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How to balance blogging while working a full time job effortlessly

Many us want to blog but find it super hard to balance it with our regular jobs. This was my situation when I started blogging 4 years ago. Here is how to balance blogging while working a full time job.

Blogging is a full time business. So, you if want to get the best from blogging and earn from it, you need to be committed to it. How do I balance blogging with a day job? The answer is in your why. Why do you want to start a blog?

If the aim is to create a side income for yourself. Then blogging is a great option of side hustle to engage in. However, you need to put in the work to get value from blogging. Also, blogging is not a GET RICH QUICK scheme, so you need to find time from your day job to blog.

Here are my tips on how to balance blogging while working from a full time job.

Tips for balance blogging while working a full time job

I also find time to create content on my blog. Here are my best tips on how to balance blogging while working a full time. Most times, I hardly have time to myself during my weekend. This is because I have to commit my time to catch with my blog.

Below are my best blogging tips to help you balance blogging while working from home. Some of these tips will come in handy if you work from home to boost productivity.

Time Management

The most difficult thing to manage is time. It seems like the 24 hours in a day is too small to achieve my goals. e.g. putting up a post , studying and working. Sometimes i wish we have 25 hours in a day but trust me if time is well managed, it is more than enough.

A simple time management tip is to have a to do list in which work is at the top of your scale of preference. Your regular job pays the bills so it should get more attention. Blogging or studying can be done intermittently also when your’re at work. Especially during times that work is very slow or not so busy. This trick is what i use to joggle blogging/studying with work so as to make the most the not-so-busy days of the week.

Enjoy the blogging process

Creating content, drafting a blog post, and promotion of blog content is quite an interesting process. For me blogging is enjoyable and the process of creating content is fun. There are also times when you don’t feel blogging or may be going through some form of writers block, its okay to take time off, reset and restart. Make blogging fun and enjoy it to the fullest.

In other to make it quite easier for your blog life, use a simple blog planner. There are a lot of blog planner available at cheaper rate. For me a simple carry on note pad does it making it easy to jot points on the go. Incorporate scheduling for your blog post to social media sites.

This makes it easier to post to a larger audience at right time. One simple app i use for that is Crowd fire. It is easy to use, free for use app. You can also use hoot suites for scheduling your post. It takes of the time and work involved in sharing your post manually on your social media site. You can also read my lesson learnt and personal growth on my blogging journey to inspire you.

Create a schedule for blogging

A blogging schedule will come in handy if you want to balance blogging with your day job. If you don’t want your work life balance to be in jeopardy, create a schedule for blogging.

I only have my weekends for blogging. So, I naturally rest in the early hours of Saturday and blog in the evenings or the next day. This is to avoid burn out from my day job.

Create work schedule for writing content, take pictures for your content and promoting your content. You need to create time for all this things

Outsource if possible

This year, I decided to get an employee to support my blogging. This employee is to create long form articles four times a month. I can say the pay is great.

So, if you can, set asides funds for employees or writers. You can source for writers from places like Fiverr, upwork, or social media. If the pay is great, you will find the best fit for your blog.

Schedule your blog post

The main aim of the content of your blog is to share it with possible readers. However, there is a hardly time to write and share this contents on social media.

The below tools have come in handy for me, Hootsuite especially for twitter shares, publer (free to use) scheduler, Triberr ( Also free) and paid crowd fire. The plus side, you can re-share old blog post using any of the above to get the word out after publishing.

Take time out

The last time is to take time off work. Yes, I said it. Your day job offers you time off because it is needed. So, you need to take time off blogging frequently.

This will help you reset and refresh. Also, this will give you ample time to research new topics in your niche, check out what your competitors are doing also boost your overall well being.

How to earn money from your blog?

The best way to earn money on your blog is to go self hosted or you paid blogging websites. Most brands avoid working with blogs that ends with “” or “”. However, we all know that owning and running a website is not cheap.

I use a very brand for my website, Namecheap. I have been using this brand for a long time. There are times I ruined my website because your girl is not tech savvy, they came through for me. All I have to do is to reach them via the customer chat option. Their customer service is exceptional, so I highly recommend them.

If you want to start off your blog strong, sign up with Namecheap. You can add the an SSL certificate too to rank and make your site secured. This you can purchase also on namecheap.

Now lets dive into making money from your blog.

Make money blogging
Travel payout

Travel payout is one of my favorite Affiliate marketing platform for travel content creators or travel bloggers. You will get to work with brands like, Trip Advisor, Trivago, etc.

I highly recommend travel payout if you’re a beginner. Some of these brands pay per click for your banner adverts too. So, if you have great traffic, I recommend you leverage banner adverts to earn more from travel payout. Click here to Join Travel payout to start earning.


I joined Awin because I am ardent shopper of Shein clothes and accessories. Well, I got rejected by shein. So, I decided to join other brands that I shop and love on Awin network.

You can sign for brands like Shein, Etsy, Everything5pounds, etc. Well, I love fashion. So, I joined Awin platform basically to promote fashion brands.

You can also join Awin to promote Categories in electronics like HP, home improvement or interior decorations and other lifestyle content.

Awin is rich with several categories you can join. Click here to Sign up for Awin, you can also earn whooping $30 for referring Awin affiliate program. Sweet right.

Commission factory

Commission factory is another/ lifestyle affiliate marketing platform I highly recommend you join. You can promote brands like Lulus, Chow chow sang, banana republic, meshki etc.

I love this affiliate as it is perfect if you want to promote luxury , budget friendly or high-street brand. All you need to is to sign on commission factory and start promoting to earn income.

Other ways to earn while blogging is to join influencer marketing agencies like Intellifluence. This brand offer paid guest post or sponsored post that are within the range of $50-$100 payment. I have earned about $1000 from working with brands on Intellifluence. Imagine if I wanted to do more. Definitely click here to sign up for Intellifluence.

You can also sign up for pay per click adverts on your blog. I highly recommend joining AdSense. This is what I use. However, if you have more traffic i.e. 50,000 session per month, just sign up for media vine. The earnings here is way higher than AdSense.

Feel free to comment other ways you balance blogging while working a day job. Ciao.

8 thoughts on “How to balance blogging while working a full time job effortlessly”

  1. Balancing work and blogging isn’t easy at all especially if your day job is also demanding. One thing I’ve learnt to do is to draft my contents in advance. So I draft as many contents as possible and then edit on the date I want to publish. U also use part of my night for my blogging process.

  2. I also work at 9 to 5 job as well as be a blogger. It is totally it tough to manage a decent time schedule for both. I find a most productive in the mornings, around 4 am, so that’s when I get up. And usually by the end of my work day my brain is toast so I save it for the mornings and weekends. Thanks for sharing your insights on this!

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