With my Chipper Cash card, I do not have to complain about making payments on my favorite shopping sites. 

On the flip side, you cannot access the Chipper Cash platform if you do not have a means of identification like your international passport or national ID. 

Also resolving technical issues can take forever. Plus signing up for a virtual dollar card cost $3 one time fee. However there is no monthly maintenance fee like eversend. That’s sweet I guess.

However both of these platforms tend to deactivate your virtual USD card for decline payments. So if you have recurring subscriptions, please ensure you keep your card funded. This is to enable you meet your obligation.

In terms of customer service, they are responsive but Chipper cash resolution of issue takes longer. Like why? I paid so much to get USD, so I need stellar service.

My favorite virtual dollar card is Bitnob card. Who will think that a Crypto platform will solve my virtual dollar bank issues. Here’s is why you need to sign up on Bitnob.

Virtual USD cards in Nigeria

Top best virtual dollar card in Nigeria: Bitnob

I’m sure you must have heard about Bitnob or come across their ads in one way or the other. Many people tell me that they do not understand the Bitnob brand and how it works. Interestings, they offer one of the best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria. 

Bitnob is appealing to users in the cryptocurrency space, allowing transactions within a set limit and offering a straightforward solution for online transactions and payments. With Bitnob, users can pay for popular streaming services and make international transactions easily, bridging the gap between traditional banking and digital currency spaces.

The Bitnob virtual card caters to the broader market of users seeking conventional banking solutions. However, jump on this platform if you’re in the crypto industry and looking for a virtual dollar card to use in Nigeria.

Bitnob virtual dollar card is not just meant for crypto users. So if you’re not into cryptocurrency, you can still sign up to use this card.

To sign up you need a minimum balance of $2. The card comes with a fee or $1. So you can top up as much money you can as possible.

Use my code to sign up: magdalene8 and support this blog.

Best virtual dollar card in Nigeria: Other Options

Other virtual dollar card options for Nigerians are: 

  • Klasha: Coming in as one of the newer options, Klasha is designed for cross-border e-commerce. It offers easy access to global sites and platforms. You will enjoy flexibility in funding and spending when using Klasha. Keep in mind that you will have to pay card maintenance fees. 
  • Changera: This is another option that offers seamless international transactions and prioritizes security with advanced encryption and fraud protection. Yes, they check the box in terms of security!  
  • Fundall: With fundall, you get free creation of virtual dollar cards and the ability to generate multiple cards for different transactions. However, there might be fees for inactivity or for maintaining multiple cards. 

FAQ on Virtual USD cards in Nigeria

  1. How can I shop international sites from Nigeria? Unfortunately, Nigerian banks do not offer usd payment cards due to the new CBN policy. However, you can now shop from anywhere in the world with virtual dollar cards.
  2. How can I get a virtual USD card? You can simply apply for virtual USD card from payment platforms like Bitnob, Chipper Cash or eversend.
  3. What are the best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria? There are about 15 or more virtual dollar card payments options. However, my top 2 that I highly recommend is Bitnob and chipper cash.
  4. What are the fees to use a virtual dollar card in Nigeria? Read the fine prints and terms of services. Most of these virtual dollar cards in Nigeria states them clearly. So think before you choose to sign.

Comment below your favorite of these top best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria. Which of them are you going to sign up for? Ciao.

Top best virtual dollar cards in Nigeria to ease international shopping

If you ever catch me staring into space and smiling, there are high chances that I’m thinking about a likely getaway. I live in Lagos but love to visit Ogun state often. Here is a list of fun things to do in Ogun state on a budget.

Although it is a neighboring state to Lagos, Ogun differs by a lot as it is a calm place. Not only do you get to enjoy peace and quiet, but there are many things, sites and attractions to enjoy about this state.

I love Lagos state. This place is actually the hub of recreation and fun. There are so many budget friendly hotels in Lagos you can stay in for a short staycation. Also, there are a lot of beaches in Lagos. Yet, I still love to elope to Ogun state to breathe!.

The air of Lagos is congested. The population and the stress of moving around. Did I mention the traffic you need to go through? So, you can understand why If I need my peace, I go to Ogun state to rest and unwind.

The focus of this article would be on the 10 best things to do Ogun state. It could be that you’ve never been to Ogun state and you need a list of best things to do in Ogun state. Let this list be your guide!

The top on my list is Abeokuta Ogun state. Have you seen the Olumo rock or other exciting places to visit in Abeokuta? You are missing out.

Things to do in Ogun state

Fun things to do in Ogun state.

Many people feel Abeokuta is the only place to see in Ogun state. There are so many fun places to see. Here are my top 10 exciting things to do in Ogun state on a budget.

Epe fish market

Why Epe fish market you may ask? Epe is in Lagos state but shares close border with Ijebu. So, you can dash to this market to explore while visiting Ijebu.

Who doesn’t like a good bargain? I know I love one, especially when it comes to food items! I have been to many markets in Nigeria and even across Africa. However, Epe fish market stands as one of the cheapest places to get seafood.

One of my highlights at this market was getting to see and know different types of seafood. At one point, my mouth was wide open as I didn’t realize so many species were available.

I had fun buying and bargaining with the sellers, and I also got to learn a lot. It is an experience I would recommend for anyone visiting Ogun state.

Hi impact amusement Park

I strongly believe that everyone is a child at heart if and when they want to be. It is why I would recommend this amusement ark to anyone visiting Ogun state.

I go here when I want to release all stress and tension, and I have never regretted it. Some people think that visiting an amusement park is an experience that should be limited to children. Letme tell you, you are missing out on a lot if you have never been to an amusement park.

The cleanliness of this park is another reason why I have it on my list. It is always a pleasing experience.

Obasanjo Library (OOPL)

Did you know that the past president of Nigeria has a library? The first time I heard about this place, I was very excited to visit it, and it met up to my expectations.

Not many states can boast of having functional libraries, but we have this place in Ogun state for you to explore. I almost didn’t want to leave when I visited as being around so many books made me happy. There is almost no book you wouldn’t find at this library, irrespective of its genre.

It’s always surprising to find out that many people, even residents of Ogun state, do not know about this library. I feel like keeping the information to myself, but I also want you to enjoy this wonderful gem.

Yemoji Natural pool

This place is exactly as the name implies. You shouldnt be executing to see a fancy pool as everything is natural. However, if you’re looking to enjoy nature in its true form, this is the best place to visit in Ogun state.

At this place, you can do so many interesting things. From having a picnic to birdwatching to learning about plants and flowers, etc. It is a clean and serene environment and serves as the perfect spot for any escape.

I always create time to visit this place whenever I’m in Ogun state as I love the fact that it isn’t always crowded.

Adonis plaza paintball and game center

Got some pent up energy to release? Then, you should be spending time at this game center. Most people know this place because of paintballing and it was also what got my attention. However, after visiting, I discovered that there are many other things to do at this place.

I like to call it a fun center as there is never a dull moment. It is also a perfect place to make new friends. I would recommend this place to active and energetic individuals.

It is best to visit this place with friends. So, start planning a group trip to this place now!

Hubert Ogunde museum

You would fall in love with this place if you’re a lover of arts. It is owned by Olooye Hubert Adedeji Ogunde, a folklorist, Nigerian actor, playwright, musician, dramatist, theater manager, policeman, teacher, teetotaler, human right activist, Seer, prophet and a nationalist of class. Although he is now late, the place is managed by his grandson.

The museum was established to give the public an opportunity to know the great pioneer of Nigerian theater and movies and also give visitors a place to get up close and personal with some of the costumes and other showbiz memorabilia that has been acquired since 1948. Click here to watch the vlog of my day trip to Hubert Ogunde Museum.

Exciting things to do in Ogun state
Ake Palace

I haven’t been to this place yet, but many people have recommended that visiting Ake palace is one of the best things to do in Ogun state. I have it on my bucket list as one of the intriguing things that it is home to the oldest bible in Nigeria. How cool is that!?

Aside from that, the palace is also home to some fascinating artifacts that I would love to see. I dont have so much information now since I haven’t been here yet, but I know people who say that it is an interesting place to visit. So, I’m definitely up for it!

Olumo rock

It is a no brainer that Olumo rock should be on your list of things to do in Ogun state. To those who are daring, I know you would want to climb to the peak of the mountain. It is always thrilling embarking on this journey!

Olumo rock also serves as a perfect pot for a picnic and it comes with many interesting stories. If you haven’t been to this place, this is your cue to knock it off your bucket list!

Interestingly, there is a staircase that can help you get to the top if you’re scared of hiking the rock.

New heritage museum

Checking out a museum in any state is one of the best things to do, and you should when in Ogun state. It helps you learn the history and traditions of the state. This way, you get to relate better with the people.

New heritage Museum is the best place if you love the Kalakuta Museum or Fela’s history. New Heritage Museum is the home of Fela Anikulapo Parents.

This is the same place his mum stayed after the incidence with the unknown Soldiers. Funny the same thing happened in our time with unknown gun men at the Lekki Toll gate Massacre. It is well.

The architecture of the home is built like the British homes back in the days. It has wooden floors and nice finishing. You will love this place.

Bilikisu Sungbo Tourist Complex

I never knew this place existed until I began doing my research on Ogun state. I have it on my bucket list now and wll be sure to visit during my next trip to gun state.

According to stories, it is a sentimental place for Christians as it serves as the burial place of Queen Sheba. Yes, you can imagine my shock when I heard this! Checking it out would be one of the best things to do in Ogun state.

Feel free to comment other fun things to do in Ogun state on a budget. Have you been to the Yemoji natural pool? What are your thoughts? I had a failed camping experience at this place. We eventually went to Villa Rica resort to camp. The vlog is also linked.

10 Exciting things to do in Ogun state, Nigeria

The beach is my happy place. However, the day I visited Elegushi beach, I couldn’t wait to leave. There are so many fun beaches in Lagos, but if want to visit Elegushi private beach, here is all you need to know.

Unlike many budget friendly beaches in Lagos like Laguna beach, Landmark beach, the good beach Lagos, Elegushi is my least favorite. I had crossed off this beach from my must see places due to the reviews. However, I had to visit since my plan to visit Awolowo beach failed.

I lost interest in Elegushi beach as soon as I entered. We drove to this beach. The harassments from so called waiters was too much. Everyone is trying to convince you to come to their restaurant or bar. A guy even addressed my husband as Uber guy. I have never been so irritated on my visit to the beach.

I have visited so many fun beaches in Lagos. However, Elegushi private beach is the least ranked followed by Oniru private beach ( Overcrowded vendors).

My advice, you can still walk down into the beach and have free access after paying the gate fee. Here is all you need to know and do on your visit.

Elegushi Private beach Lagos

Image source:

Elegushi private beach Location and gate fee

You would find this beach in Lekki, Lagos Nigeria. It offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the ever bubbling Lagos city. Its location is quite strategic and accessible for all. One thing I love about this beach is that almost everyone knows about it. Therefore, you cannot get missing when trying to locate Elegushi beach.

Depending on your preference, you can use public or private transport to this place. If you’re ever confused, the map would come in handy.

The entry fee to Elegushi private beach is 2000per adult. We were two adults that visited with a baby. There was no fee charged for our baby on our visit.

Things to do at Elegushi Beach

If you ever find yourself at Elegushi beach, some things to do include:

Patronize the local stores

One of the things to do at Elegushi Private beach is shopping for souvenirs and local crafts. I’m not saying you can’t find them at other locations, but the ones at Elegushi beach are always super appealing. It’s one of the reasons why I always ensure to hold extra cash when visiting this beach.

From the handmade jewelry to the traditional fabrics, and even the unique art pieces, there is something for everyone at these local stores. I love that they have varieties even though it sometimes leaves me confused on what to get. Window shopping is also fun while viewing these local stores.

Explore food options

Yes, I know that there are lots of opinions that surround buying food at the beach. But c’monnn! You have to live a little!!! The amount of mouthwatering dishes you will see at Elegushi beach would leave you no choice but wanting to satisfy your taste buds.

It’s also interesting and fascinating to see that the meals on the beach range from local to international cuisines. If you are not careful, you will spend all your money on food while at Elegushi beach.

Of course, drinks and cocktails of all varieties are also available. Therefore, it is a complete package!

Water Sports

There is never a dull time at Elegushi beach! Yes, the place might be packed due to its popularity, but that only adds to the fun. There are lots of water games and activities for you to do, depending on your preference. You can decide to go jet skiing or kayaking. You can even decide to mingle with others by indulging in volleyball. It is a perfect way for you to make new friends.

While you have fun with the water games, ensure that you read through the rules carefully and stay safe!

Enjoy the nightlife

It’s one thing to experience Elegushi beach during the day, but it’s another thing to experience this beach at night! All you need to do is bring your best energy, and you will have a swell night. The experience is always epic as everywhere is vibrant with lively music and DJ performances. You may even be lucky to catch some cultural displays.

If you are extra lucky, you may get to join in some themed night parties. You can never tell what will happen at night. But one thing is sure, you will enjoy yourself!

Relax and enjoy yourself

I don’t know why you’re going to the beach if not to relax! Elegushi beach is a perfect location to unwind as you enjoy the pristine beachfront view. There are many locations on this beach that serve as the perfect spots for Instagram-worthy and pepper dem pictures.

With your beach mat or chair, find a cozy spot that lets you soak in the stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean as it stretches. You can further relax with a book as you soak up the sun. However, ensure that you do not forget your sunscreen!

Is Elegushi beach free?

There is a fee to pay at the entrance before accessing the beach. However, I would say the rates are quite fair. It’s 2,000 naira per adult and 1,000 naira per child.

Is Elegushi beach safe?

Yes, there are amenities in place to ensure the safety and security of everyone at Elegushi beach. You would randomly see security personnels, and there are also trained lifeguards on ground for those participating in water games.

All in all, I will not visit this beach again because of the harassments by the bar guys. However, because of the fun bubby night light and scenery, I can recommend you visit. Maybe I had so much expectations from this beach as I have visited so many beaches in Lagos with fun experiences.

Take away from this, reduce your expectations and be open minded. You will enjoy this beach. Feel free to comment other beaches in Lagos you have visited. Have you visited Elegushi private beach? share your experience below.

Elegushi Private beach: My terrible experience and things to do

A year without traveling or exploring makes me feel like I am not living. Two years ago, I just decided to explore more of Nigeria. So I gathered some of these tips to find budget friendly hotels in Nigeria that I know you will find handy.

Take me back to Ilorin, if you’ve never been there, check out these fun things to do in Kwara state. Ilorin is a very peaceful city. I served in Kwara state Nigeria. So I add to revisit Ilorin City to explore it. I stayed at one of the best hotels I ever seen in my life.

Princess luxury hotel was life. Found them on Airbnb and it was worth every penny. The flip side of my hotel hopping story is Palm view manor hotel, Lagos.

Have you been scammed before? This hotel is a big scam, avoid it t all costs. I saw great pictures online of this hotel. So, it was a no-brainer to get this hotel for my holiday and content creation.

It was a classic example of what I ordered vs what I got. Everything online is non-existent in this hotel. And the reviews are so old and positive. This hotel is basically still standing in its old glory. Discard what you see about them, it is now in a terrible state.

This is why I have decided to share my tips on how to find budget friendly hotels in Nigeria and of course, avoid scams like Palm view manor

Budget friendly hotels in Nigeria

Villa 33 hotel ambience

Tips to find budget friendly hotels in Nigeria

Accommodation costs add up to the bottom line cost of traveling. If you can, go for hotel alternatives like staying with family, hosts, friends, or religious homes.

But if these other options are not available to you, you have no choice but to book a hotel. I will be linking some budget friendly hotels in Nigeria you could check out too.

Book it online

I know it may sound cheesy that I recommend booking hotels online after my experience with palm view manor hotel. Most online platforms allow you to pre-book and opt to pay at the hotel.

This option, I highly recommend this because you get to view the hotel property on a visit before making payment. Another hotel that I have stayed at is the La Casabella Hotel, Cotonou. I love the aesthetic. Also, you get a free basket or you can choose to make your own meals in the kitchen.

We didn’t plan to cook during our stay. They have a functional kitchen you can use. Most guests just order the food made in the guest house because it is budget friendly. Click here to read all about my stay at the Republic of Benin.

After my terrible experience with Palm view manor, I booked Villa 33 hotel last minute. We got there and we paid the price we found online. The receptionist told us that if we had not pre-booked it online, we would have paid an extra 5k. So, my top tip to find budget friendly hotels in Nigeria is to book it first online.

Hotels in Nigeria
Search for hotel deals using Trivago

You can get the best hotel deals from search engines like This brand I highly recommend when searching for budget friendly hotels in Nigeria or anywhere in the world.

They always show recommendations of hotels from the cheapest to the most expensive. So, take your time surfing the options. My pro tip is to check the hotels one by one. Looking at the amenities that suit your needs. Nearness to the places you want to explore or a side attraction.

I am always drawn to hotels with pools which is why I opted for palm view manor initially which turned out to be a hard miss. Want to book a stay in Nigeria, click here to book it on

Check the prices with the hotels

Another pro tip is to check in with the hotels to compare prices or the hotel websites. Although, I would not recommend looking up a hotel online in Nigeria because most will deny the prices.

Either they will say it is the old price or they don’t use the website anymore. Anyway, you can call in and may negotiate better hotel stay prices.

Book early

Remember I spoke about my experience at La Casabella Hotel. Well on my visit, I was told the prices have gone up. That is what I booked online was cheaper than what I paid at the hotel.

The receptionist said that if I had paid online, then I will not have to pay extra. Anyways, we negotiated for a lesser price eventually compared to the new hike in price for their hotel.

So, I highly recommend if possible that you book it and pay. You get cheaper rates that way.

Opt for hotels that have option to cancel.

There are times you have booked your hotel but prices may drop due to slow seasons and whatnot. If you book hotels with free cancellation or a clearly stated cancellation policy, you can choose to opt out at any time.

So, if there is a price drop or a better rate, all you need is to cancel and book at a cheaper rate.

All in all, whether you book early, book online, or walk into the hotel. Check out the hotel on your visit to be sure you want it. If you’re skeptical because of scams like Palm view manor hotel, don’t pay online. Opt to pay at the hotel, that way you see what you’re paying for.

Negotiate prices with the staff. You may find that removing the breakfast option can save you some money. This way you get to eat outside the hotel at a more affordable rate.

Feel free to comment on other tips for booking budget friendly hotels in Nigeria. Share your experience while traveling or other travel scams you have almost fallen for.

How to find budget friendly hotels in Nigeria and Hotel scams( Palm View manor)

Have you been thinking of where to visit for your next trip? Probably, you’re already making plans with your friends on the trip for the summer. Never knew the importance of getting travel insurance until I had a bad experience.

Have you ever lost your luggage in transit? Also, have you been a victim of theft? Travel insurance’s importance cannot be overemphasized. Stop ditching travel insurance as you plan your trip. You never know, life has so many uncertainties.

This has been the situation between me and my friends for some weeks now. The talk of getting travel insurance keeps coming up as we make plans for the trip and I’ve been singing its importance in their ears. 

Understandably, the concept of travel insurance doesn’t have so much rave in our home country. However, it is really important to always think of getting travel insurance while planning your trip

Budget friendly travel insurance

Why do you need travel insurance?

Wondering why you need travel insurance? Here are some reasons:


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Lost bags

Have you ever been in a situation where an airline lost your bags? While I’ve never had this experience, I’m been in many situations where the airline forgot my bags or took the bags to another location. 

You can imagine how frustrated I must have felt in such situations. One minute, I’m excited about my trip, the next minute I can’t find my bags and everything goes south. I am stranded and begin to spend extra money on clothing and other essentials that were in my bag. 

I was a victim of this situation twice before I learned about getting travel insurance. With travel insurance, you do not need to feel so much loss when your bags are lost or forgotten. This insurance will cover the amount you need to spend on getting new essentials and would also cover the loss you’ve incurred from the lost, forgotten, or misplaced bags. 

Of course, no one hopes for airlines to misplace or forget their bags. However, these are some unforeseen circumstances that could happen when traveling. Hence, you need to have travel insurance. 

Need to get travel insurance? I highly recommend EKTA travel insurance for all your travels both local and international.

EKTA insurances offer 24/7 multilingual customer services. Also, you can easily book it online. Your travel insurance will be delivered to you in minutes. Very swift and seamless. Below are other reasons to get EKTA insurance.

  • Works all over the World
  • Insurance covers COVID -19
  • Client support 24/7
  • No hidden clauses in the contract
  • 10 years of experience in the insurance industry
  • No hidden restrictions on medical services
Best travel insurance

Flight delays

If I’m to do a headcount, I’m sure you know someone who has been a victim of flight delays, or you may have even been a victim. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had my flights delayed and how I’ve had to spend long hours at the airport, especially when it concerns local flights.

I’ve also had people talk about flight delays with international travel. One of my friends was excited to share how her travel insurance came in handy the day she had a flight delay. For her, her insurance covered the amount she spent on food while she had to wait for her flight. 

These flight delays may also lead to you missing a connecting flight. In such a case, travel insurance would also come in handy as you it gets to cover all new expenses that you would incur. 

Trust me, you’ll be in a sour mood if you have to go through such an experience without travel insurance. 

Medical emergencies

It was interesting to know that travel insurance can also cover medical emergencies while in a new country. Whenever I travel, I’m also praying not to have any reason to visit the hospital or have a medical emergency. Being that I’m in a new city, the environment is unfamiliar, and I know that I would spend more on medicals. 

I remember when one of my friends traveled and fainted while on a tour. She had taken something that didn’t sit well with her body system and had to be rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, she had travel insurance and it covered her medical bills. 

When I saw the amount she had to pay, I was thankful she had travel insurance as it would have taken a hit on her bank account at the moment. Medical emergencies can spring out from the blues. Therefore, you need to be prepared to combat it if it happens. 

Hotel extension

It’s easy to say that you’ve planned your trips; you’re leaving on a specific date and you’re sure to be back on a certain date. But from experience, I can tell you that situations can arise that would need you to extend your hotel stay. 

It could be that you’re feeling unwell and a medical expert has said you shouldn’t move when you intend to travel. You’re advised to rest for some days before you embark on your journey. Of course, you would need to extend your hotel stay. 

Another reason could be that your flight was delayed or canceled and you need a place to sleep pending when your flight would move or the issue would be sorted. So, you need to extend your hotel stay. 

These are unplanned scenarios and you did not fit them into your travel budget. You would start panicking if you do not have travel insurance. But those with travel insurance would be more relaxed as they know that they are covered. 

To get the best deals on hotels for your travel, book it on

Flight cancellation

Flight cancellations are more common than you can imagine with thoughtful reasons. Often, a flight gets canceled due to weather conditions. When the airline sees that the weather isn’t friendly, they will cancel the flight instead of risking the lives of passengers. In such a case, we can all agree that the right thing to do was to cancel the flight. 

However, it doesn’t mean that the passengers wouldn’t be negatively affected in one way or the other. When your flight is canceled, you’ll need to look for where to stay, buy food, moving personal itinerary, etc. Your pocket would have to pay for all these if you do not have travel insurance. 

Some airlines may be nice enough to do something on their part. However, it would be best to have flight insurance that bears most of the burden or you wouldn’t like the receiving end. 

I highly recommend booking your flight with You can competitive flight deals on Also, how get the cheapest flight tickets for your travels?

Passport loss

The trauma that comes with losing your passport is one that can be so draining. It is even worse when you lose your passport in a foreign country. When this happens, you will encounter delays and it can put a huge dent in your pockets. 

Now, if you have travel insurance, it can assist you with the cost of getting a new passport. This way, you do not need to deal with the stress and trauma of getting a new passport from your pocket in a foreign country. 

For your peace of mind, you need to have travel insurance while planning your trip. 

Always Ditching Travel insurance? These 5 reasons will convince you otherwise

Do you love hiking? Hiking is not my favorite thing to do, yet I find myself exploring places to hike in Nigeria. Trust me, these are some of the best places to hike in Nigeria. If I may, some of the most beautiful places in Nigeria to explore on a budget.

Hiking is one of my favorite outdoor activities. It is one of the rare times when I willingly exert energy as I get to have fun in the process. If you need fun outdoor activities to do in Africa, add hiking to the list.

Some people would say that hiking is for those who love a good adventure. I’d say hiking is for everyone as the experience is very spectacular. If you need an alternative to hiking in Nigeria, check out the canopy walk at LCC, Lagos. Also fun yet scary for some of us that have a phobia of heights.

One of the funniest misconceptions I often hear is that there are no good hiking spots in Nigeria. On the contrary, there are so many good places to hike in Nigeria. The reason why you think that these places do not exist is because you haven’t experienced or uncovered them yet. Not to worry, I’ll be talking about these places in this article. 

Places to Hike in Nigeria

Best places to hike in Nigeria

Some of the best places to hike in Nigeria are:

1. Shere Hills

I was in my younger years when I first heard about Shere Hills. Back then, I was fascinated by the idea of visiting Jos, touring the city, and exploring the mountains. It was even more interesting to me finding out that this place is the third highest point in Nigeria. 

As I grew, I got to know more about hiking, and I discovered that one of my childhood fantasy destination spots is a good place for hiking. Hiking is amongst the top activities people do when they visit Shere Hills, and they enjoy the best views. 

I also love that you can learn a lot when you visit Sheren Hills like knowing more about rock formation and even seeing it playing out. If you ever need an escape spot within Nigeria, I would recommend that you visit Jos and ensure to go hiking on Shere Hills. 

2. Olumirin Waterfalls

I must tell you that you must not be in a hurry when visiting this place. It is always best to dedicate your whole day and time to exploring the area if you decide to hike at this location. This waterfall in Nigeria is popularly known as the Erin Ijesha waterfall.

You can find the Olumirin Waterfalls in Erin Ijesha, Osun state. The waterfall has about seven stages, and it takes time to complete all of them. The first time I heard of this place, I was determined to climb through all the stages of the waterfall. 

Some said it would be impossible and tried to discourage me. After all, most people give up when they get to the third stage. However, I was extra determined and managed to get some of my friends on the same frequency. 

Yes, we were able to climb through all the stages of the waterfall, and we got a pleasant surprise when we got to the top. I’ll not tell you what we saw at the top as we do not want to ruin the surprise. It is best if you go there and experience it. 


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3. Kilang Hill

Have you ever visited Gombe State?

Although I haven’t been there, it is on my bucket list of places I need to visit in Nigeria. When I first became obsessed with outdoor activities like hiking, I began researching the best places to hike in Nigeria and saw that Kilang Hill was one of them. 

It is the highest peak in Gombe state, and I love the versatility of the area. The locals are also very receptive and it is easy to pick up some of the local languages when you visit this place. 

I am excited at the thought of hiking to the peak of Kilang Hill, and you should be too!

4. Idanre Hills

It would be wrong to talk about the best places to hike in Nigeria without mentioning Idanre Hills. Some people may even argue that it should be on the top of the list.

The hiking trails at this place stand out and they promise lots of fun and excitement. It is a place to experience as a group and even individually. Each of these hiking trails leads you to something different. I love to see it as a treasure hunt and the thought of what could be waiting on the other side leaves me excited. After all, it makes up the hiking experience. 

The next time you think of hiking, you should pack your bags and head to Ondo State to hike the Idanre Hills. 

5. Kamuku National Park

Located in Kaduna, we also have the Kamuku National Park as one of the best places to hike in Nigeria. I am not saying this just for the sake of writing. Instead, I have done my research, and there are many good reviews about this place. 

I love the freedom aura that surrounds you while hiking on the hiking trails at the Kamuku National Park. I also love that there are different options. This way, hiking doesn’t seem boring and you would enjoy the experience. 

I recommend that you tell a friend to tell a friend about this place so that you all can have fun. 

6. Arinta Waterfall

Oyo state also marks the register when it comes to the best places to hike in Nigeria, as you can find Arinta waterfall in this state. 

I can tell you that this waterfall is a sight for sore eyes. Once you behold it, you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off it. In fact, you can’t shake off the urge to bring out your camera and take pictures. It makes a perfect backdrop for your pictures and I know that you will love what you get. 

The hiking experience here is superb and you will thoroughly enjoy the experience. From its dense forest to rocky terrain and lush vegetation, you will be telling others about your enjoyable experience when you’re done. 

7. Obudu Mountain

I’m sure you must have heard many sweet things about Obudu Mountain as it is one of the top destination sites in Nigeria. While I am not here to tell you what to expect from the Obudu Mountain Resort, I can assure you that your expectations would be met when it concerns hiking experiences. 

The calmness and cool weather at the resort are something that can make you decide not to leave the area anymore. You get to enjoy the hiking experience as there are hiking trails to follow. You may also be lucky to find others who would want to engage in hiking within the same time frame as you. 

My advice is to ensure that you have the most fun at this place. 

8. Chappal Waddi

Do you know that this is the highest point in Nigeria and the tallest mountain in West Africa?

You may not have known this before, but I’m sharing it now for you to know. The location of this place is Taraba State. 

I don’t know the definition of fun in your dictionary, but for me, it is climbing to the peak of the highest point in Nigeria. 

It is best to keep in mind that hiking in this area isn’t so safe as it is steep and needs much endurance. However, your determination is what would keep you going. 

9. Olumo rock

Another fun hiking experience I can’t leave on this list is Olumo Rock. This recreational center is rich in history yet a fun place to be. You will have to climb about 200 steps to have access to the rocks.

Boy, it was stressful. I had to catch my breath before climbing to the rock itself. The tour guides are ready to share their history. Also, they showed us the places that were the rooms in the rock. I can’t imagine sleeping under a rock and feeling safe. Watch the Olumo rock on my channel, you’d want to visit.

Another fun hiking spot is the free Access Sobi Hill in Ilorin Kwara state. Have you been to Kwara State? Check out these fun things to do on your visit.

Whenever I explore the country, I am always on the look for budget-friendly hotels in Nigeria. Here I pass some days to give me time to explore as much about a city before moving on to the next.

Comment below on other hiking spots in Nigeria. Feel free to share and like below.

Beautiful places to hike in Nigeria

Best places to hike in Nigeria as an adventurer

Hey guys! Your favorite Ajala is here again! This time, my legs took me to the Good Beach Lagos, and I’m giddy to share my experience with you. I had to visit because of the rave about this beach. And of course, I was sold.

Although we’ve just ended the first quarter of the year, it feels like the year has been on for a long time. Some weekends ago, my friends and I decided that we deserved some relaxation time and we decided to spend a day at The Good Beach. 

The good beach is on the same route as Landmark Beach and Oniru Beach. Both of these beaches I have been to, yet I prefer Landmark and the good beach over Oniru Beach. My reason is the aesthetic of Oniru Beach. It seems more like a local beach built with profit-making in mind without recourse to aesthetics and beauty.

Like I said in my post on Oniru Beach, I really wish they could move the vendors very far from the beach bank. There is barely enough space to enjoy a walk on the beach.

The first time I heard of this place, I thought that the name was hilarious. The Good Beach? Okayyy let’s see what it has! 

I didn’t have super high expectations when going to this beach as I saw it as yet another Lagos beach. However, I wanted to have fun and hoped that I wouldn’t be disappointed.

Thankfully, I wasn’t and had a good time with my friends. For those who haven’t been to The Good Beach Lagos, below are some things you need to know about the place. 

The Good beach Lagos

Things to do at The Good Beach

So, I went to this place with an open mind. But getting there, I began to rethink and realized that a day might not be enough for us to finish all the activities. I loved that this beach gave us options when it came to things to do. 

Some of the activities to do at The Good Beach are: 

Go swimming:

Typically, I wouldn’t think of going swimming at a beach, especially one in Lagos. However, the water kept calling my name at The Good Beach as it looked very clean. Although I wasn’t up to swimming that day, I made a mental note that I’ll be back to the beach just to swim. 

The beach has different pool areas, allowing you to pick and choose your preference. The energy at the swimming area also comes alive as you can play different water games. 

I loved that I could easily spot the lifeguards in the pool area, showing that they are concerned about the safety of people who come to the beach.  

Eat at the restaurant:

You might say that I’m selective; you wouldn’t be the first to say it as my friends tell me all the time. I usually have my reservations about eating at restaurants on a beach but all reservations went out of the window when we dined at the restaurant at The Good Beach. I couldn’t hold myself back from ordering an extra plate when we ate there.

Their meals were appetizing and satisfying. Heads up, you need to hold enough cash as the meals are more pricey than you might outside the beach. But they have an A+ in deliciousness.  

Take pictures for the gram:

The ambiance at The Good Beach Lagos is one for the books! It would be hard to resist taking pictures while on this beach. I loved that they pay careful attention to their surroundings, keeping it extra clean. You begin to wonder how they are able to keep up, even with the number of people who visit the beach daily.  

Everyone on this beach was giving! My friends and I spent most of our time taking pictures for memories, and we ensured to explore every part of the picture. We almost ran out of storage due to the beautiful scenery at this beach. 

Watch a live event:

You can call us lucky as we got a chance to watch one of the live music shows on the beach. It was a magical experience as I didn’t feel like going home anymore. My friends could not hold in their laughter as I was initially reluctant about following them to the beach. 

I found out that you can catch live shows and events on the beach, but it depends on the day you are visiting. I was thankful that I went there on a perfect day for a live event.  It was one of my highlights of the trip to The Good Beach. 

Watch the sunrise/sunset:

I still have scores to settle with my friends as didn’t let me fully immerse myself in the experience when I was watching the sunset. However, allow me to tell you that it looked very beautiful. For a moment, I felt like I wasn’t in Lagos anymore. 

The view was so fascinating that I had to whip out my phone and take some pictures. Some people say that watching the sun rise in this place gives the same experience, and I will plan to do it one of these days. 

I think everyone deserves to watch the sun rise and set at The Good Beach Lagos.

What to pack when going to The Good Beach Lagos

What do you put in your bag when going to The Good Beach? Here are three important items you shouldn’t forget: Also, click here for beach outfit inspiration if you need what to wear to the beach. 

Beach attire: Do I even need to remind you about this? You should always dress appropriately when going to certain places, and the beach is not an expectation! If you plan to go to the beach, you must pack your beach attire. Ensure that you look cute and sexy as your pictures need to be peng and outstanding. 

Good vibes: Your preparation is incomplete if you plan on going to The Good Beach without good vibes! These two factors go hand-in-hand! The energy at the beach is always perfect, and mixing it with good vibes is the perfect synergy to enjoy the experience. Trust me, after one experience at the beach, you’d always want to make return trips. 

Sunshades: For some reason, the sun at the beach always seems like it is in a competition. So, you should not forget your sunshades when going to The Good Beach. In addition, your sunshade is the perfect accessory to complement your beach attire. For the culture, you should relax near the water with your sunshades and take some pictures.  

The good beach Lagos Nigeria

The Good Beach Gate fee

Of course, it would be absurd to think that entrance into this beach is free. You would pay 3,000 naira to enter this place from Monday to Thursday. However, due to the rush and high traffic at the beach during the weekends, the fee is 4,000 naira from Fridays to Sundays.  

I’m glad my friends made me visit The Good Beach. You should check it out and come share your experience with me!

FAQ about the Good Beach Lagos

  1. Can I bring my food to the good beach? The Good Beach Lagos doesn’t allow anyone to bring in their food. You can get food at the beach area or the good beach food village. The aesthetic of the food court is beautiful with unique raffia designs for the lounge chairs, the dining chairs, and the chandelier.
  2. How much is the gate fee for the good beach? Entry fee to the good beach Lagos is 3000naira per person if you book it online via their Instagram page or 3K for women, and 4K for guys. Although I still wonder why men are charged more for entry.
  3. Are there other fun things to do at the good beach? Yes, you can participate in the movie night by the pool, live concerts, and other amazing events. Follow @thegoodbeach on Instagram to stay abreast of upcoming events
  4. Is there free access to their facilities? The entry fee into the good beach gives you access to the pool, lounge chairs, beach benches, etc except the cabanas which are paid services.

Other fun things to do at the good beach enjoy a relaxing spa and massage session, jet ski ride, boat cruise, etc. You can also play games, and engage in beach soccer among other fun things.

Feel free to comment on other fun beaches in Lagos you’ve visited or that you want us to review. Ciao

The Good Beach Lagos: Experience luxury on a budget at this fun beach