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These Under rated luxury designer bags that are causing a buzz on the internet.

Growing up, Luxury designer handbags was all about the big names, Versace, Gucci, or Prada. However, since I started shopping luxury, I realized that there were others. Here is a round up list of under rated luxury designer bags that are making a buzz on the internet.

I have always been a lover of luxury especially the bags. Year in year out, I am here sniffing out the hottest bags. For this year, the new Birkin is the row Margaux. There were so many thoughts on this. But if you love the row Margaux but do not want to spend the price, check out this list of the row Margaux alternatives.

In as much as we excited about the Row Margaux or the latest designs of Hermes Birkin. So, keep your eyes peeled as this will be popular in 2025 among the IT girls. This bag is more like an inside out bag and you can wear it in any form. That is, it is reversable. Also, you can personalize your Birkin bag with a bag charm. New to bag charms, our post on bag charms and affordable options will get you started.

Many of us are familiar with bigger fashion houses. Their luxurious design, quality leather and fun structures like the Loewe puzzle bag. There are other under rated luxury designer bags that is making wave this year. Let me put you on, so you’d be ready.

Under rated luxury designer bags

One thing that is common with these under rated luxury designer bags is the approachable price point. Great quality leather that will last as well as luxury experience. Who doesn’t love luxury on a budget.

If you want to the latest luxury designer bags that have taken the internet by storm, you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive right in.

Song Mont Luna bag

This bag first caught my attention on YouTube. Song Mont is a luxury designer brand bag that are very affordable. They have several options of bag. However, their most popular handbag is Song Mont luna bag.

Normally I don’t like the moon shape bag as it currently out of style. So, it’s not surprising that I’d rather pass on it. However, this cute bag can be style 4 different ways like a whole new bag. That straps are detachable to create different looks each time.

Also, the bags are mostly in neutral colors. Therefore, you can wear this bag with almost anything in your closet. In terms of room, it is not that big. So, it is more of an evening bag or a going out bag. But for practically that is for work, it can only fit in your essentials.

So, if you don’t mind a shoulder bag for work, this bag is cute and perfect as a work bag.

Under rated luxury designer bags

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Polene Beri bag

Another budget friendly designer handbag the girls are crazy about is the Polene Beri Bag. This handbag is an alternative to the song mont luna handbag. The clasp looks alike but you can only wear this bag one way.

I love the size of this handbag. You can wear it as an evening bag or a casual handbag. You can only fit in your essentials into this bag e.g. lip gloss, perfume oil, lip stick, hand cream among others. 

Polene bag has quickly grown on the girlies as it is causing a buzz online. If you have not been shopping Polene bags, girl where have you been?

Budget friendly luxury desigenr bags

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Ferragamo hug bag

Another hot designer handbag that the ladies are going crazy for is the Ferragamo hug bag. This handbag is super cute and a great work bag. It is also a perfect alternative to the Row Margaux. In terms of structure and practicality. 

Ferragamo hug is great as a work bag, as a travel carry on bag and for travel. If you need a bag that is versatile and budget friendly, Ferragamo hug bag is your best bet. 

I also love Ferragamo heels. For me, if you need a go-to designer brand for your work capsule, check out Ferragamo.

Under rated luxury designer bags

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Coach Empire bag- Tanned

By now, you can tell that I love coach brand. Aside from Loewe, Coach is my favorite contemporary designer handbag brands to shop from. They have been releasing IT bags, back-to-back. 

The coach empire is one of such handbags that is TikTok viral but the most popular is the tanned version. That is the latest edition. Everybody and their mamas are fighting to get this handbag. If you can get your hands on this handbag, go ahead. 

Personally, I would prefer the untanned version because I prefer to stand out. So, I will go for brown, black or grey options.

Under rated luxury designer bags that are tiktok viral

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Polene Numero Neuf

Now you can say that I am a Polene ambassador. I love all their handbag designs. The Cyme bag for its practicality. However, my favorite is the Numero Neuf handbag.

I can say that if you need a budget friendly designer handbag to start, this is a great bag option. This Polene bag is making waves and becoming the favorite of all the girlies. So, yes, I would love to have this bag in my closet. I would prefer brown as it is one of my favorite options.

Luxury designer bags on a budget

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Toteme T-lock bag

Another under rated luxury designer handbag is the Toteme t-lock bag. Oh, how I love this bag. It is super cute. Toteme is another brand that is perfect if you’re a minimalist or you love quiet luxury.

I love the t-lock that keeps it place. Also, the slouchy structure that mimics the Loewe puzzle handbag. If you would love to love to get the Loewe puzzle bag, check my review. This bag is cute and a classic. However, if you want a designer handbag that is cheaper, go for the Toteme t-lock bag.

under rated luxury designer handbags

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Budget friendly designer dupes of these under rated luxury designer bags

I know you love luxury. So do I but we all know that you need to earn more to shop for luxury brands. Hence, I decided to share the best designer dupe options of these under rated luxury brands.

These options are from AliExpress. Don’t know much about AliExpress, read my post on AliExpress best and worst buys. I can tell you for free that AliExpress designer dupes or alternatives are as good as that on Amazon. Maybe even cheaper.


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Which of these under rated luxury designer handbags would you be getting? Do you have other underrated luxury designer handbags that should be on this list. Feel free to share your thoughts below. Ciao

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